Last night was too late to go to bed, Lancang is still in a heavy very broken face, there is no sign of awakening. It looks as if there's nothing else to do when you're sleeping except to turn over occasionally.

as like as two peas in the chair next to Lancang, Nie Jing Jing was not leaving.

If you can accompany a man all night like this, only Nie Jingjing can do it completely in a state of concentration.

In such a large room, the soft and dim light and the less dazzling sunlight coming in from the window mixed together, forming a rather wonderful scene.

At this moment, it seems that the two forces of less intense light and less gloomy darkness collide together. They interweave and seem to be looking for something hard to find.

It's been less than three hours since Lancang came back.

Early autumn morning, always show a kind of intriguing appearance.

In this morning of early autumn, it seems that it is always different from the morning of other seasons. When it comes to this time, the air is always mixed with dry heat and refreshing, which make up the season.

However, some people are used to coming to the outside world at this time and starting their day's work or various activities.

Unconsciously, it's another morning. Secretary Lin had been suffering last night, but it was not the feeling of wailing, but the sound of crying.

No one knows why secretary Lin burst into tears like this, just as she did not know why Lancang suddenly began to drink wine when she had dinner with herself yesterday.

You don't know why I do that, and I don't know why you have the impulse and motivation to do that.

People don't know each other's thoughts, can't guess, and don't want to think about the reason.

Secretary Lin put her wine cup on the table in front of her. It seemed that her face full of tears still contained a trace of fatigue.

I didn't sleep all night. Although I used the reason of no sleepiness to cover up the endless loneliness, I was still tired.

Secretary Lin turned his head and took a look out of the window. At this time, the sun was already dazzling, and it happened that the dazzling sun was shining directly into her eyes.

The sun seemed to melt the tears in secretary Lin's eyes. She quickly took her eyes back. She got up from the sofa and was ready to go to sleep in her room.

Downstairs, the people have started their day's work, in the morning, they are not tired, some just follow the master's order, get up on time, according to the schedule to complete their tasks.

They seem to be machines without thoughts, but they are different from traditional machines. Occasionally, they will have a rest between work and talk to each other.

Most of the conversations are about the weather today and the things they experienced yesterday. From a distance, it makes people feel that what they are talking about is nothing new.

Several employees are sitting by the garden steps, preparing the tools for today's work. Looking up from their heads, Lancang and Nie Jingjing are talking slowly on the second floor.

"Are you better?" It sounds like Nie Jingjing's voice.

"I'm better after a sleep." Lancang on the other side responds to her cousin with a languid tone.

"How did you drink like this last night, Lancang?" Nie Jingjing's tone is full of doubts about Lancang's drunkenness last night, and a little angry.


suddenly, the atmosphere in the whole room became as dull and awkward as the motionless clouds in the sky outside the window. The awkward part is obviously more than the dull part.

Sitting on the bed, Lancang lifted the quilt and stepped out of bed, revealing the trend of breaking away from the embarrassing atmosphere that he did not adapt to.

Nie Jingjing didn't look up at Lancang. She knew in her heart that if Lancang didn't want to tell her something, she would have no chance.

Lancang's clothes were the same as those of last night. He didn't change them, but now he doesn't seem to realize it.

The discomfort caused by alcohol has been almost eliminated, but like the floor that has not been cleaned, there is always something that will make you feel uncomfortable.

The sound of the slightly decadent slippers colliding with the floor came slowly from Nie Jingjing's back towards her. Gradually, the sound became very weak, and even in a short time, it could not be heard.

Nie Jingjing knows that Lancang has returned to his room. There was no other look in her eyes, but she just looked at the messy quilt on her bed.

Lancang has a bad habit of sleeping, which is incompatible with his overall good sleep state. Sometimes it can't even highlight his advantage of being meticulous in all aspects of life.He didn't like to clean up his bed after waking up. He has been following Lancang for nearly 30 years. For him, he didn't know when this habit came into being.

But Nie Jingjing won't care about this. Now she knows that Lancang's body has been better after a sleep, so she doesn't worry any more.

"If you are willing to treat me with incomparable indifference, I am willing to."

For a long time, there was no human voice in the whole room, which should not appear in such a slightly embarrassing atmosphere.

In another room, Lancang is standing in the bathroom of his room. Last night, the dinner was his last drunkenness for nearly a year.

This sudden drinking makes him, who has been through a lot of complicated work all day, feel a little unbearable.

Almost one night's sleep obviously can't make Lancang recover to the level of being able to start working again. Now he needs to take a rest.

Looking at himself in the mirror, Lancang found that there were many wrinkles on the man's face, which made him feel that he was "tortured" by the years and could not control the change of his body.

"When on earth did I get so old?"

Lancang slowly stretched out his hand, want to touch his "injured" face, originally, such a handsome face, if not so many wrinkles added to it, it would be a very wonderful thing.

He saw that the wrinkles on the face, forehead and eyes in the mirror were a little dense. Take a closer look, there are more wrinkles on the forehead than on the corners of the eyes, and they are more dense.

From what time, people began to enter the state of aging. Does it have anything to do with people's age, or is it that overwork day and night makes people's body worse day by day?

Lancang, who is about to be 30 years old, doesn't feel that his body should be eroded by time. He has a strong nature and will never believe the truth told by those old people.

Lancang gently stroked the wrinkles on his face with his slender fingers, which were like the irony of years. He did not show any surprise at the change of his body.

The bedroom and living room in secretary Lin's residence are connected together. There is a nearly transparent and not high cabinet in the middle, which is very large.