Doudan begins.

The angry old man gradually calmed down and concentrated on the medicinal materials in the Chaodan tripod and began to refine pills.

People in Xi county, the capital of medicine, basically know pills. However, the fourth level alchemists are very rare in Tianzhao, let alone the fourth level alchemists.

Therefore, everyone in the field, one by one, looked at the old man's Alchemy.

Ye pursues the vision, but stares at Lou Qianxue: "why don't you start?"

"Well." Lou Qianxue touched his jaw: "I don't have any medicine..." Said, eyes micro Mi: "leaf pursuit, help me buy an advanced Dan medicine bar."

Said, she took out a silver note from her arms, of course: "I just this money, may not be enough, the rest, you help me make up."

“……” Ye pursued Leng next, nodded: "good, you wait."

With that, his feet kicked, and his body shot out in an instant: "that girl, for me, will fall into this situation. I must help her."

Ye pursues to send ruthlessly, with the meaning of the wind, gallop in the air quickly.

"Although I can't make four pills for her, I can help her buy Herbs! Moreover, the time of fighting Dan is only half an hour. I must be quick! Come on! Come on! Faster

But half a quarter of an hour later, ye Zhuo came back with sweat and handed the medicine to Lou Qianxue: "girl, I have prepared two, you can make pills quickly."

Floor thousand snow eyes tiny pick, some surprised: "good fast."

With that, she looked deeply at the leaves of her eyes, searching for the clothes soaked with sweat, and said in a deep voice, "however, it is not the time to start."

"Well?" Ye pursues anxiously and doubtfully looks at her.

"Just wait for the good play."

Leaf pursues a look slightly change, become strange rise: "do you want to play Lai?"


A quarter of an hour goes by.

Lou Qianxue still did not move.

The old man's alchemy is on the right track.

"Although this person's character is not very good, but the fourth level Alchemist is the fourth level alchemist, and he is much better than the ordinary alchemists.

The crowd sighed.

The old man's face gradually showed a proud expression. After seeing that Lou Qianxue didn't move, he couldn't help but sneer: "hum! Is the fox's tail showing? A second-order alchemist, still want to refine four pills? Pooh! It's just wishful thinking

When people saw this, they could not help frowning.

"Yes! What's the matter with that little girl? Why don't you do it all the time... "

"Well, she is just a second-class alchemist. Where can she produce four kinds of pills? Promise to fight Dan, but it's young and full of vigor, fighting for breath! Come on, she's so brave. Let's not be too harsh. "

"That's right. Anyway, it's not bad for us to see the fourth level alchemist refining alchemy with our own eyes."

Two quarters of an hour.

Lou Qianxue still did not move.

The old man had quenched all the herbs and began to fuse.

"You give up, little bitch?"

"Ha ha ha ha, maybe, from the moment you promised to fight Dan, you prepared to die?"

The old man is more and more proud.

Ye pursued, but he couldn't: "why don't you start? Don't you really? "

"Well." Lou Qianxue chuckled: "can't you have more confidence in me?"

"This situation..." Ye pursued inexplicably and felt tired: "even if I want to have confidence in you, I can't get up..."

Three quarters of an hour goes by

At this time, the old man to the key period of jiedan, also did not mind to pay attention to Lou Qianxue.

Even ye pursues, have no hope to Lou Qianxue: "only the last quarter of an hour left, you can't win him! If you want to repent, go now, and I'll help you stop him. " , the fastest update of the webnovel!