Nothing is more important to a vampire than blood.

Although vampires seem to be more rational and elegant than werewolves, in fact, vampires are just undead beasts and aliens.

The temptation of a drop of undead blood directly made three vampires sell their ancestors for 18 generations.

Unlike ordinary vampires who have been transformed into death fighters, the three vampires are illegitimate children of a member of the house of Lords.

Since childhood, I have lived in a decadent and erosive environment. Once again, by chance, I learned about the existence of vampires.

The three people's identities were not to be seen. Under the temptation of novelty hunting, immortality and many other temptations, they actively joined the vampires after some decadent upper level connections.

Because of their special status, they can influence the members of the house of Lords.

So these three people in the vampire group, status is unusual, often can contact Marcus this vampire ancestor.

Recently, there has been a lot of friction between European countries and undead creatures, and the three people are very tightly bound by the MP's father.

Tired of the cold blood from the blood bank of the hospital, the three men came out secretly after holding it for a long time, ready to secretly hunt in the bar.

And there are no airtight walls.

SkyEye monitors the world, and with the help of multiple intelligence sources from the aegis and CIA, seifer has long focused on the three vampires and is ready to open a breakthrough against Marcus.

For more than half a year, in the eyes of Nick fry and seifer, the fight against the undead has been going on for too long.


"Oliver hunt!"


"Well, are illegitimate children?"


Compared with the trial of Jordan, Owen and others, the trial organized by Tianyan is more meticulous and professional.

After returning to the London base of the eye of heaven organization, all the secrets of the three vampires were quickly squeezed out.

The situation is far more serious than jordani and others think.

Since Mephisto was killed half a year ago and Jordan and Wang came to Europe, the undead, who was already in a weak position, has completely collapsed.

A large number of paws and teeth were cut off, and Marcus, with a small amount of undead elite, hid more and more secretly.

Originally, Jordan thought Marcus was afraid of being beaten, but from the mouth of the three vampires, everyone got a shocking news.

Marcus and a man called Baron Strack are united in a conspiracy called the night plan.

Baron Strack led the bridge, Marcus carried out the first embrace, infection.

They are going to start from the political, military, financial and other high-level of each country, control the leadership of the whole European countries, and really create a huge dark empire.

The illegitimate children of the three lords seized by jordani and others are the beginning of the erosion of the British upper class in this plan.

It's scary.

There is no doubt that such a plan is absolutely feasible to a certain extent.

Once the other party's plan is successful, it means that most of Europe will fall into the hands of Baron Strack and Marcus, and even let them have the power to fight against all human countries.

All the news was blocked, and seifer and Nick fry arrived in London almost overnight.

Things get bigger and bigger.

The whole Tianyan base is completely blocked. All personnel are allowed to enter and not to leave.

Baron stracker and Marcus have carried out such a huge plan, which is definitely not a day or two, but the sky eye organization and aegis have not received any news.

Needless to say, there must have been some problems within the aegis organization.

In the past three days, the eye of heaven organization has uncovered three members of Hydra, and the investigation is still ongoing.

Sky eye secret base, inner bar.

The wine glass in Jordan's hands sloshing in boredom, a mysterious and powerful force, in Jordan's body, like the tide, constantly scouring.

This power, after killing the Mephisto, appeared in Jordan's body.

At the beginning, every half a month, this force would appear, just like the ebb and flow, washing every inch of blood and every cell in Jordan's body.

More than half a year, accompanied by the eradication of countless vampires, werewolves, demons.

This power in Jordan's body also began to appear more and more frequently. Now, almost every day, this power will baptize Jordan's body.

And Jordan himself, from the beginning of helpless, to now, can rely on the will, to this power, produced some extremely weak control.

Jordan even has a feeling that when he completely controls the use of this power, maybe his body will have a qualitative change.

"Hey, boy, do you want to buy me a drink?"

Just as Jordan hones his control, a familiar voice appears next to him.

A little hoarse, and a little lazy, all the time, full of a temptation.

Jordan came with a smile on his face and looked at Natasha beside him.

Long time no see, Natasha does not seem to have any change, is still that a set of close fitting sexy combat suit, slightly pull down the chest, let a person imagine.

Jordan waved and a glass on the bar floated down in front of him.

He reached for the wine and handed it to Natasha. Jordan said with a smile, "I heard that you seem to have returned to aegis. Is life in Washington bad? How can you come to Europe when you have time?"

Natasha looked at the scene in surprise and said, "is this your new trick? It looks good! "

As the tide of strength in his body gradually faded, Jordan felt the joy and strength of his flesh and blood cells, made a body-building posture and said, "I've learned a lot of tricks. Do you want to have a try?"

Natasha gave Jordan a wink and said defiantly, "Wow, I'm afraid your little vampire girlfriend will drain my blood..."

With a smile on his face, Jordan said, "don't mention it, shette. Serena and I broke up."

Natasha laughed more and more, and said, "I'm sure it's not her fault. If I find a boyfriend in a bed waking up in another woman's room, I'll give him two bullets. Serena is too generous."

Jordan glared and said, "f.. K, I'm not to blame. I'm a killer. The glory of the blood oath badge can't be tarnished. I just went to Kate's room to discuss something. I didn't do anything."

Natasha laughed and said nothing.