Johnny didn't believe a word of Nick Fry's words.

When they met each other, they didn't fight each other. They just wanted to strangle each other. They said that they had a good cooperation. I'm afraid they didn't cheat the dead.

Although I don't understand why the other party suddenly appears so kind, Jordan still instinctively shows his vigilance.

Nick Frey frowned at Jordan's expression and said, "believe it or not, it's my sincerity."

That's it.

Even if it's trying to soften the call for Jordan, Nick Frey is not too anxious.

Until this time, Saifu just opened his mouth and said: "now can we say something about 177 brick street?"

"Of course," he said! It's the holy place of New York, the place where the mages practice. "

Nick fry and sever didn't interrupt Jordan's words. They kept enough patience and just listened quietly.

Jordan continued: "there are three supreme sanctuaries in New York, London and Hong Kong. The specific builders are not clear. I only know that they are the seal of the trinity of the three supreme mages and visandi. For hundreds of thousands of years, they have been guarding the earth against the invasion of those powerful multiverse."

Nick Frey said sensitively, "the sanctuary is a tight and powerful organization?"

Jordan nodded and said, "in fact, what the supreme sanctuary does is much greater and more low-key than your aegis. They are the real guardians of the earth."

Nick Frey looked a little ugly and said, "the enemies you're talking about, the strong ones in the multiverse?"

With a wry smile, Jordan said, "I don't know much about Mephisto, the demon king of hell, or Domaine, the demon God of darkness."

When Nick Frey was silent, seifer said, "you mean the supreme mage?"

"Not bad!" Knowing what Saifu wanted to ask, Jordan answered directly: "according to legend, guru Yi has been guarding the earth for hundreds of years. He has traveled in the multi universe and multi-dimensional world. Even compared with the legendary King Odin, he can sit in the same place."

The road to Asgard, the inheritance of the goddess of valour.

This is what seifer has been pursuing. In a relatively obscure way, Jordan gives a positive answer.

As Jordan once said, if there is anyone on this earth who knows how to get to Asgard, Jordan believes that it must be guru Yi.

After getting the answer that he wanted, Saifu didn't continue to ask anything, but just looked at Jordan lightly.

"Don't be too impatient, Saifu. I'll give you what you want when this is over," he said with a smile

Saifu looked at Jordan very speechless. You are in a hurry. Your family is in a hurry.

What kind of words.

After digesting Jordan's words, Nick Frey asked again, "last question..."


At this time, the fighter plane where the people were was in a violent vibration, and the red warning light in the cabin flashed.

Nick Frey's words are interrupted. Through the front window of the cockpit, everyone can see that in the sky ahead, Dimon's evil spirit fighter is colliding madly with the demon of Mephisto.

From time to time, a speeding fighter launched a missile, which hit the demons of memphisto, and burst out a strong fire and huge shock wave.

"Sir, we are near the krona research center. We have found a battle. Do you want to attack?"

"No, we need to get to the research center as soon as possible."


At this time, when a fighter plane passed through the mid air, the devil suddenly swept by the blast wave of the explosion. During the flight, he went up fiercely.

The pilot of the fighter plane didn't even have time to parachute.

"Sir, the combat sequence pilot asked us for support..."

"Carry out the order!"

Looking at the tragedy in the air, Nick Frey's face is also very ugly, but still very tough to give orders.

Soon, deliberately avoiding the fighting in the air, more than a dozen Kungfu fighters flew in an alert formation towards a large space research center on the skyline.

This scene, naturally, also fell in the eyes of the cabin people.

Everyone's face was ugly, but no matter what it was, no one said anything.

Only in Jordan's side Wanda, face anxious incomparable, said: "cold-blooded!"

Nick freibon looked ugly. After hearing Wanda's voice, he turned his head suddenly. Finally, all his words were held in his stomach and he didn't say a word.

On the contrary, Jordan said to Wanda seriously, "Wanda, you need to think about everything calmly. It's not Fred's fault, sheter..."

Tell Wanda, let it learn cold-blooded, used to death, Jordan can't do.

After a pause, Jordan touched Wanda's hair and said, "we'll come back and kill the devil after we transfer the cube."

There was a quick silence in the cabin.

Fortunately, with the speed of the Kun fighter, the crowd soon arrived at the Krone research center.

After walking out of the cabin, a cold female secret agent appeared in front of the crowd, with black hair and slender body, which made people see clearly. The slightly heavy atmosphere was swept away.

"Director Frey, the evacuation of the underground base has started, but NASA rejected it..."

"Hill, we're aegis. Don't let those damn bureaucrats get out of here!"

“Yessir! Do colleagues in the underground base need to be evacuated as well? "

"Colson, you're going to arrange for all agents to leave the land and keep all instruments safe."

"All right, chief!"

A group of people took the elevator and walked toward the underground base.

Under the arrangement of Nick Frey, the cool and orderly agent Hill left soon, followed by Colson.

When they arrived at the fourth floor underground, after a few ID checks, under the leadership of Nick Frey, they quickly came to a large open laboratory.

As soon as he entered the laboratory, Jordan felt the power of death in his body and began to stir.

Not far away from the crowd, there is a cube with a blooming blue halo embedded in the center of a silver white complex instrument. From a long distance, Jordan can already feel that his space backpack is slowly creeping and growing.

"The magic cube of the universe!"

Jordan was the first to make a sound.

On the other side, pitero, who also felt the change of his body, could not help but bring out a series of residual shadows. In the blink of an eye, he ran to the magic cube of the universe and reached out to touch it.

Jordan can remember, the infinite gem in the movie, is not anyone can easily touch.

The Hydra boss in World War II touched the magic cube of the universe and was sent to a planet in the universe to guide the soul gem.

A maid in the collection of the cosmopolitan magnate touched the power gem and blew up a collection room.

"Sheter, Pietro..."

Before Jordan's voice came down, pitero had taken out the magic cube from the precise instrument, and turned his head blankly to look at Jordan.


Jordani had a long, loose tongue, but still couldn't help but make complaints about this.


PS: I've run out of manuscripts. I'll update them at night, at least three chapters