Lu Jinxiu has a lot of exercise and is hungry quickly. He has to make more for him to save. He can eat whenever he is hungry.

The practice of crabapple crisp is not difficult. The main ingredients are water and oil skin, pastry and stuffing.

But if you want to do well, you need technology.

In short, he is better at Chinese pastries than Western desserts.

After all, one has been doing it since childhood, and the other has grown up.

Moreover, compared with Western desserts, traditional Chinese cakes are her favorite.

The craft is practiced at an early age. It's difficult to do it well.

The reconciled water and oil skin wrapped the pastry. The small rolling pin seemed to be alive in her hand. Roll the oil skin flat, fold it, roll it into a large round skin, and then fold it. She took out the dosage one by one.

After rolling into a round skin, these preparations are wrapped with fresh bean paste stuffing, bamboo shoot stuffing, spicy pickle stuffing and so on.

Then hold the oil skin and pull it into a flower shape.

The key point of crabapple cake is to put it in the oil pan. Whether it is done well depends mainly on this step.

Most pastries will use the method of sprinkling oil when making Begonia pastry. First, it is convenient, fast and time-saving. Second, it is easy to control the temperature and time, so as to avoid the situation that the temperature is too high or the time is too long and fried in the oil pan.

However, although this method is easy to control, the fried Begonia crisp is not directly put into the pot because of the crisp effect. The fried Begonia is crisp and delicious, and the taste is really not good.

When you meet that kind of oil drenching, you are careless in dealing with the crabapple crisp made by the pastry maker in the past. The taste is unspeakable.

In short, I once ate the whole Begonia crisp. The taste of the whole Begonia is similar to that of dead noodles. If it is not crisp and fragrant, it tastes like chewing cotton.

That store was still a time-honored brand. Later, because the cakes sold were getting worse and worse, the time-honored brand closed down.

Therefore, if you want to make money, don't fool customers. No one's money comes from a strong wind. It's not wasted like this.

Diners are the cutest and most demanding people in the world.

The food in your shop is delicious, so I'll patronize it several times until I'm tired of it.

Not delicious···

Once is enough.

This is also the reason why in short, we never make hands and feet on the ingredients and are careless in the cooking process.

This time, the crabapple crisp was no exception. Even if it was not for sale but for their own consumption, she didn't want to treat it carelessly.

She put her hand on the oil pan and felt the temperature. She put the flower shaped Begonia crisp into the oil pan one by one. Almost at the moment of entering the pot, there was a sound.

And crabapple crisp also burst into small bubbles.

This is the normal reaction between skin and oil. After a few seconds, one Begonia crisp expanded and crisp at a speed visible to the naked eye. The Begonia crisp, which originally looked like a flower shaped steamed bread, turned into pink and white Begonia flowers in the process of gradual expansion.

You can start the pot.

In short, he picked up the crabapple crisp with a leaky spoon, put it in the tray, and then took strawberry jam and put it in the center of each crabapple crisp.

Crabapple is known as "national beauty". It can be seen that each of the crabapple cakes is not as beautiful as human products.

The crabapple crisp, even if there is no entrance, can imagine the crispness in and out of the mouth from the clearly visible crispness lines on the surface.

The strawberry jam in the flower center is more like a finishing touch. It not only does not destroy the crisp beauty of Begonia, but is like the flower mother in the forehead of a beautiful woman in ancient times, adding a bit of charm and amazement.

In order to be convenient to eat, Begonia crisp is small and exquisite.