"You won't be like your grandson who won't admit defeat, will you?"

"You The old man was so angry that his gray hair stood upright: "ridiculous! How can I lose? That's impossible at all! "

" what if? " Lou Qianxue asked coldly.

"If I lose, I will do it myself! Never cheat


"You promised to fight me Dan, little bitch?"

Lou Qianxue nodded: "you swear, I will accept. But... " Her clear eyes, moved to leaf to pursue the body, the bottom of the eyes across a smile: "fight with you Dan, I can be a person, do not need leaf to pursue the stage."

“!!!” There was a sudden burst of air pumping from the field.

"My God? Did I hear you right? "

"She, she said she could be alone? Is she scorning the fourth order alchemist? "

"How arrogant

"She is a second-class alchemist, where can she be confident? Or is it that she's crazy, and she's going to blow it before she dies? "

People can't believe the eyes open, shocked incomparably looking at Lou Qianxue.

"What a big voice! bitch! If you want to die, I will help you! " The old man with seven orifices and smoke has already lost his reason. Even if he swore, he would never play tricks, otherwise there would be no place to die!

Lou Qianxue then nodded: "OK, what Dan do you want to fight? You choose. However, to save time, I suggest we add a rule Well, in a quarter of an hour Forget it. I don't think you can do it in a quarter of an hour. Then we'll finish fighting Dan in half an hour. What do you think? "

"Bitch! It's so arrogant. I choose four kinds of pills. Can you refine them? "

"I haven't tried it, but it should be OK."

"Cut! talk wildly! Now you still dare to lie. Wait a moment, I'll choose four kinds of pills. Then, it will be strange if I don't swell your face! "

"Tut." Lou Qianxue shook his head and was too lazy to argue with him: "what about the time?"

"Half an hour, half an hour!"

Nearby people see this, have hourglass, immediately take out the hourglass, put aside, start timing.

Even so, everyone is not optimistic about Lou Qianxue.

"The little girl is probably thinking that she is going to die anyway, so she is so arrogant that she will show her prototype soon."

"However, even so, the courage to fight against the fourth level alchemist against her, a second-class alchemist, makes people have to swallow it!"

Leaf pursues is clenching double fists, nervously incomparably looking at Lou Qianxue: "are you serious?"

Lou Qianxue nods.

Ye Zhuo became more and more puzzled: "why do you want to start for me? You could have left this matter alone. "

"Because it's good to see you..." Lou Qianxue said, his mouth slightly curved. In the beautiful eyes under the mask, there was a sly light: "however, young man, I think you have a good talent for alchemy, and your martial arts skills are also extraordinary. How about taking me as a teacher?"

“……” Leaf pursues a look suddenly a cold, silent next, just shake head: "sorry, I already have master."

“……” Lou Qianxue was stunned and couldn't help laughing and shaking his head. The apprentice It's really worrying

While they were talking, the old man had already selected the pill: "we refine four grade pills, advanced pills! Dare you? "

"Since I took your doudan, why don't you dare? Do it. "

Lou Qianxue just finished, the old man sneered and took out a big black tripod.

When they saw the tripod, they were amazed: "you are worthy of the fourth level alchemist! This Dan Ding is really extraordinary. At least it is also a third-class medicine tripod. "

"This is the fourth level alchemist, and the third level medicine tripod blessing. This little girl, I will lose!"

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