Chapter 377 - His Way Of Teaching

After Henri Zheng warned his daughter to not go overboard, he turned towards his trusted employee, Director Peter Wang.

"Wang, explain the important details to her but keep in mind that you are still the one in charge of this project." He commanded as he rose from the couch.

Henri knew that he could trust Peter but the only fault in him was that he was timid and would bow down easily when threatened.

'Something which this girl does quite often.' He glanced at his daughter as he thought of her misdeeds in the past.

Talia bowed her head under his gaze to avoid his scrutinizing gaze.

She was not about to start a fight with her father after she had just managed to get him on her side.

'That nerd can do all the work. All I want is a chance to meet Brother Reuben in a closed space.' She smirked as her eyes glinted in victory.

The only reason why she had bothered to meet Peter Wang was her desire to learn something about the project collaboration.

'This way, I can have a meaningful conversation with him without making it look like I am disturbing them by tagging along for the future meetings.' She had everything planned for the future.

"Dad, you have to ask Director Wang to take me along for the next meetings!" She implored after raising her head which had been lowered until now.

Hearing his name being called again, Peter glanced at the woman who was making it sound as though he had not included her on purpose.

"Sir, Miss is…" 'accusing me!' He swallowed the last words as there was no way that he could ever say that.

Henri Zheng was well aware of the incident that had taken place when Peter had gone over to Ming Enterprises to sign the contract for the collaboration.

"Who are you trying to fool, Talia?" He scoffed at her for trying to deceive him.

This statement made her widen her eyes as she gulped in fear of her father.

The man did not hold back when he was annoyed and would often give her an earful which she had learned to fear over the years.

Henri was never one to dig up old graves just to put his children down but when he was reminded of the stupid actions she did in the past he would always try to teach her the right thing to do.

However, his way of teaching was to scold her in the harshest of ways.

Especially if the matter in question was something related to this company that had been in their family for generations.

"You were given the time and place for the signing and you still managed to be late on that day!" He scoffed at her tardy behavior.

'If Peter hadn't told me then this child would never breathe a word about this.' He shook his head at her in disappointment.

"But daddy…" She whined in retaliation but his glare shut her down in an instant.

"Learn well, follow Director Wang's instructions, and DO NOT CAUSE TROUBLE!" He raised his voice at the last part of his statement.

This resulted in Talia biting her lip in grievance as she nodded her head, not wanting to earn his ire any longer.

Henri was satisfied with her response after which he turned towards his subordinate who was focusing on the file on his desk.

"Wang, let me know if she causes any trouble to you, our project, or the other company." He reminded the director who jumped up to his feet and bowed in acceptance of the orders.

Having said his piece here, Henri decided to get back to his work as Ming Enterprises was not the only company they were trying to rope in to form a collaboration with.

Talia watched her father leave after he had accomplished his task of warning her thoroughly which left her and the sweating director alone in the room.

'Why did Sir not take her away!?' Peter lamented as he tried his best to form a smile when he noticed her staring at him.

The woman rolled her eyes at him and went back to reading the files which held all the details regarding the collaboration between the two companies.

'Thank you, O Great Lady!' Peter exclaimed in his heart as he too went back to the work piled up on his desk.

The next couple of hours were spent in silence and only when Talia needed Peter's help did she remember that he was present in the room.

Lunchtime came when Talia had completed reading the documents that this Director had after which she decided to leave his office room.

A loud sigh was heard the moment the door was shut, proving that she had finally made her exit from his workspace.


Instead of heading back home as she should have, Talia Zheng got into her car and headed for the nearest restaurant to fill her stomach which was close to growling due to her immense hunger.

It did not take much longer for Talia to enter the establishment which garnered her much attention thanks to her well-known reputation as the Queen of socialites in the city.

The staff at the restaurant were all familiar with the Zheng sisters as they were frequent patrons who enjoyed their service.

Hence, it was not a problem for Talia to not only gain entrance in this busy place but she was also guided to the best private room.

Once inside, she gave her order for her meal and then waited until the waiter had left the room.

"Let's check up on the progress." She decided when she was sure that she was alone in this private room.

Her phone was pulled out and after a few taps, there were sounds of the ringing of the phone heard in the room.

However, even after waiting for a long time, no one answered the call which was causing Talia to get frustrated.

For someone who hated to be at someone else's mercy, she was infuriated enough to smash her phone into pieces but decided to calm herself.

"Let's just give it a couple of minutes before I act again." She muttered and tossed the phone on the table.