Chapter 264 - Three And A Half

'Interesting…' Lina remarked as she discovered the strange expression that had appeared on Maxene's face.

The changes in her expression lasted for a split second and if Lina hadn't been glaring at the woman then she might have also missed that subtle change.

"Answer me, Miss Kang. What work did you have that needed Lina's assistance?" Stuart Bai repeated his question once again.

He had now given up all hopes of trying to change her mind about this company that he had devoted his last two years to.

'I tried to make her realize that her dream of working at Talia's is nothing but a pipe dream but she doesn't appreciate that.' He recalled his previous conversation with her.

When he had asked her whether she would like to renew the contract they had, she had straightaway refused it and had announced that she would try to apply at Talia's once again.

The deadline for her contract was approaching and she was already acting out as she knew that she could not stay here any longer.

However, what Stuart Bai was oblivious about was that Maxene had done everything on the instructions of Valerie Zheng.

The promise of a job at her dream company could not be compared to this measly job she had joined to further her contacts.

When he was lost in his thoughts about the stellar recommendation letter that he had typed up and kept ready for her in his office, he heard her speaking up.

"I needed Lina's help for some matters regarding the store on the 3rd street." Maxene confessed why she had gone out to look for Lina.

Hearing these words, Lina, Benji, and Stuart frowned and stared at her unblinkingly.

"You have no dealings with this store so mind explaining why you were looking for Lina?" Stuart replied as a stern expression took root on his face.

This was the store that they had been working on to promote the sales since it was facing some problems in the past few weeks.

The only person in charge of this store was Stuart Bai himself so he could not wrap his mind around the explanation that she had so confidently given.

"I am handling that store and there was no need for you to seek Lina out for that." He revealed this information that made the people restless.

They began murmuring once again as they alternated their gazes between the man and the woman who were in a face-off at the moment.

Of course, Maxene knew about this as she had seen this file on Stuart's table when she had gone to speak about the termination of her contract.

'Wasn't that file meant for Lina?' She was stunned when she heard that Stuart had chosen to look after the store on his own devices.

"So Miss Lina was being framed from the get-go because it looked like Maxene had no real purpose to approach her."

"Haven't you seen Maxene avoid Lina like the plague? Why else would she seek her out if not with bad intentions?"

"Who would have thought that we would get to witness such an interesting exposé in our break time!?"

The employees were whispering among themselves but the otherwise silent area made their words to be clear in everyone's ears.

"What is going on here?" A loud voice shifted their attention from the women at the center towards the elevator.

Stepping out from the elevator were two men and a woman who meekly followed after them with her head held low.

This man's entrance gained gasps as the crowd stepped away to let him inside this circle that they had created around the main characters of today's drama.

Wade Luo, the VP of Obsidia strode his way towards Lina and stood next to her.

"VP Luo…" Maxene began as she tried to curry favor with this man since the final decision would be his.

Wade shot her a simple glance and averted his eyes as he focused his gaze on Stuart.

"Director Bai, this past week… Have you given Lina any tasks to complete?" He questioned, not bothered about the confused eyes that were watching him.

'Of course, I do. I'm not that old to forget about something that I had done!' He scowled at this young man's query.

Stuart Bai knew what he had done in the past and gave a nod in answer.

"Yes, I did. Three project reports about the new flagship stores." He put into words about the work he had assigned her.

Lina and Benji nodded in acknowledgment as they had worked on those reports diligently.

"And?" Wade polled while scanning the room to make sure that everyone was paying attention to what was going on here.

'They better remember these words properly! If I was in Nana's place then I would have fired these ungrateful people who only know how to talk!' He glared while huffing in annoyance.

Now that this question was posed, Director Bai looked at Lina and nodded.

"She completed the work before time and did a great job." He revealed causing the people to frown.

If the news that Lina was a slacker and did not take her job seriously then how could she have managed to get praised by this grumpy man who was stingy with his words of praise?

Wade smiled since he knew that his sister was lazy but she did not compromise with the quality of her work.

"Assistant Jiu, you know everything that occurs in this office, right?" He inquired as he turned in Leon's direction.

'Is he mad at me for trying to snoop around?' Leon panicked when his name was brought into the mix.

Since this part was unscripted, Leon was skeptical while he nodded to agree with the VP's words.

"Mind telling everyone how many days did Lina spend in the office this week?" He investigated the reason for today's drama.

After taking a moment to understand what Wade was trying to do, Leon calculated the total amount of time that Lina had been present in this office.

"Three and a half days." He disclosed the result of his calculations.

"So this means that those reports were so easy that she completed her work in those three days and spent the rest of her time at home?" Wade rubbed his chin as he muttered to himself.

'Easy!? Easy my foot!' Lina growled when she heard what Wade had to say in response.