The withered old man's eyes flashed a cruel and cold light. When he looked cold, he suddenly raised his head and said, "I am Xu Youhui, the fourth level alchemist of the Xu family in the imperial city! Those present, no matter who it is, will give him an advanced Dan as long as they can help me kill Ye Zhuo and that bitch

"Advanced Dan? Under the Xuanwu state, no matter what cultivation, eat one, and then enter into a big realm of advanced Dan? "

All of a sudden, the crowd was boiling, and their eyes were full of eager light.

"As long as I take an advanced Dan, I can go from Yuanwu to Xuanwu..."

"Advanced pills, fourth level pills, which are rare to see on weekdays. Will he really give them to us?"

People are ready to move.

Lou Qianxue looked at the old man with a cold smile: "what the advanced Dan can attract are all the martial artists below the Xuanwu realm, but ye and I are both in the Xuanwu realm Do you want them to die? "

Hearing this, they were stunned and calmed down.

"Yes! Ye xunzu and the little girl are both Xuanwu, and we can't deal with them at all! "

"That is, ye Zhuo can kill the people he wants to kill under the hindrance of Xuanwu. That little girl, also a blow to fly a Xuanwu realm, how can we be their opponents? The old man didn't want us to die on purpose, did he? "

"Too insidious!"

"I'm not fooled! What's more, the accomplishments piled up with pills are always empty. I'd better practice well and break through with my real ability. "

"Yes, it is."

The crowd glared at the old man and nodded in succession.

The old man's whole body trembled and his cheeks twitched: "bitch! Don't talk nonsense! When did I let them die? "

Lou Qianxue picks eyebrow: "in the end, you know it in your heart, but - I'm too lazy to spend it with you here. What else do you have to use it all?"

"You! Don't look down on people, bitches! I! I'm going to fight you, Dan! That's right, bitch. I'm going to fight you, Dan. Do you dare? "

"Doudan?" A cry of surprise came from the crowd: "he is a fourth level alchemist, but he is so kind as to fight with a second-class alchemist? Is it shameless? "

"No way. In terms of force, he can't beat Ye Zhuo and the little girl, and we don't help him. He can only find a sense of achievement in alchemy."

People can't help but spit at the old man with scorn.

The old man's blue veins on his forehead were straight out, and his growing hatred made him fall into this situation: "bitch! Dare you

"Old thing." Ye Zhuo couldn't look down: "do you want to be shameless? You are still a fourth-order alchemist at such an age, and bully a little girl like this?"

"Hum! Ye's pursuit is more than her! You, I will not let go! When I win her, I'll fight you, Dan! Today, I have to fight you two dog slaves to death! "

"You Ye's pursuit of anger is irresistible, but a glimmer of worry flashed through his eyes.

Third level alchemist, he is sure to win.

But the fourth level alchemist

"Mr. Ye, little girl, this man is so shameless that no one requires you to fight him. You refuse him!"

"Yes, refuse him! Refuse him

"Even if he is a member of the Xu family in the Imperial City, he has to be reasonable, and he can't be forced to fight with him."

"Yes! Leave him alone, and get out of here, and you'll have a chance to live. "

Filled with righteous indignation, they have sought out ideas for Lou Qianxue and ye.


"Doudan? Are you sure? " Lou Qianxue is cold in eyes, looking at the old man in favor or disgrace, and asked in a faint voice. , the fastest update of the webnovel!