At the moment, Prince Yu has understood that the holy tower is iron hearted. It doesn't matter what kind of accusation they are and whether they collude with the son of Shengxuan land

It's important that the tower deal with them anyway!

A burst of anger and indignation broke out from the bottom of my heart.

"If you want to add to the crime, why have you got nothing to worry about?" He said in a cold voice: "what a holy tower, which is detached from the world, is it because we do not respect the disciples of the holy tower and kneel and lick them when we are in the holy land?"

This is the only reason he can think of at present!


"Are we presumptuous? Oh, if you are not too shameless, why should we be so presumptuous? " The bloodstain in Mu Jian Feng's eyes is filled with blood, and the heart is also very angry.

In the holy land, they tried their best to get rid of the saints in the holy land. They finally got on the white jade chair and won the place. They were admired and praised by numerous people in Tianxuan land

In a twinkling of an eye, the tower is going to attack them?

And still with such a mean means of framing!

"I think you really want to die, somebody -" Lin Qingge was about to die.

"Qingge!" An old and cold voice, suddenly sounded, that voice, full of ethereal breath, with pressure, just two words, it makes people all over the hair stand up, very vigilant.

"They are all the top Tianjiao in Tianxuan land. It's not easy for them to get the top five places in the holy land. It's really unfair for them to take such a risk to search their memory and deprive them of everything."

The old cold voice said slowly.

His tone was neither fast nor slow, so that everyone could hear him clearly.

He seemed to speak for the matchless sword, Prince Yu and mu Zhanfeng. However, several people had a bad impression on the pagoda and could not express their gratitude to him in any case.


Several people still looked up and looked to the higher level of the tower.

"Two elders!"

"Two elders!"

Lin Qingge several people in that voice sounded, the face is very respectful and uneasy in a certain direction salute.

They didn't expect that what happened here would disturb the second person in the tower!

"You are proud."

The voice said gently again: "on behalf of the holy tower, I can give up searching your memory. However, the punishment is not enough. Your accomplishments in the holy land are nothing to worry about. However, you must force the holy luck from the holy land out of your body and give it to the Holy Tower In addition, depict the veins of each white jade chair you have experienced, and I will identify and seal your memory of those lines. "


Several people frowned. The proposal of the pagoda is not too much, but it is absolutely not reasonable!

However, after this, they did not lose a lot of things except the holy luck they got in the Holy Land and everything they realized after stepping on the white jade chair

On the surface, it seems that there is no loss, but to them, it is still unfair.

So, no one agreed.

The old and cold voice, after a short pause, said: "so, my holy tower gives each of you five days to think about it. You may as well think about it and reply to it after five days!"

Several people are not very happy to nod: "yes."

Prince Yu was born in the royal family, but he thought more than others. At this moment, for some unknown reason, he suddenly thought of one thing -

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