Hell monarch's solicitation, let the whole floor of the people are a while stunned.

The huge body, six meters high, stood up and pierced the roof of the building. It looked fierce, but in fact, it was restricted everywhere in this floor.

Come on, Eminem!


Looking at the devil's arrogant appearance, Jordan didn't even think about it. He shot a silver bullet, a bullet with silver white light, right in the other side's face, exploded, and the Holy Light covered his face.


Flesh and blood splash, magic blood melt.

To deal with this kind of hell creature, it has the ability of light attribute magic damage, and its power is amazing.


Mephisto, six meters tall, roared bitterly. After a quick recovery, his whole body shrank.

But even so, Mephisto's body was still five meters high. Every move seemed to shake like a mountain. The upper and lower floors were torn apart.

The environment in the building is very limited for Mephisto.


At the same time, Dimon incarnated as the evil spirit Knight again. A long chain swung out and wound around the devil's left ankle.


Suddenly, the devil's body fell to the ground.

Damon, relying on the power of Hellfire, constantly causes damage to Mephisto. At the same time, Jordan, cross, eagle eye, Colson and others also attack the devil one after another.

Terrain limitation, the entanglement of evil spirit knight.

Nemefisto's division obviously has an advantage in strength, but it can't play out at all.

Mephisto's several counterattacks were blocked by Jordan's floating bullets at the critical moment. Although it was only a short moment, it was enough for the people on the scene to adjust the attack rhythm.


It seems to see that the situation is not right. After another fierce counterattack, nefisto did not pursue further. Instead, like a tank, he bumped into a passage in the building and flew out of the building.

"Humble human beings, when I get the magic cube of the universe and the true body, I will send your souls into the poisonous fire of hell and burn them for a thousand or ten thousand years..."


The huge demon bat wings flapping, the wind suddenly, the huge demon, but directly gave up the fight with Jordan and others, is about to leave toward the distant sky.

At the same time, Damon also ran to the edge of the window, jumped up and jumped on a Kun fighter.

Soon, a pilot with a parachute was thrown out directly, and the Kun fighter began to demonize rapidly.

The huge evil spirit fighter took shape quickly, spraying the rolling flames, and pursued in the direction of neferisto's escape.


Just as Jordan and others were staring, a flying team with more than ten Kungfu fighters broke through the air from a distance.

It is hidden in the background of Nick Frey and Saifu two people, can not bear to lead the team appeared in the battlefield.

"The Rubik's cube is in the Krone research center. I've mobilized an air force team to intercept it. We must move the Rubik's cube before the damned devil."

Nick Frey was very impatient at the moment.

Jordan didn't say anything. After thinking about it, he asked cross and Willis to stay and find Mindy.

On the contrary, Wanda and Pietro, who have little fighting power, are led into the Kun fighter by Jordan.

Nick Frey took a look and didn't say much. He just urged the pilot to fly to Cleveland, Ohio.

"What do you know about the devil?"

"The projection of Mephisto, the king of hell, on the earth, the creator of the evil spirit knight."

"What else?"

"I don't know so much. By the way, Mephisto grows up by swallowing the soul. Its appearance may have something to do with the vampires in Europe!"

After that, Jordan ignores Nick Frey, holds a white wedding dress and starts to figure out his new skills.

Since the success of white wedding dress, Jordan has not had time to think about his system panel.

Floating bomb LV1: the power of the bullet is enhanced. After hitting the target, it can send out shock, forcibly disperse the energy in the target, and make it float in the air for a short time.

Silver bullet LV1: bullet power increased, additional light magic damage.

Lethal damage LV1: the bullet's power, accuracy and penetration are enhanced, and the second magic damage will occur after hitting the target.

Revenge counterattack LV1: you can add your own damage to the next attack.

Triple control LV1: any three attacks (including skills) add magic energy winding function.

LV1: adds the power of death to the weapon. Increases attack, speed and magic damage. Lasts for 10 minutes.

Multiple blow head LV1: in a certain range, multiple blow head attacks are carried out on the attacking target, causing great damage.

One shot in hand.

At this moment, Jordan finally felt a certain degree of security.

Others are not aware of it, but Wanda and Jordan are closest, and they are most concerned about their brother. They put their arms around Jordan and are very sensitive to the changes in Jordan.


"It's OK, even if it is!"

"I'll protect you even if I have something to do."

Looking at Wanda's serious face, Jordan laughed, turned his hand over, and put an oral life energy supplement into Wanda's hand.

"Drink on the sly, don't let Pietro see it," he whispered

"Joe, don't say that in front of me," he said

Jordan's eyes glared. Before he said anything, a delicate figure had come to the other side of Jordan.

The visitor is Saifu. After seeing Wanda and Pietro, he said with a smile: "it seems that the relationship between your brother and sister is very good. It's really enviable."

"What do you want to know?" he said directly

Seifer laughed and said, "177 brick street!"

There's nothing to hide.

Jordan's face eased down and said, "yes, but when transferring the cube, let Wanda and Pietro get closer, or they can take the cube with them."

Sever frowned, "this is not has the final say, Nick Ferrie..."

"Yes!" When Severo hesitates, Nick Frey has come to Jordan and sever.

Saifu was not embarrassed by the fact that he was exposed on the spot, and nodded to Nick Frey calmly.

Nick Frey scanned Wanda and pitero, then looked at Jordan and said, "I've heard about them. In fact, even if you don't tell me, I'll send someone to send the energy block to Osborne after a while."

Jordan had a look of disdain and said he would never believe it.

Nick Frey is no provocative anger, serious nonsense: "I saw your performance in the battle today, I can no longer investigate anything about you, because we have always had a good cooperation."