In short, he wrote a recipe in front of the table. He was reading and helping to sort out the records.

Then the recorded recipes will be sorted out and passed to the president of the Food Association.

In short, he taught himself the course of mecha manufacturing. He acted as a teacher nearby, gave her make-up lessons and assigned her homework.

If you finish well, you will be rewarded, but if you don't finish well, you will be punished.

In short, she refused at first, but she couldn't bear the man's thick skin. She had to do everything to achieve her goal. In the end, she had to pretend to compromise helplessly.

Turn around, but the corner of your mouth can't help rising.

No matter how mature a man is, there is a little boy in his heart, naive and lovely.

Without involving ethics and against her own will, she is willing to maintain his childishness and loveliness.

Husband and wife, pet protection can last long.

In addition to sleeping and cooking time, the rest of the time was allocated in brief. They were performing daily activities in strict accordance with the work and rest allocation table.

In the afternoon, it is time to learn about divine culture.

Lu Jinxiu couldn't understand the tadpole characters of divine civilization,

But he was not idle, but went into the gravity chamber to exercise his physical and mental strength.

The method comes from the physical training and spiritual training methods obtained by Jian Yan from Tongzi. In order to facilitate his study, she translated them into two booklets translated into Chinese characters and gave them to him the day after receiving his marriage certificate for practice.

As for whether Lu Jin found that the cultivation method in the two booklets was a good thing to hand in after practice, she didn't care. It was up to him to decide.

Lu Jinxiu's potential value was better than that in brief. After practicing for a few days, he found that his strength had improved.

The best time for the imperial people to awaken their genetic potential is in the first 30 years. As for which stage they can reach before adulthood, it depends on their own efforts.

However, after the age of 30, a person's ability is basically fixed.

Even if it can be improved in the later stage, the speed will be very slow.

His strength has not been moved. The last level promotion of spiritual sea area was on G57 because of the food in short.

This time···

His mental and physical level have been improved.

Looking at the data displayed on the tester, Lu Jinxiu picked up the towel hanging on the shelf, wiped the sweat on his face, and stepped out of the gravity chamber barefoot.

As soon as he went out, he smelled a fragrance.

It's a sweet and gentle taste that makes people salivate.

Smelling the smell, he swallowed his saliva. The idea of going back to the bedroom to take a bath disappeared in an instant, and he turned and went to the kitchen.

"Wife, what did you do to eat?"

A pair of big hands were buckled around her waist, and someone hung behind her like a koala, smelling of sweat.

That's all. He put his chin on her shoulder, kissed her, and sprayed all his hot breath on his face.

In short, he rubbed his face and said in a warm voice, "you like it. Hurry to take a bath to eat. I don't want to be affected by the smell of sweat when eating."

"Dislike me?" Lu Jinxiu smiled and bit her earlobe to grind her teeth.


In short, he didn't feel guilty at all. "It's disgusting. If you don't take a bath again, you won't have your share of dinner."

Lu Jinxiu made a sound and muttered, "I don't believe it."

With disbelief in his mouth, his feet left like self-conscious and went back to the bedroom.

Jane smiled and continued to meet.

Today's dinner is hot pot and Chinese pastry Begonia crisp.