Saifu is pursuing something. Jordan knows very well, but he doesn't know how much information about Asgard the other party has searched.

However, with more and more people in the eye of heaven, the organization is becoming stronger and stronger.

Jordan can feel that Saifu is definitely planning a big plan.

For Saifu's plan, Jordan is also very curious, but he is not ready to put himself in.

Thanks to the Mephisto incident and the appearance of Demon Knight Damon, Jordan now has a delicate balance with aegis and the eye of heaven.

Jordan didn't want to break the balance. As Owen Shaw and Bristol became more and more enthusiastic, he suddenly looked at the two women and a man coming in at the door of the bar.

Standard handsome men and women, with a gloomy temperament, and can not wash off the smell of blood.

"The target of the mission has appeared. Let's prepare for the operation first. Intelligence says that these three vampires are likely to know where Marcus' nest is. Don't screw it up."

When it comes to the task, Irving Shaw is obviously more serious.

And Jordan's kind of keen sense that is far stronger than ordinary people, the three people's discrimination between vampires and werewolves is still in the cognition of seeing is believing.

But just as Jordan sensed, the blood gas on the three vampires couldn't be covered.

From a long distance, you can see the two women and a man. Looking at each other in the bar is like looking at prey. That kind of look is full of brutality, cruelty and cruelty.



"I don't think so!"

During this period of time, vampires and werewolves have been active and arrogant in Europe, and European countries have begun to encircle and clean up these undead people after the hellish invasion of some time ago.

Irving Shaw has dealt with a lot of vampires.

After careful observation for a while, the three people made eye contact and walked directly towards the bar hall.

Jordan didn't show up.

No one else, such as Jordan, Serena, Wang, Clint and others, has long been listed among the undead. They are extremely dangerous and must be eradicated. They are too easy to identify and will scare the snake.

What's more, there are a large number of people in this bar. If they really want to be disturbed by the three vampires, the casualties must be not small.

Owen and dyke are two brothers who are good at fishing for girls in bars. In addition, the two female vampires came out to look for blood food. They hit it off and soon got together.

Even Bristol, the black elder brother, was easily targeted by the male vampire because of his tall and strong figure.

Not long after, under the skilled operation of Owen's two brothers, four men and two women, laughing and making trouble with each other, walked to the alley behind the bar.

Vampires are more physically powerful than ordinary people.

But Owen and Decker, with their mental calculation but no intention, and rich combat experience, when Jordan came out of the bar, two women, one man and three vampires were already weak and subdued on the spot.

The shortcomings of these vampires are too obvious. It is not very difficult for the eye of heaven and the British military to develop various weapons and means specifically aimed at these vampires.

Two bottles of garlic essence irradiated by ultraviolet for a long time are enough to make three vampires weak for a long time without killing them.

However, the more difficult thing is that these vampires have very strong recovery ability, and the pain is weakened after they become undead creatures.

It's much more difficult to get information and intelligence from three vampires.

Ordinary people can't bear any secrets when they fight two fists, but vampires are different. Ordinary interrogation methods don't work at all.

When Jordan came up to him, the three vampires, more or less, had their bones broken.

Unfortunately, Owen and Decker did not get much useful information.

Jordan's experience in dealing with vampires is much more than that of three people. After looking at it, he said, "these three vampires, won't you tell me?"

Owen shrugged. "Isn't that obvious, Joe? What can you do?"

Jordan glanced at the three vampires and said, "let's just say it's OK. Find a place to hang up. When the sun rises, the three vampires will die alive."

The three vampires were obviously shivering, and they all looked at Jordan cruelly.

"It's still three bones," said Jordan with a smile

Then Jordan took out a reagent full of red liquid from his space backpack. After opening it, a faint smell of blood floated out.

The eyes of the three vampires instantly turned into the whole body of ink, and then recovered, looking scarlet at the reagent in Jordan's hand.

The perfect immortal blood, from Alexander corvinas.

This kind of blood is not only suitable for Jordan to make weapons white wedding dress, but also has a very strong and obvious effect on human evolution, vampire evolution, werewolf evolution, etc.

Especially for the vampire, an undead living on blood, the smell of blood can even destroy the reason of some low-level vampires in an instant.

When Marcus killed his father to testify, he pierced Alexander's heart.

Jordan once pressed the wound for Alexander and collected a lot of immortal blood into his space backpack.

In addition to building weapons, Jordan also wants to see if he can create something in the research laboratory through his immortal blood.

However, the laboratory of Osborne was suddenly smashed by Mephisto, and a large number of research data were destroyed. The data of spider medicine and leech serum were backed up, but they also needed to be re deduced and experimented.

So when he came back to New York, Jordan didn't bring out the undead blood.

Did not expect that at this moment, Jordan is ready to torture in front of a confession, the use of some.


A drop of undead blood was dripping in front of the three vampires, but unfortunately, the three vampires were all weak and were interrupted by Owen.

Seeing that drop of blood fall to the ground, the three vampires are ferocious.

Despite the weakness of the body, the three vampires wriggled wildly on the ground, even biting each other, desperately rolling towards the place where the undead blood fell.

The male vampire was even stronger, and soon he first arrived at the place where the blood was dripping, and then he was shocked. He stretched his head straight to the ground and licked it.

All three of Owen were startled by the sudden scene.

The male vampire, licking on the ground, felt the trembling and temptation of his whole body cells, but because there was only one drop and most of it penetrated into the ground, he could only struggle between getting and not getting.

"Blood, give me blood, I say everything..."