Chapter 542

President Reagan was dissatisfied with the successive incidents during this period. The CIA took action without authorization to arrest the diplomats of the Holy See and offended God's most influential agent in the world without any reason. However, the attack on Guantanamo base by Colombian armed forces has turned a deaf ear. This time, the media broke out the food smuggling incident before the intelligence agency, which made President Reagan very passive. To tell you the truth, Reagan really wanted to help the Vatican because it was good for the Pope to owe him a favor. But now the initiative has been transferred to the opposition Republican Party and Congress. Under the political system of separation of powers, the president has nothing to do about it.

Yuri and Ivankov left Italy immediately after their meeting with the Pope, and they had to hide in Switzerland before things came to an end. Otherwise, it will be detained by the Italian government and extradited to the United States at any time. Just after Ivankov and Yuri left Italy, Boris, who was far away in the United States, accepted seryosa's new mission and flew from New York to Ankara, Turkey.

Boris had to travel all the way because the fraternity Africa Foundation claimed that it had a large amount of food in the storage and transportation center of the United Nations. The fraternity Africa Foundation claims that the food should have been transported to Ogaden Province, the most famine stricken area in Ethiopia, but because of the conflict between Somalia and Ethiopia, it can only stay in the United Nations Relief Agency storage and transportation warehouse in Mogadishu for a long time.

Boris is very aware of the statement of loving Africa. There are only a few small Golgi brothers who are responsible for watching warehouses in Africa. They have won a large warehouse in the United Nations Relief Agency, but the contents are all made up of generations of soil except for a small amount of food. We should deal with this matter before the New York Times knows it, otherwise it will be a big trouble to be exposed.

At this time, Chebyshev, who was abandoned by the Gorky brothers in Africa for more than a year, finally had something to do. Chebyshev was an undercover agent of the KGB balanikov who was involved in the Gorky brotherhood. At the beginning, they planned a prison break in the Soviet Union, which made Chebyshev win the trust of Hassan. Then Hassan sent Chebyshev to Yakov to work. At that time, Yakov was planning to use the friendship Africa foundation to carry out food smuggling, so he sent these new comers to the horn of Africa to serve as employees of the friendship Africa Foundation. Chebyshev didn't spend much time in the horn of Africa. They spent most of their time eating and drinking in Dubai and only went to Somalia when they had something to do. Chebyshev's rank in the Gorky brotherhood is not high, so he does not know that the high-level is engaged in food smuggling. Therefore, for more than a year, Chebyshev has little intelligence to report to his superior, baranikov.

However, the informant Chebyshev was not left idle by baranikov because he did not provide valuable information. Baharov has always wanted to know who the money laundering organization behind the Uzbek corruption case is, even though the case is over, But baranikov is still using all available means to support the only clue he has planted in the Gorky brotherhood.

"We have just received the notice from Italy that we should immediately return to Somalia and stand by at any time. Nikolay sent his confidant to Somalia, as if to plan a big event here!" Chebyshev reported to baranikov over the phone.

"Chebyshev, tell me the truth, how much food do you have in the United Nations?" Baranikov is already aware of the major food cases in the United States within the KGB, and Chebyshev once told baranikov that his public identity in Somalia is an employee of the friendship Africa Foundation. Based on the above two points, baranikov can basically judge that the fraternity Africa foundation is an empty shell of this organization for smuggling. According to the news from the United States, the grain was smuggled to the Soviet Union. The nail baranikov planted in the Gorky Brotherhood has finally brought him valuable clues.

"What grain is there? All the grain in the warehouse is sand!" Chebyshev replied on the phone.

After hearing Chebyshev's reply, baranikov finally had the bottom in his heart. He said to Chebyshev, "listen, boy, I'll go to Odessa right away. You should keep an eye on the high-level person who goes to Somalia and try to master his real identity. I'll talk about everything when I go back to Odessa!" Baranikov then hung up the phone. He ran out of the office and ran to the parking lot. Baranikov had to go home to clean up, and then he took the earliest plane to Odessa to investigate who picked up the goods there.


Boris' special plane first docked in Ankara, the capital of Turkey. He specially stayed for one day to meet with local Mafia leaders to discuss the Countermeasures for the food smuggling incident. Boris knew that the Turks had arms business with some armed groups in Somalia, so he hoped that the Turkish Mafia could act as a middleman and arrange a meeting for them.

"What can I do for you, boss Nikolay?" Abdel ketley, the leader of the Turkish Mafia, asked Boris.

"Nikolay said that things in the warehouse in Somalia can't be left. Let's find a way to solve this hidden danger!" Boris replied.

"When will it start?" Asked Abdel ketley.

"The sooner the better!" Said Boris.

In fact, the reason why Boris came here in such a hurry was that a new news came from the American farmers association. The investigation team of the US Congress will invite female journalist Zoe to Mogadishu to investigate the storage situation of the friendship Africa Foundation in the storage and transportation center of the United Nations Relief Agency. The U.S. Court also temporarily approved Zoe to leave the United States because of the application of the meeting. All of a sudden, the situation was bad for the Gorky brothers. Boris had to find a way to keep the secret in the warehouse.

"How can we help?" Ketley asked enthusiastically. During this period, ketley sold food with Nikolay and made a lot of money. So as long as he could keep the business, ketley was willing to do anything.

"Arrange a group of people to burn the warehouse of the United Nations relief agency before the American investigators arrive in Somalia!" Boris said.