Jordan's foresight is no doubt, but he has seen four Avengers alliance men.

There is no doubt that hydra is powerful. Even aegis has been eroded into a sieve. However, Hawkeye button and his immediate superior Nick Frey are trustworthy in the face of right and wrong.

Jordan also took a big risk in telling Natasha so much.

According to the plot, plus a little guess, Natasha should be recommended by Barton to enter aegis at this time.

Once Natasha enters aegis, she divulges the news about Jordan.

Jordan can't explain why he knows so much confidential information.

If Natasha is just the image in the movie version, Jordan would not take such a big risk to disclose so much to Natasha.

CIA, Osborne, Hydra, that's enough for Jordan.

With another aegis invasion, Jordan thinks his future is not bright.

However, compared with his impression of the film, Jordan believes more in his intuitive feelings now. At least, Natasha in front of him is sexy and changeable, and has his own independent thoughts.

Again, the enemy of the enemy is the friend.

Jordan, Natasha's enemy is Hydra, aegis is a natural stand in the opposite of Hydra.

This is the basis of cooperation.

Natasha felt the sincerity of Giordani from the inside out, and finally relaxed a lot. She looked at Giordani and said, "cooperation is OK. What do I need to pay and what can I get?"

At this time, there was no need for Jordan to hide and tuck in. He said directly, "serum drugs and information."

Natasha has plans for Natasha, and so does Jordan.

Natasha obviously doesn't have much trust in eagle eye and aegis, and probably won't cooperate with them positively. In this way, Jordan is the broker in the middle.

And what Natasha wants is security and survival, and what Jordan wants is capital to trade with aegis.

With drugs and information in hand, Jordan can trade with the aegis to get the agency to take his younger brother and sister out of the Roma training camp from the political level.

It's the same way that Jordan used to hook up with the CIA.

Natasha obviously expected what Jordan asked for, and said directly, "I only have information. Some time ago, I was injured by a man with a mechanical right arm and accidentally broke the potion."

What Natasha didn't say was that after the medicine broke, it melted into her own wound.

Jordan frowned a little. The most valuable thing is the medicine and information. The most fruitful thing is that his dialogue with Aegis is more powerful.

If there is only information, it will inevitably be thin.

After thinking about it, Jordan said, "I'll get in touch with Barton. With the strength of the organization behind it, it should be no problem to ensure your safety."

Without the potion, Jordan was already thinking about taking out some of his chips.

The assassin's fraternity's source of strength, white wax recovery potion, Richard's spider gene potion information, Jordan believes that these things, together with Natasha's information, are enough to move the aegis.

The deal with Natasha was barely agreed.

At this time, Natasha just held up the red wine and said, "I hope we can cooperate happily."

Jordan also raised his glass and said with a smile, "yes, it won't be too sad to get along with beautiful women, will it?"

For the time being, she could relax. Natasha gave Jordan a white look. Although she didn't say it, she was very happy in her heart.

Then Natasha looked at Giordani's equipment, selected some and stuffed them into her waist, and said, "beauty, you don't mind if you borrow some of your treasures, do you?"

Jordan looked at Natasha's fine figure.

This is a goblin, once the convergence of the body's dangerous atmosphere, every move is filled with a kind of sexy charm of hormone explosion.

"I also have a big baby. I'd like to lend it to you..."

"Sheter, actually I mean, you are so beautiful and sexy that I can't control myself. Please forgive my offense."

Seeing that Natasha is about to get angry like a mother leopard, Jordan quickly changes the subject.

Natasha, a little girl, looks so sexy, but she has such a bad temper. It's not good for us to have a pleasant exchange and deepen our understanding.

It's not open at all. It's bad.

Offended Natasha, Jordan did not dare to continue in front of each other, went to the bathroom, got a pool of white wax recovery potion.

Although the injury on Jordan's buttocks is not serious, it's always good to recover quickly.

What's more, looking at Natasha's appearance, I'm not ready to leave tonight, and I'm not ready to sleep with myself. I'll make do with a night's grievance in the bathtub.

The struggle and chaos of the national opera house cannot be concealed for long.

Hydra, or other agents, is bound to soon trace Natasha's disguised identity and address through the opera house.

It's also the best choice to keep it here.

The next two sides, do not have too much interest to continue to chat, in their minds, soon fell asleep.

At 4 a.m. the next day, Jordan suddenly turned over from the bath, dressed in a big underpants and pointed a special pistol at the door.

Natasha now changed into a tights, the figure is more hot, leaning at the door, looking at Jordan's figure with great interest.

"I didn't expect you to take a gun when you take a bath. What's your special hobby?"

"No, I have two guns."

"Well, I thought it was a little earthworm if you didn't say it."

"Do you know what earthworms are good at? They are good at making holes."


Compared with her driving skills, Natasha felt that she had met her opponent. After thinking about it, she still felt that she had suffered a little bit. She turned around in an instant and drove Jordan out of the bathroom.

Dog face, become fast, do not know how grateful!

Jordani's heart was tucking away, but his hands were not slow. He rubbed his body with water and make complaints about clothes.

I don't even have to ask for information. I know that after last night's opera.

At this time, Budapest must have been turned into a mess by Hydra and those agents.

Jordan has a hunch that this time he and Natasha go to eagle eye cooperation, things will not be as smooth as imagined.

What Jordan doesn't know is that at this time, outside the Qiao Ke Hotel, John Smith, with a muscle explosion and a mechanical right arm, is commanding more than 100 people with a ferocious smile, surrounded by the room where Jordan and Natasha are.


PS: Thank you for 500 rewards~

In addition, Tucao, Valentine's Day is really a very unfriendly day for single dogs. Circle the circle and curse the friends in the circle of friends who make complaints about dogs.

I want to be comforted~