Chapter 135 - Secret Plans

"What kind of party do you want?" Lina asked while lazily twirling a strand of her hair.

Stacy glimpsed at Wayne and was waiting for his signal on how to reply to Lina's question.

'How should I say that this party is not for me in the first place!' She glared at Wayne when he did not step forward to help her out.

"What would your choice be if this party was for you?" Wade jumped in to rescue his little sister.

'But the party isn't for me. It's for Stacy so why should I decide?' 

Lina thought that his question was a little weird but then answered him anyway.

"Loud music, great food, a large venue and lots of alcohol!" She was satisfied with what she had thought of at such short notice.

'How should we tell her that this isn't just a party for our friends and  family but for the entire high society?' Wayne scratched his head and tried to think of some way to let her know what was going on but without revealing the entire truth.

Seeing the kids in a dilemma, their Uncle Ace became the bigger man and stepped in.

"Nana, many other families will be attending this party to meet Stacy. Some people from her father's businesses will also be present so it needs to be more formal than a casual event." He patiently explained.

'This party just got boring. I'll have to stay hidden in some corner if so many people will be attending.' She was already making plans to avoid everyone's eyes.

"Oh… Then I am of no use in that situation. You might as well just call an event planner to do it for you." Lina got lazy and suggested the easy way out.

'Wade is a bad influence on her.' Ace sighed and accepted her suggestion.

Lina and the kids then went ahead to their own rooms, while Ace and Pat sat in the same place on the couch.

"Don't you think we should inform her about the real reason why we are organizing this event?" Pat poked Ace's arm and asked with his lips pouted.

"You want her to flee when she realizes that we are doing all this to introduce her to high society?" Ace scoffed at him.

This was the reason why Wayne had suggested that they lie about why they were holding the party. Using Stacy as a shield was a much better option than letting Lina know the truth.

Lina hated it when she was put in situations where everyone's attention was on her. So it was highly likely that she would either escape or never show up if she knew who the party was really for.

"But she will be pissed when she knows that we kept her in the dark all along!" Pat was still apprehensive about not letting her know about this.

"Pat" Ace called out to him.

"Hmm" Pat turned to face him and he blushed when he saw the sultry look in his Wally's eyes.

"Remember that thing I never let you do to me?" He spoke in a raspy voice which was turning Pat on.

He could just nod while Ace leaned forward to kiss his neck and gave him light hickeys as he moved down towards his chest.

He then looked up into Pat's golden eyes and spoke each word with a seductive look in his eyes.

"I'll let you do it to me tonight if you keep your mouth shut until the weekend." Ace knew how to subdue his man without him even knowing it.

His plan was successful and Pat contemplated over this tempting offer before he resolutely agreed to keep it a secret.

"Now let's go!" Pat did not waste time and he dragged Ace to their room before he could say anything else.

'Sorry, Nana. Uncle tried but Wally's offer was just too tempting to reject.' He apologized in his heart as he rushed to get Ace on his bed.

"I hope you don't regret seducing me because I won't let you off so easily!" He growled as he began stripping as quickly as he could.

Within seconds his clothes were thrown on the floor and he hungrily stared at the beauty on his bed.

'The things I do for my family.' Ace smiled and took his shirt off and handed the bottle of lube to Pat. 

"Be gentle, Pat." He warned him before they could get started.

Soon loud grunting noises and sensual moans were heard from their bedroom but it was a good thing that the kids were all far away.


Inside Wayne's room, the twins were on a video call with someone who was far away.

"Aunt, we somehow managed to lie that it's just a farewell party for Stacy but what will we do when she comes to know that we were fooling her all along?" Wade bit his nails and questioned the woman on the screen.

"Oh please! She's my daughter, I can easily handle her when that happens. You don't have to worry about it." Diane smirked and winked at them.

"Aunt Di, you're the best!" Wayne blew kisses towards her.

"Your plan of killing two birds with one stone was absolutely genius!" He gave her a thumbs up.

He smirked when he recalled the plan that they had discussed a few days back.

"I know. I'm just sad that we cannot make it in time to watch our baby debut in high society." She looked sad that she was going to miss such a major event in Lina's life.

'She's a little too old to make her debut but when has my Nana ever done anything properly?' Diane, the typical mom nagged about her daughter's usual tardy behavior.

Diane and Simon wanted to fly down for the weekend but it was not going to be feasible.

There was nothing they could do as their company was having certain troubles right now that needed to be dealt with as soon as possible.

The one person who hated this situation the most was Simon Yang, who had been pouting and sulking non-stop from when they had made this secret plan.

"Remind Pat to read the exact words that I have sent when he meets the media tomorrow." Diane's eyes glinted with an evil flash as she said those words.

"Yes, Aunt. I'll send you the footage of the press meet later." Wayne promised and then hung up.

The twins looked at each other and wondered what will happen to them in the future.

"I just hope we are safe after everything is revealed to Lina." Wade shuddered just by thinking of this possibility.

"Me too baby brother, me too." Wayne patted his back and then ruthlessly kicked him out of his room.

There was a lot of confusion going on with these secret plans that they were executing.

Because according to the outsiders, Pat was most probably going to announce Mandy's identity as his heir.

But according to Lina, they were just having a slightly formal farewell party for Stacy.

Whereas in reality, it was a party to introduce Lina to the high society so that she might take her rightful place as the heiress of the Yang clan.

Diane had warned them to make sure that Lina doesn't know about this until the last minute because if she knew about it then there was no way that she would agree to this arrangement.

Now how long they could keep it a secret from her depending on their capabilities.

That night everyone went to bed with different thoughts in their minds.

Diane was happy that her daughter would be taking a big step in her life, albeit unknowingly.

Simon Yang was brooding that his company had to have such stupid problems right when his baby girl was going to debut into society.

He wanted to personally escort her on that day but it seemed like his dreams wouldn't come true.

Pat and Ace were not going to be sleeping any time soon and their thoughts were filled with completely different stuff.

Wade feared for his life and what he would do when Lina realizes she was punked.

Stacy's thoughts were filled with Aya and how she should spend the next day with her.

Wayne was worried about a whole different issue, that certain truths would unfold soon.

Lina was soundly sleeping without a care in the world while she made so many have a sleepless night because of her.

The last was Reuben, or now called Lina's Ruby. 

He spent the moments before he fell asleep staring at his phone.

'Should I send it or not?' He was in two minds for a very long time.

Finally gathering his courage, he hit the send button and sighed when he received the message delivered notification.

"Good night, kitten." He whispered and closed his eyes.

At the same time, Lina's phone on her bedside table vibrated but she did not notice it because she was too far off in her dreamland.