This cabinet is used by secretary Lin to put shoes. She is a shoe controller. She has a deeper understanding of all kinds of shoes

What's more, Lancang brought her to his Fang Group. In the future, he showed great care to his secretary. Coupled with her diligence, ability and intelligence, her position was very stable

secretary Lin doesn't have much desire for luxury houses and big houses

her parents died early, and she has no relatives in the city. What's more, she has been single for many years. Secretary Lin thinks that the present conditions are enough

although the apartment is not very big, it is more than enough to invite friends or colleagues to party at home

apart from the bedrooms and living rooms on the first floor, there is a small party space on the second floor. In addition, near the window, there is a small bookshelf

it is often said that every single woman has a heroine in a romance novel in her heart, and they have the illusion of becoming such a person. Usually, secretary Lin would sit here alone and read quietly in his spare time

such a place is easy to clean and does not appear crowded. There is a place where one can be alone, and there is also a place where one can accept the hearts of others

often, when secretary Lin sits in front of the bookshelf on the second floor and reads those love stories with strong attraction, she always has a wonderful longing for love in her heart

"will there be someone who really loves me and I really love him around me? If so, can he and I be together, and will we be happy together? "

Why are you reluctant to take that step? Is it because of your resistance to love

lying in such a big bed, secretary Lin is thinking about what her future will be like with her vague thoughts

gradually, the brain can no longer be controlled by itself. Soon, the feeling of tiredness completely occupied the whole brain, and there was no room for me to think

the sun is like a curious spirit, spreading along the pleasant floor all the way to where you can reach in the room

after a while, Nie Jingjing, who was still sitting on the chair beside her bed, seemed to feel a little glare of sunlight

as you can see, Nie Jingjing is just like a sculpture that can't move. She is in that place, not a little angry

just imagine, if something outside can disturb this female statue at this time, will she change a little

compared with this room, the next door is also very quiet, but in this room, Lancang is standing alone in the bathroom and hasn't come out for a long time

at this moment, two lonely hearts seem to be in the same situation

the door of Lancang's room was not closed, so he didn't want to lock it

for him, his old face, just like the door that has not been closed, has existed for many years, but no one cares

is it that love has gradually disappeared, or is it that the love that is close to a lover has transformed into a simple sister's love for her brother

for nine years, maybe for Nie Jingjing, she is really tired of this kind of life

the best youth is given to a man who can't be with him. If he is another woman, he may have given up and left this place that makes him feel very sad<

time is always so fast, unconsciously, it has been nine years.Those who used to feel very happy things, now still feel nostalgic?

Lancang, who is in the bathroom, turns around and walks out slowly. He should have realized that his physical aging is doomed, but he didn't expect that this kind of change should come so fast.

The extremely complicated work and long stay up make Lancang's body in a state of high tension for a long time. He remembers that his personal doctor's diagnosis last year foreshadowed this.

However, there are still many things to be busy. Where can I have so much time to pay attention to my body?

Lancang believes that the wrinkles on her face should only last for a short period of time, and then gradually dissipate.

However, there is one of the most important reasons for Lancang to endlessly fall into crazy work and career in the past nine years.

Lancang did not create this willingness alone, and the "culprit" was not Lancang. Nie Jingjing was the real leader of the "drama" that year.

Once Lancang knows the truth, will he treat his cousin with the same attitude as before?

At that time, it is impossible to know whether he will feel extremely angry for his ignorance from the beginning to the present, and then make some unreasonable or even extreme actions.

"I always feel that there is something missing in my life."

It is often said that a person can not live without love. It is an indispensable thing in everyone's life. When you meet love, the pace of life will slow down and your heart will be moistened.

All kinds of good, in the harvest of love, will become indescribable, it is a wonderful inexplicable feeling.

In my mind, I once deeply remember how the woman's face was, her every smile, every move, even can't let myself forget.