
Around Tianshan Jianzong, whether it is the direction of Xianyue Dynasty and Dragon Palace, or the direction of Tianshan Jianzong and Xuanji mansion There was a sound of backward air conditioning

Even the whole world was quiet for a moment.


"Lou Qianxue No accomplishments? "

"How could it be!"

"My God..."

On all faces, there were expressions of shock and disbelief.

Floor thousand snow!

That's Lou Qianxue!

The first person in Tianxuan's mainland and the first one in the "struggle for the son" to suppress the tower's Lou Qianxue with his own strength!

Everyone is looking forward to her going further. They want to see if she can break through Emperor Wu and walk out of a new road, but they didn't expect

She didn't do it?

Shocked, unbelievable, dazed, frightening, unimaginable

A variety of emotions, the impact of people's minds.

At this time, the king of Xianyue Dynasty and the leader of the dragon palace were in a better mood.

"Seeing them like this, I'm relieved of what I looked like when I heard the news..."

"Once this news comes out, it will certainly be a devastating blow to the Tianshan Jianzong and Xuanji mansion. The hearts of the disciples of the Jianzong and Xuanji mansion will be shaken."

This is what they would love to see!

The faces of the people of the sword sect in Tianshan are shocked and unbelievable.

Xuanji's disciples are also. Their hearts are constantly sinking

Lou Qianxue is their spiritual pillar. If it collapses, it will reduce their fighting spirit by more than half



In the face of the taunt of the holy tower power, Lou Qianxue's cold voice is not a trace of the panic and confusion of being exposed, but still calm, sharp and piercing!

"If I hadn't become a" waste man ", how dare you cowards run away from my Tianshan sword clan

People see her admit, the mood is more complex and nervous

It turns out that it's all true

Lou Qianxue is really a waste man!

It's hard for the disciples of Tianjian sect and Xuanji mansion to accept!

Some foreign people who come to watch the war and worship Lou Qianxue cannot accept it!

The impact of this news on them is no less than the battle between Lou Xuanji and the golden chariot many days ago

"No wonder she closed down in ChiYan mountain and Xuanji house again It turns out that I have lost my accomplishments and dare not appear in front of others... "

"No wonder she didn't dare to show up when her mother was taken away. She didn't dare to show up when the pagoda keeper challenged her It turns out that she is still a disabled person! It's ridiculous that I regard a disabled person as the first one in Tianxuan mainland, which is ridiculous

Some can not accept, in the heart of the strong man angry crazy roar

The hearts of the disciples of Jianzong and Xuanji residence in Tianshan are more or less shaken.

But Lou Qianxue's will and faith are still very firm.

She will let the world see that she Lou Qianxue, even if she really loses her accomplishments, is not a random bully. She can also trample the Xianyue Dynasty, the Dragon Palace and the holy tower under her feet

"I don't even dare to stand in front of me that day

Lou Qianxue's tone was cold and cold, and he said with a cold smile: "now that I have no cultivation, I want to bully the weak and ask for face back?"

"It's just You don't deserve it! Even if it's nothing for you, it's not for me

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