If you don't have enough eloquence, enough thick skin and enough compound solutions, how can you call it slag man.

It takes a very different approach to Serena than to Natasha.

Natasha is smart and smart enough to see through everything. She is like a fox. Her feelings are based on strong enough protection.

But Serena is different. Serena's life circle is too small. She has been dealing with vampires and werewolves for 400 years.

So Serena is lonely, cold, need to be sincere enough and hot enough feelings.

Jordan admits that he is a scum, and he has been determined to be a scum man who doesn't love dogs since he was a child.

However, he never thought he was a ruthless person.

As Guanbao's friend, Jordan can even fight with the giant's mutual aid society directly for Jane's sake when he was very weak.

As a close kindergarten parent, Jordan treats may and Peter kindly enough. Without any support, he opposes CIA and Osborne.

As a man and woman on active duty, between Jordan and Natasha, let alone the Budapest war, Jordan is still wanted by Russia and Hungary.

In a sense, Serena has the longest relationship with Jordan.

Get rid of Marcus and William. That's why when Nick Frey arranged for everyone to leave Europe, Jordan came to Latvia alone.

The life of the undead is long, and it seems to be cursed by heaven.

Four hundred years of loneliness, in the view of Jordan, is enough. This time, Jordan is going to pull Serena away from the grudge of vampire and werewolf.

Of course, when doing good deeds, Jordan will be more happy if he can exchange a sincere feeling.

Looking at Serena, who is still sleeping, the other side's satisfaction and happiness on her delicate face, even with her eyes closed, are all obvious.

Jordan walked out of bed and stretched out.

After a lot of practical training, I'm no longer the boy I used to be for 15 minutes. I feel great growing up.

With a few clothes in his pocket, Jordan went to the castle.

The corpses of vampires and werewolves will turn to ashes when they are exposed to sunlight and sprinkled with silver powder. In addition to the light blood, the castle is much brighter.

The owner of this castle, once in the vampire family, has a good position, strength is also very good.

Hanging on the wall all night, the vampire looked weak, but still tenacious alive.

Under the guidance of the castle owner, Jordan collected some special food for blood slaves in the castle and prepared a fairly rich breakfast.

At this time, Jordan is more like the owner of the castle than the vampire on the wall.

At the end of the long table, Jordan was in a good mood, enjoying the sunshine and breakfast. The only pity was that the red wine in the castle was mixed with blood. Fortunately, there were some green tea bought from the Far East.

"Hey, man, I don't know your name yet?"

Random meal, Jordan seems to suddenly think of something, toward the wall of the vampire asked.

"Charles Bromley."

Compared with most hardy vampires, the owner of this castle is obviously more conscientious.

In fact, Charles, a vampire, is not as evil as Jordan imagined. He was bitten by a vampire about 200 years ago.

There was much more chaos in that era. Charles didn't like the black smoke, disease and war in the industrial revolution.

So more than 100 years ago, Charles traveled to the United States. With his long life and accumulation, he is now a rich man and philanthropist in the medical industry in the United States.

Charles believes in God. It is said that even the first fund of the Red Cross was contributed anonymously by Charles.

After his success, Charles had a lot of wealth and influence on hand, and his status among the vampires had improved. In recent years, he was given the castle of the vampire ancestral land.

No matter where people return home, they will have such a mind.

Charles also recently returned to Latvian and sponsored a large sum of US dollars for Marcus to live here for a while. If he had not been in his ancestral land, Charles would have released all the blood slaves in the castle.

Listening to Charles's complaint, Jordan was stunned.

There are wonderful flowers in every place and race.

Or it's not a wonderful flower, but Charles still hasn't lost the shining point of humanity and kindness after a hundred years, which shocked Jordan.

"What are you talking about?"

When Jordan was stunned, Serena came to the hall wrapped in a looser housecoat.

“Nothing! Honey, I'll prepare breakfast, er, eggs and green beans for you. If you need, here's bloody red wine. "

Jordan got up and gently opened the chair for Serena.

Two people kiss face to face, Serena is disgusted to push away the blood red wine, said: "honey, do you have coffee?"

Jordan shrugged and said, "it's impolite to drink coffee in a vampire's house. There's green tea from the East. Do you need it? It's delicious. "

Early in the morning.

Charles on the wall is not happy, but more, it is unparalleled shock.

Watching Serena enjoy breakfast, Charles struggled, whined, but ignored, saying: "it's impossible, no blood group can enjoy human breakfast, Serena, I know you, it's impossible..."

Serena doesn't pay attention to Charles on the wall. After breaking away from her four hundred years of vampire career, Serena hates all the undead creatures. These undead creatures destroy Serena's family and bring her hundreds of years of disaster.

On the contrary, Jordan is very interested in Charles on the wall.

Turning his hand over, he took out a test tube containing immortal blood from the space backpack. Jordan put down the tableware and said, "Charles, do you know what this is?"

Charles's nose stirred with surprise and shock on his face and said: "this is the immortal blood of the elder. It's the source of evolution. F.. K, give it to me. I need it. Money. I have countless wealth. How much do you want..."

Jordan laughed.

An undead blood is nothing to Jordan. Jordan has a lot more.

After the European incident and the three pieces of information provided by Natasha, Jordan deeply felt that no one could be trusted, and Saifu could not, and Nick Frey could not.

To be a man, we should always rely on ourselves.

If you want to rely on yourself, it is essential to have a powerful and powerful force with sufficient funds.

Norman Osborne can cooperate, but it is not a good choice. On the contrary, Charles Bromley is a good choice.