Lou Qianxue's words easily remind the three people of the holy tower of the humiliation they suffered after the "battle of the son."!

The three face color suddenly changed: "little girl, sharp teeth, sharp mouth, unfortunately, you are now a waste man!"

"I don't know if you will be so arrogant when you die with the rubbish of Jianzong and Xuanji mansion in Tianshan Mountain!"

"I'll find you out!"


A sacred pagoda can't bear it any longer. He reaches out and flies down to the sword sect of Tianshan Mountain, trying to catch Lou Qianxue

In the forest surrounded by mountain peaks, Lou Qianxue's delicate and beautiful face, without a trace of fear, looked at the flaming man on one side with a light look: "it's your turn."

"Master, don't worry, I will kill them!"

The next moment!



Among the walls of the sword sect of Tianshan Mountain, there was a sudden loud noise with dazzling brilliance. Shining from the walls, the sword sect of Tianshan Mountain was covered with silver light

"This is..."

"The power of the inscription!"

"Inscription pattern array!"

"Yes, I heard that the sword sect of Tianshan has a mountain protecting array, which is extraordinary!"

"Yes, I also heard that there is a sword peak in the sword sect of Tianshan Mountain, which is also very powerful!"

People's eyes were fixed on the strange power rising from the sword sect of Tianshan Mountain and whispered.

"Do they want to use the array to block the great power of the pagoda and the army of the Xianyue Dynasty and the Dragon Palace?"

"What a dream!"

"In the face of absolute power, all arrays are illusory!" The holy tower can say, and one hand falls on the white mask that covers the sword sect of Tianshan Mountain

I thought the mask would break with his attack, but

The place where his palm fell was just a small ripple, and it was restored again

With a hand of 70% strength, he didn't even shake the mountain protection array at all, just like a small stone thrown into the lake, without even stirring the waves

"Damn it!"

The right protector of the holy tower looks ugly. He feels that he has no light on his face. He shouts and carries the ten successful Dharma!

In a flash, the world changed color!

The endless stream of Yuan Li was rushing towards him, and his hands were filled with terror

At the same time, great pressure, like the tide, diffused around The pressure of the people have changed their faces, almost unable to breathe


With a roar from the right protector of the holy tower, a pair of palms that can almost smash the space suddenly erupt into a violent force and shoot towards the mountain protection array!


After a loud noise, the sky shook and the earth shook. Even the whole Tianshan Mountain seemed to shake

The air flow from the palm wind blows people's clothes and hair around them, making them unable to open their eyes

"How strong!"

Someone blocked the wind and sand blown by the wind with his hand and exclaimed in shock: "this right Dharma protector looks better than last time in Xuanji mansion!"

"It's time to break the Dharma protection array of the sword clan of Tianshan Mountain."

However, after the air flow dissipated and the people's eyes returned to Qingming

The transparent light shield outside the Tianshan sword sect still stands strong and firm in front of the Tianshan sword sect, blocking the invaders' steps outside

"How could it be so?" The face of the right Dharma protector of the holy tower changed dramatically. His palm was beyond the battle that Lou Qianxue cut out of the pagoda at that time.

On that day, the tower was split by a sword of Qianxue, but he, with a stronger hand, could not break the mountain protection array of the sword sect of Tianshan Mountain?

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