Brush, brush!

The four elders who came with the youth looked at Lou Qianxue one after another.

Lou Qianxue picks eyebrow: "unfortunately, the bracelet has no more."

She also held out a pair of wrists to show them.

"Now, what you want is gone. You have to fight to offend the sword clan of Tianshan Mountain..." She pointed to herself and only wanted to Gongsun Heng: "is the danger of he Xuanji's house forcing us?"

The four elders hesitated.

The young man's face was anxious: "elders, this woman is very good at demagogues. Otherwise, the first sword that would not have coaxed on that day would have done it for her. You must not be deceived by her. The Wujin meteorite can change its shape at will. Now that the bracelet is gone, maybe the Wujin meteorite will become something else on her body!"

“…… Sure enough, all revenge is vain

As Lou Qianxue spoke, the flame man and gongsunyu had finished their integration. A strange and powerful breath suddenly rose. The startled youth and the four elders around him were shocked.

“…… No, isn't it tianwu? "

"How did you suddenly become so strong?"

"Damn it! I said, how can anyone who can join Xuanji's mansion be simple! "

Then several people thought that it was not easy for this woman who had no accomplishments to join the Tianshan sword sect.

She's not going to be as strong as that man, is she?

Several people look at the building with vigilance.

She was standing on the spirit boat, her clothes blowing and hunting. Even in the face of the four powerful men at the top of Emperor Wu, she didn't realize it at all. Her pretty face was expressionless, her eyes were cold and dark, and her beauty was moving. It was totally different from her beautiful face!

"Kill them!"

Feel their eyes, floor Qianxue red lips micro motion, down the road.

There are few people here, and the strange fire is on Gongsun Heng. Even if the flame people do it, the world can hardly think of her.


The worship of the moon has already known that she has Wujin meteorite. I'm afraid there are many troubles behind her!

Think of here, her beautiful eyes slightly squint, if the worship of the moon to stop here, she can think that this has not happened.

On the contrary, when she returns to her ancestry, she will go to worship the moon god!

"No, it feels like..."

Gongsun Heng's breath kept climbing, and at the same time, there was a terrible heat wave. However, in the blink of an eye, sweat stains appeared on several people's foreheads, which was very abnormal for them who were the strong men of Emperor Wu

The four suddenly jumped: "these two people are very demon, can't wait any more! Hands on - "

hearing this, the youth's face showed a color of ecstasy.

Finally, I can avenge my master!

He's going to kill the woman who killed his master!


He flew to the building in front of Qianxue.

Lou Qianxue, however, did not move. She looked at the young man who was so murderous that she had a pair of dark beautiful eyes. She looked at the youth like a dead thing, without a trace of fluctuation

With such a pair of eyes that can almost reflect their own figure, a little uneasiness rises in the youth's heart

The next moment!


A burning, brilliant flame, suddenly from the building around the thousands of snow, out of thin air!

Strange fire!

Countless strange fires were burning around the building and snow. She had a body of eternal fire. Standing in the flame, even though there was no fluctuation of the yuan force, she was indeed an ordinary person who could not practice and was just like a goddess of fire.

Instead, it is the youth

"Ah --"

everything can burn the strange fire of heaven and earth, but he is not so kind to him. Once the flame is ignited, it will burn on his body, like the maggot of tarsal bones. If you don't burn him clean, you will never stop burning out! , the fastest update of the webnovel!