Under the leadership of their respective leaders, the white swordsmen of Tianshan Jianzong and the blue clad warriors of Xuanji mansion stood upright in the air, confronting the people of Xianyue Dynasty and the Dragon Palace.

Lou Qianxue is not among them.

The flame turned into a flame and floated around Lou Qianxue's body to protect Lou Qianxue. In a very short period of time, he followed Lou Qianxue to travel all the peaks of Jianzong in Tianshan Mountain.

"Can you write it down?"

Lou Qianxue asked.

The flame man nodded: "write down, this thing can be really mysterious, the master is worthy of the master, can have such a masterpiece!"

"Don't flatter." Lou Qianxue's beautiful little face is expressionless, and there is a condensation between the eyebrows: "it is the most important to do a good job."

"Master, don't worry. Although I haven't used this thing, I'm the only God in this world. I know more about the power of rules between heaven and earth than ordinary people, and I'm better at it."

Lou Qianxue orders to finish all this and looks up to the direction of emptiness.

In the past, she must have stood at the forefront of such battles.

But now, it has to stay in the rear.

But even so, she also wants to protect those who want to protect behind her.

"Tianshan Jianzong, Xuanji house, all the disciples are at your command!"

Lou Qianxue suddenly opened his mouth, the cold voice echoed between heaven and earth.

She has no cultivation, but her spiritual strength is still better than ordinary people. It is not difficult to spread her voice with her spiritual strength.

Brush, brush!

All the disciples of Tianshan Jianzong and Xuanji's residence were dignified and serious.

Until then, only a few people knew that there was something wrong with Lou Qianxue's accomplishments.

In the eyes of more Tianshan Jianzong and Xuanji mansion, Lou Qianxue is their elder, the first in Tianxuan land, their spiritual pillar and the invincible backing of the holy Tower!

"All disciples, all, return to the sword clan!"

Lou Qianxue gave the first order.

Whew! Whew!

In the sky, countless strong people of Tianshan Jianzong and Xuanji mansion all fly back to Tianshan Jianzong.

Their actions are neat and uniform, nearly tens of thousands of people, even without a trace of disorder, neat and orderly

Lou Qianxue's appeal is shocking!

There was a commotion between the Xianyue Dynasty and the Dragon Palace.

After all, it's Lou Qianxue, the first one in Tianxuan mainland. It used to be suppressed by even the holy tower with one's own power!

When their king and palace master told them to attack the sword sect of Tianshan Mountain, they even suspected that their king and palace master were crazy

As strong as Jianzong and Xuanji mansion in Tianshan Mountain, there is also an unfathomable Lou Qianxue, which is known as the first place in Tianxuan continent

How do you do this?

"A thousand snow on the floor!" Hearing her voice, the strong man of the pagoda immediately locked her position, felt her breath, and couldn't help laughing

"Tianxuan is the first in the world, a good one is the first, and the one without cultivation is the first Lou Qianxue, you are now a useless man with no accomplishments. You are a mole ant that everyone can step on at will. Ridiculous and arrogant However, the people of Jianzong and Xuanji mansion in Tianshan are more pitiful It's pathetic and ridiculous that so many of them even listen to you, a useless person who has no accomplishments. Ha ha ha... "

"You don't even deserve to carry shoes with our tower guard! No wonder he didn't dare to fight in Xuanji mansion that day Ha ha ha, you are still pretending to drag on for 30 days. I don't think you can say 30 days. Even if you are given another 300 days, you will not dare to fight with our tower guard! "

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