Chapter 136 - Grinch!

The next morning when Lina woke up, she found the message that 'Ruby' had sent.

'I don't understand why he keeps calling me a kitten but I'm gonna be generous and let it slide.' She pardoned his offenses because she was in a benevolent mood today.

*Have a great day, Ruby!* 

She attached a cute gif of a cartoon kitten blowing kisses.

She then got dressed and reached Obsidia with Benji and Derek as usual.

People had gotten used to seeing Benji with her and they now knew that he was her personal assistant.

As soon as they arrived, Stuart called them to his office to discuss something.

"We will be going to inspect our store in Phoenix Mall today. We leave in half an hour, so be prepared." He ordered her and then sent her back.

She immediately asked Benji to fetch her the files about the sales of the store and saw what might be needed to improve it.

The sales were up and the goodwill towards the customers was also high. Therefore there was not much to do for now.

After half an hour, Stuart gave her a call and the three were on their way to Phoenix.

When they reached Phoenix Mall, Lina was the perfect tour guide for Benji as she explained why this place was so sought after.

"Did you know that this place belongs to that friend of yours?" He rolled his eyes because he was sure that he knew more about Reuben than she did.

Lina's wide-opened eyes and mouth were proof that she had no clue about this.

"This place belongs to Ruby?" Lina questioned incredulously and Benji answered with a nod.

'Is she really going to stick to that ridiculous name?' He rolled his eyes when he heard how she addressed the infamous Reuben Ming.

'Ruby is awesome! The guy owns such a big mall!' She was proud of having such a powerful friend.

"Stop gossiping and walk faster!" Stuart Bai yelled at them when he noticed that they were whispering among themselves instead of moving forward.

"Grinch!" Lina stuck her tongue out when he turned his back towards her.

Benji stifled his laughter and they quickly followed after him.

When they reached Obsidia's stores, it was surprisingly empty today.

This was completely unexpected because they were sure that the auction must have increased the sales of their jewelry but the reality was quite the opposite.

Lina saw the same old manager she had met when she came with Wade the last time.

Stuart walked up to him and asked what the reason was for the store being so deserted today.

"Director Bai, it isn't just our store. The entire mall has been empty today." He corrected them.

Apparently, something important was happening and most of the people were busy with that issue.

'What might be so important that people stopped shopping? Is the President coming to the city?' She rolled her eyes at the manager.

They had spent half an hour reaching this place and now they were supposed to go back empty-handed.

Not wanting to have wasted her time in making this journey, she asked Stuart Bai to tag along as she did some impromptu shopping.

"Typical rich kid." Stuart scoffed at her but he did not reject her offer.

Stuart had informed Wade that he would take Lina along for an inspection and then bring her back before lunch. 

They still had a lot of time before lunch break so he did not mind accompanying her to pass his time.

"Oh come on, first let's have something delicious to fuel our bodies." She dragged them to the same cafe that she had visited with Wade.

"The macarons here are amazing!" She exclaimed and ordered for everyone.

Taking her phone out, she clicked pictures of the colorful desert and posted it on her family group and on her moments.

*This just made my day extra sweet!* She added a corny tagline to it and hit send.

She then put her phone away and started scarfing down her macarons and washed it down with a vanilla milkshake.

'I should get her tested for diabetes. Look at the amount of sugar she consumes in a day!' Benji made an appointment with the Yang family doctor as he watched Lina gobble them.

After eating, the three roamed around the mall and when she saw something attractive in a store, she dragged them inside.

"Look! Director Bai, this would look great on us!" She handed him a matching black leather jacket and forced him to try it on.

Standing in front of the mirror, one tall lady and one slightly shorter man stood wearing the same model of the jacket.

Their formal clothes clashed with the gangster looking jackets but it made them look badass.

"Let's get it!" She quickly asked the attendant to pack it up for her.

Looking at the number of bags that her poor assistant was carrying, Stuart shook his head.

"Your dad spoils you without restraints, doesn't he?" He clicked his tongue in disdain.

Lina was confused as to why he would say such a thing and she gaped at him for answers.

"What? Daddy just fills up your credit cards so little missy doesn't know the value of money. Simon Yang has lost his touch." He recalled the man who made people tremble but couldn't connect him with the doting dad that he had now become.

"Master does not pay for my boss' expenses! She bought everything with her own money!" Benji defended Lina before she could reply to his insults.

Stuart was shocked to hear this and he looked at Lina suspiciously.

'Then how is she buying such expensive clothes without a care in the world?' His thoughts were written all over his face.

"Stocks, Director Bai. I own stocks in some places." She explained and saw the look of understanding flash in his eye.

'Of course! That man is a business genius, he must have bought some in her name.' He assumed.

'Also, I own the very company that you work for. But let's not tell you that in case you faint here.' She giggled and turned away.

She knew that Stuart just thought of her as some rich man's daughter who had talent in marketing, so she did not want to change his thinking. At least not at this moment.

As they walked towards the next store, she suddenly remembered something and turned to face Stuart once again.

"You seem to know daddy from a long time back so can you tell me what kind of person he was?" She asked curiously because all the stories she had heard about him were from her mom.

She wanted to know how he was before he met her.

"Oh… If I have to describe him in one word, then it would be…" He paused and thought of the perfect word that would match Simon's personality.

"A terrifying genius with an evil sadistic mind who always did what he wanted." He excitedly exclaimed.

"That is not one word, Director Bai." Lina deadpanned.

'Was daddy like the evil CEOs in his young days? The same daddy who cries when I hang up his calls? I can't picture that big old softy being mean to anyone!' She was doubtful when she heard how Stuart had described him.

Simon Yang was the perfect example of love changing people for the better. The insane workaholic big boss fell head over heels when he met the woman of his dreams.

He overbearingly chased after Diane Luo and after putting in a lot of effort and time, he finally succeeded in changing her name to Diane Yang. 

The perfect testimony to the entire world that she was now a part of his family and the sole owner of his heart.

'I want a love like that!' She thought of the stories of him chasing her mom trying to persuade her.

Her mom always called him a hound because he never let her go after he caught her scent.

Seeing Lina grinning like an idiot, Stuart snapped his fingers before her eyes to break her out of her trance.

When Lina awoke from her daze, she heard a voice call out to her but it wasn't of the two men who were with her right now.


She turned around when she heard the familiar voice of the man that she had been meeting regularly for the past few days.

"Ruby?" She smiled widely when she saw him standing before her.

"Hey, Matt!" She waved at Mathew who happily went to talk to Benji after greeting her.

Reuben was wearing a black suit with a bright red tie along with his signature white diamond cufflinks.

His cologne which reminded Lina of the fresh ocean breeze wafted to her nose as he stepped closer to her.

When she was within his hand's reach, he extended his hand and gently rubbed her head.

'Is this guy really treating me like some cat?' Lina mocked him inwardly but the soft caresses on her head gave her a serene feeling which she was liking a lot.

'Hmm… This is nice, I could get used to it.' She smiled subconsciously.

Seeing the pleased smile on her face, Reuben chuckled in a low voice.

"Such a coincidence seeing you here." He spoke after retracting his hand from her head.