The young people were burned to ashes in the sound of screams!

To death - he didn't know how he died!

The fire is not used by Lou Qianxue, but by the flame man. Now Lou Qianxue is the master of the flame man, and they are closely related. If the flame person has a different fire, it is equivalent to Lou Qianxue having a spiritual fire.

Strange fire has its own life, protect the Lord automatically!

Lou Qianxue stands against the wind in the strange fire, looking at the fierce and abnormal flame man calmly in his eyes.

He used Gongsun Heng's body very skillfully, and his means were not limited to strange fire. He was the only God in Tianxuan land, and he must have been the first master in Tianxuan land. With his long life and special identity, he knew and learned many things

Even in the face of the four powerful Emperor Wu, he is also very skillful.

With his every move, the fire was roaring, and over the void, huge mountains came down on top of them, and appeared out of thin air, and went towards the suppression of the four people.

The four people dodged and thundered, just like the punishment of heaven. But in a moment, this space, like the end of the world, carried the destructive force of terror and ravaged all around

At that moment, the sky was dark and the sky was dark, and thunder was flashing among the dark clouds.

From a distance, it's extraordinary.

"Gongsun, hurry up."

Lou Qianxue is aware of the movement and frowns slightly. At this time, she is just on her pretty face, showing a bit of coldness.

There is too much movement here, which will inevitably attract some strong people to watch.

It can't be delayed for a long time!

"I'm sorry, master. I haven't been active for many days. I'm a little excited."

The flaming man said and drank a lot. His palms shot in front of him like mountains and waves. Countless palms appeared in the sky, and they were all over the place

Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!

On the four elders of the moon worship cult, however, in a flash, there were countless more palm prints. Their bodies were bumped and deformed, and their facial features were almost flattened, but their faces were swollen like pigs

Several people screamed to avoid, however, the palm shadow is everywhere, can not hide!

At this time, in the void, there was a heat wave rolling from all directions, burning towards the four people who had been driven to a place by the shadow of the palm

"Ah --"

"good pain --"

"hot! It's so hot -- "

" dammit -- "

the four elders of the moon worship cult are full of despair and scream with fear

Before they came, they had no idea that such a terrible force could erupt from a small tianwu state

Looking at the thunder, the huge mountain, the fire and the palm shadow that still swam in the sky

The deep despair rose to my heart.

If I had known that, I should have refused the little Lord's request on that day

What a pity!

It's late

"Ah --"

in the last scream, four people were burned by different fires, turned into ashes and dust, and fell from the air

This battle, from the beginning to the end, is less than a quarter of an hour!

The sword is matchless, Xuehua and Mu Jianfeng, even without a hand!

Higher in the void, the crown prince of Xianyue Dynasty, who has been paying close attention to the war, has a cold back and a cold sweat behind him.

"What kind of man is this guy who is so powerful? If he takes part in the battle for the son, I'm afraid he will be in the top three

His eyes were changing: "and that woman In the midst of the fire, it was unhurt - no, no, it was a strange fire! Who are these two people? "

Said, he suddenly remembered that the beautiful face of the woman ate Yi Rong Dan, then looked at the elder who is good at pupil: "black uncle." , the fastest update of the webnovel!