Chapter 541

"Your Majesty, we have one more thing to report to you! My friend Ivankov is a cadre of our solidarity union responsible for purchasing coffee, sugar and other non-staple food in Latin America. I don't know why he was illegally detained by the intelligence agencies of the US government and was subjected to severe punishment to extort a confession. What's more, when Ivankov's workers were arrested, they were holding Vatican diplomatic passports. Ivankov escaped after the Guantanamo incident. Now both of us are wanted by the US government. I think we must be involved in some conspiracy! " Yuri said again.

"Why is there such a thing? Why don't I know?" When Paul II heard about it, he immediately looked at his diplomatic leader. The head of foreign affairs nodded to show that it was true. He didn't want to say that, but under the pressure of the Pope, he said that the Americans had contacted the Vatican and asked about Ivankov's real identity. The Vatican had considered secretly supporting Poland, and was afraid that the news would leak and lead to the Soviet Union's protest, so it didn't reply to the US side!

"Your holiness, Ivankov is our solidarity union's purchasing director abroad. He is responsible for purchasing coffee, cocoa, sugar and other non-staple food for the organization in Latin America. Although we polish workers are poor, it's not too much to drink coffee! For no reason, the intelligence agency of the US government arrested him at Guantanamo US military base, where Comrade Ivankov suffered humiliation and torture, so he did not betray our solidarity union! Later, the Guantanamo base was attacked. Another group of armed men did not know what the purpose was. They robbed Ivankov from the US Army and wanted to kill him. Thanks to God's blessing, comrade Ivankov escaped from the tiger's mouth with the help of the local well meaning fishermen. Even now, Ivankov often woke up in the middle of the night because he had received too much punishment! Your majesty, please make the decision for our workers Yuri said again. Another purpose of his coming to the holy see for help is to remove the U.S. arrest for Ivankov and himself. As for lebed's robbery of Ivankov, it can be attributed to a group of unkind armed elements. Don't Americans want to know the mysterious organization behind Ivankov. Let solidarity be the organization.

"It's too shameful to give us the Vatican face!" Paul II was deeply indignant at Ivankov's tragic experience. Ivankov has an Asian face and a pair of glasses with a plastic frame. He looks very honest. Most importantly, in order to cover the tattoos, Ivankov buttoned his shirt to the last button. Moreover, in order to show the misery of solidarity, Ivankov and Yuri specially wore suits and shirts with worn necklines and cuffs. As far as their present clothes are concerned, they are quite different from the image of gangsters.

"Who is the Anglican envoy in the United States? Let him send a letter of protest to the Secretary of state of the United States and ask him why he dares to treat our diplomats like this..." Pope Paul II is rarely so excited as he is today, mainly because Ivankov and Yuri are solidarity workers. Although he is already the head of a country, Paul II still regards himself as a polish. His attachment to his hometown makes him unable to stay away from the actions of the current Polish government. He hopes that Poland can get rid of the control of the Soviet Union and become a real sovereign state.

The foreign minister meticulously recorded the instructions of the Pope. He himself was also dissatisfied with the arrogance of the United States. Anyway, Ivankov was also a diplomat of the Vatican. It was up to his master to beat a dog! The United States is too indifferent to the Vatican.


A few days later, the U.S. State Department received a letter of protest from the Vatican ambassador, asking the U.S. government to explain the illegal detention and punishment of Ivankov, a Vatican diplomat. Then the pope had a two-hour phone call with the president of the United States.

On the phone, the Pope first blessed the United States and the president himself, and then talked about Ivankov.

"Dear president, Ivankov is an important cadre of Solidarity trade union of Poland. Solidarity trade union has been making unremitting efforts for the freedom of Polish people over the years. Ivankov was originally going to South America to buy coffee. For no reason, he was detained by your intelligence department. He was also subjected to torture in violation of basic human rights. Ivankov is our diplomat. How can you treat him like this! " Paul II questioned President Reagan over the phone.

President Reagan quickly replied, "Pope, I think you may not know something about Ivankov. Ivankov has connections with drug trafficking groups in Colombia, and there is a powerful organization behind him..."

"Mr. President, I think you must have been fooled by your intelligence personnel. Ivankov is an old member of the Solidarity Union and one of the most trusted subordinates of Vanessa. How could he get involved in drug trafficking? Moreover, Ivankov said that after the drug traffickers took him away, they had to kill him. He managed to escape from these bad guys!" The Pope excused Ivankov.

"This..." although President Reagan did not believe what the pope said, the other side was the head of a country and the agent of God, and the possibility of lying was very small. This is the credibility brought about by the status of the Pope. Who is more likely to lie between the CIA and the Vatican? President Reagan will have the answer with a little thought.

"Mr. President, besides Ivankov, I have another thing to ask you! I want to tell you that this matter has something to do with the Solidarity trade union. The reason why the grain was transported to the Soviet Union is that some people of the Soviet Union sympathized with the suffering of the Polish people and were willing to help them transport the grain to Poland. You should understand that all the ships berthing in Gdansk from the West are under the supervision of the Soviet Union. On the contrary, it is safer to transport them from the Soviet Union to Gdansk. I hope you can handle this matter in a low-key way, so that the Soviet government will not be aware of it. It is better to let solidarity continue, Mr. President, This is a just cause fighting for human freedom. Shouldn't the United States, as a defender of freedom, insist on it? "

President Reagan could not refute the Pope's words. Instead of immediately promising anything, he promised to seriously consider the Pope's proposal. However, in his heart, President Reagan is more inclined to believe that the Pope's remarks are true because the Vatican has a superior position and has no interest in this matter, so what he said is more credible. As for the CIA and other intelligence agencies, they will never be loyal to the president. On the contrary, "deep throat" has appeared among them.