For a person who is good at controlling people's heart, if he wants to achieve his goal, he will first put forward an impossible condition to the other party, and then he will relax the condition to say the real purpose and entice others to agree

For example, a person who is trapped in the house knows that he will not let him out, so he only hopes that the other party will open a window for him.

But if he asked the other party to open a window for him, the other party would not necessarily agree.

But as soon as he wants to go out, the other party should not ignore it. On this basis, he promises not to go out and only let the other party open a window for him

The other party is likely to open a window for him!

Because compared with going out, opening a window is nothing

It's like the pagoda at this time.

Direct request to turn them into idiots, search their memory, but also destroy their cultivation, they will certainly not agree.

But if on this basis, the pagoda will step back and let them just force out the holy luck and just paint the veins seen on the white jade chair Some people will most likely agree.


Prince Yu's heart moved slightly.

"The real purpose of the pagoda should be holy luck, and the veins on the white jade chair!"

When he thought of it, he was suddenly enlightened!

"Yes, the pagoda has never intervened in the fight for the son of God in the past, and has not sent any staff. This time, there are ten Why? Because there is something in the holy land that they want, they hope that the ten people they send can get them back! "

"It must be unique to the Holy Land It's the lines on the holy luck and white jade seats

Prince Yu can break the purpose of the pagoda, heart beating fast.

"Shengyun and the veins on the white jade chair What does it stand for? Why does the pagoda want that? Even for this reason, I would not hesitate to treat them as the top Tianjiao in Tianxuan continent... "

Slander them and deal with them personally Even killing them

You know, they are the top Tianjiao of the generation of Tianxuan continent. If they have a chance, the strong ones of Tianxuan continent will have faults I didn't know it before. I thought it didn't matter. But after knowing the existence of other continents, their value should be higher.

If their generation is the fault of the strong, then after the rise of this generation, the whole Tianxuan continent will be in a weak position in front of other continents

Prince Yu couldn't figure it out, but he still knew the importance of Shengyun and the inscriptions on the white jade chair. He even speculated that it was for these reasons that the son of Shengxuan entered the holy land

It's just that he hasn't talked to Xiao Feng or heard the conversation between Lou Qianxue and Xiao Feng, so he doesn't know the most fundamental reason

In the first five days of the battle for the son, the snow on the first floor didn't come out. The other four people, the holy tower, gave them five days to think and make a choice.

They will not be able to leave the tower for five days.

It can be said that the holy tower is really strong. Moreover, the old man who spoke later was not really kind, but as Prince Yu guessed. The old man opened his mouth after Lin Qingyu put forward excessive demands, just to make them easier to accept the second proposal put forward by the old man.

The four were held in the tower and could not leave, and those who were behind the fifth were able to leave.

In particular, Xie Ting, the ninth Tianshan sword clan, quickly took the news out.

The sword sect of Tianshan Mountain, Xuanji mansion and Dragon Palace all understood the attitude of the pagoda at the first time!

To this, they have different reactions. , the fastest update of the webnovel!