"The first five of the battle for the son, we ask to search your memory! And... "

The words of the holy tower are not finished

"I refuse!" The sword peerless looked up with sharp eyes and looked at the great power of the pagoda.

At present, the peak strength of martial arts in Shengxuan continent is Emperor Wu.

The great power of the holy tower is Emperor Wu, and their arrogance is also Emperor Wu.

The sword has no equal respect for them, just because they are from the holy tower.

"I refuse, too." Prince Yu's plain face turned cold.

Search for memory?

Searching for other people's memory is a rare and evil mental power method. If it is operated properly and properly, it is easy to turn the person searched for memory into an idiot.

They are not wrong, why risk becoming idiots by them to search memory?

The other people are not the top five. Although they are also palpitating, they are better than the four of them.

"It won't be tolerated if you don't agree to it!" The tone of the song is strong.

"It's ridiculous!" Mu Zhanfeng was born in Xuanji mansion, which was not so awed by the holy tower. His mother, Lou Qianxue, and Lou Xuanji were all free and easy people. He was imperceptibly influenced and didn't pay much attention to him. At this time, his face was very cold: "we worked hard to defeat Shengxuan Lu Shengzi in the struggle for the Holy Son, and won the top five, so as to save the face of Tianxuan mainland, We have to be courteous and make us idiots Who do you think you are, or what's wrong with the tower? Can the pagoda do what it wants? "

"You The four pagodas are powerful, with angry eyes and blue veins on their forehead. They are obviously forbearing.

"Anyway, I don't agree!"

"As I said, you can't stand it!" Lin Qingge is still tough.

"Try it, then!" Who is not Emperor Wu? As long as they don't become Wuzu, their martial arts are on the same level.

The pagoda power has been practising for a long time, which may be better than them. But if you want to kill them, it is very difficult to search their memory by force!

"Mujianfeng! Do you really think I dare not? "

Lin Qingge murmured coldly, then raised his hand

Brush, brush!

The masters in the shadow of the first layer of the pagoda show their bodies in succession. Each of them is very mysterious and powerful. The breath is at the peak of Emperor Wu!

Every one of them is at the top of Tianxuan land. If you take it outside the pagoda, you can easily become a famous person.

And in their hands, they also have six level spirit tools!

Such a powerful army is enough to destroy the whole Tianxuan continent!

The sword is matchless. Prince Yu and others are pale and ugly.

There are only four great powers in the holy tower. They are sure to keep themselves, but there are so many people on each other It's easy to kill them!

Bang! Bang! Bang!

The spirit weapon, which exudes powerful pressure, encircles and exterminates several people in an instant. However, those masters do not continue to start, but wait for Lin Qingge's order.

"Do you really want me to do it?"

There was silence.

Lin Qingge said: "I just said that the pagoda wants to search for the memories of the five of you. In addition, you are not worthy of what you get in the holy land by cooperating with the Holy Son of the holy land. The holy tower will represent the Holy Land and deprive you of everything you get in the holy land."

What they got in the holy land?


Or after leaving the holy land, they will be integrated into the holy luck of their bones and blood?

No matter which one - the pagoda has saved their hearts!

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