Hydra's intelligence is more powerful than Joe Denny and Natasha expected, and its action is more rapid.

Jordan and Natasha agreed to get out of the hotel before dawn when most of the creatures were sleepy.

However, John Smith, sent by Hydra, after surveying the scene, speculated on the arrival of Jordan through the unidentified trajectory and other traces, together with the news of Hydra in New York.

When enemies meet, they are very jealous.

For a whole night, Hydra's intelligence personnel had almost no news. Cooperating with huge political forces, they conducted a carpet like investigation in Budapest, and then found Qiaoke hotel.

"Sir, the whole hotel has been deployed. No one can escape!"

"Sir, the commandos have been deployed. They are ready to attack at any time!"

"Sir, the snipers have been deployed..."

A series of reports came into John Smith's ears from the earphone.

Standing on a nearby high-rise building, John Smith could not help touching the adsorption mask on his face. Then there was a cold light in his eyes. The right arm of the machine crushed a corner of the wall.

"The target of the hotel is extremely dangerous. At the right time, two minutes later, the commando team starts to operate. The second team controls all the exits and authorizes the sniper to attack at any time."

"Two target characters, life or death, go and prepare!"

The sound came from John Smith's mouth as if it were the smoke of a broken Gong, even with a mechanical sound of electronic assistance.

Even a group of people who are also team-mates feel a bone chilling chill around John Smith.

Two minutes later.

With a sound of "action", in the corridor on the seventh floor of qiaoke Hotel, more than 20 armed men opened the door with one blow, and two concussion bombs, one flash bomb and one smoke bomb were thrown directly into the room.

“Go! Go! Go! Go!”

A series of loud roars awakened the guests on the seventh floor of the hotel, and a lot of riots broke out.

At this time, opposite the room attacked by the commando team, Jordan and Natasha swept through the door through the cat's eyes. Their faces were a little ugly.

After all, they are killers. They can't be careless in daily life.

Changing rooms or something is a little skill, but it's very practical.

"There are a lot of people ambushing at the exit downstairs, and there may be snipers. We can't break through the window!"

Natasha was also killed all the way out of the bloodbath. She moved quickly in the room like a civet cat. She took a peek at the window and turned back to the door.

"Do you have any plans?" Jordan asked casually.

Natasha speechless, said: "this should be your home, I'm just a guest!"

"I've got a plan, but I'm afraid you won't adapt to it," he said with a smile

Natasha rolled her eyes, wiped her hands from her waist, and took out two exquisite pistols.

Glock 18, standard 17 round magazine with plus base, accurate, safe, automatic shooting, submachine gun in pistol, fierce enough.

It's a good thing that I've spent a lot of money to refit. It's not only more powerful, but even the bullets are based on the special ammunition given by the gunner Cassian.

This little girl's skin must have moved her treasure again last night.

"I'll open the way. If there's a problem, I'll adapt and overcome it immediately. I may not be able to take care of you!" he said

Natasha is not as strong as eagle eye button. She gives Jordan a charming look with softness.

Mad, Goblin!

While the commandos in the corridor were still searching for the opposite room, Jordan said nothing, just like a tiger out of the gate, directly smashed the door, knee hit, instant kick, directly kicked the heads of the two commandos into 90 degrees, raised his hands, two special left wheels roared like careful handguns.

Before the upgrade, most of Jordan's conventional weapons were automatic and semi-automatic pistols.

However, since Jordan's upgrading, his physique is 1.5 times that of ordinary people. He has enough grasp of the recoil force brought by the powerful left wheel. Jordan's main weapon has become the left wheel.

As a roaming gunner, if not suitable for the handsome left wheel, what is also called roaming.

Archery, three consecutive shots, step shot, volley, volley.

A powerful roar of gunfire, seven or eight people fell to the ground in the corridor, Jordan launched the body technique, rotary kick, knee bump, instant kick, fast filling and moving shooting.

Where he passed, Jordan was just like a knight charging with heavy armor in the middle ages. With his fancy gun fighting skills, he came straight through the chaos.

At this time Natasha, also followed behind Jordan, like a Sexy Leopard, sensitive and fierce.

Similarly, when there is no flat A, Natasha is jumping and winding.

With the help of jujitsu, he can subdue an enemy in an instant. At the same time, with the help of inertia, he can hold a gun in both hands and shoot wildly around.

Life and death only in the blink of an eye.

More than 20 Hydra commandos in the corridor were cleared in less than a minute.

"Break East, there's a car I've got on the corner downstairs!"

Jordan naturally didn't let Natasha take the stairs. The place where he broke through was the glass at the east end of the corridor.

It's just the seventh floor. If you jump down, you won't die.

In the rush of battle, Natasha naturally understood and speeded up. With a kind of speed far beyond ordinary people, she directly smashed the glass window at the east end of the corridor, put her hand on her waist, nailed a steel wire to the wall, and then quickly landed downstairs.

At the same time, Jordan put his gun in his windbreaker, pulled out four melons and rolled to the door of the room.

The members of the Hydra suddenly changed their faces.

Then there was a roar of explosion, and there was smoke mixed with shock waves, which shattered large windows.

Jordan cut off the pursuit of the enemy, at this time has also rushed to the end of the corridor.

Compared with Natasha's skillful landing, Jordan was much more fierce. He made a leap and hit the huge billboard on the opposite building.

Then, like a fierce tiger in the mountain forest, Jordan soared, smashed one billboard after another and landed quickly.


A big red Ferrari appeared in front of Jordan like lightning. The window fell, revealing Natasha's pretty face.

"Boy, is that your plan? It's rough!"

"Cut the crap and head for the Rhine. Where else have I got a boat? Let's go to the other bank!"

Jordan raised his hand with two bullets, arced ballistics, one shot directly killed a sniper who was aiming, and one shot hit the fuel tank of a jeep around the corner.

Boom explosion, a surrounded Hydra team was temporarily blocked.

Until this time, Jordan nifang quickly got on the car, Ferrari with a huge roar, across a beautiful tail drift, toward the distance.