No one can imagine the temptation of an apple and a meal to a vampire.

Especially for a vampire with humanity and bottom line.

Before becoming a vampire, Charles was a small business man who was treacherous enough. On the contrary, after becoming a vampire, he awakened his goodness and began to believe in God in his long life and loneliness.

So Charles never sucks the blood of living people. He just drinks the blood from the blood bank by relying on his huge medical career.

Lonely, monotonous, even despairing long.

When Charles came to eat the first apple in 200 years after his evolution through immortal blood, he cried with joy like a 200 Jin child.

Jordan has no means to restrict Charles, the most is to threaten to kill each other.

On the contrary, Charles, almost heartfelt thanks to Jordan, decided to give his huge medical industry as a gift.

The reason is hard core. When he was shot, Charles said that he had no pursuit of money and wealth.

Two hundred years later, Charles is not an industry. His savings are hard currency for gold, jewelry and antiques.

Charles decided to be a traveler, traveling all over the world, enjoying the sunshine and delicious food.

Of course, this is not what Charles can achieve with his mouth open.

The industry Charles built almost covers the whole medical industry. Although it is not as large as the 200 billion scale of stark group and Osborne group, it is at least tens of billions.

It's not a lot of interest conglomerates like Abu Dhabi in Europe, it's a personal industry.

But because of Charles's vampire identity, Charles has been hiding behind the scenes.

If you want to transfer the property to Jordan, legal procedures, board decisions and so on, it will not be too short a time.

Unexpectedly, Jordan originally wanted to cooperate with Charles. Only by coercion and inducement could he achieve his goal, but unexpectedly, the other party wanted to give the whole industry to him.

For this, although Jordan pushed three times, but looking at Serena's black muzzle, Charles was sincere.

After stopping in the castle for two days, Charles's industrial transfer was finalized.

Jordan and Serena, just in Charles pointed out the clues, toward a Latvian military port.

The vampires have a huge influence in the whole of Latvia. Even the death of Alexander more than half a year ago caused a lot of turbulence in the country. However, with the help of Hydra, Marcus has gained a firm foothold in the country, even more powerful than Alexander.

However, in any case, it is within the scope of Europe and is subject to radiation control by European countries.

After the failure of the dark night plan, with the strong sweep of European countries, Marcus had to give up his old home in Latvian and prepare to leave from the military port and go to Russia with Hydra.

The Baltic Sea, port Liepaya.

It used to be the military base of the former Soviet Union. After the collapse of the former Soviet Union, it became a semi military trade port of Latvian.

A frigate equipped with Aegis combat system is more than 130 meters long and 134 meters wide, with a full load displacement of more than 3500 tons. It is equipped with dual-purpose missile launcher, 76mm artillery, intensive close combat weapon system, anti submarine helicopter, etc.

The combined forces of Hydra and undead are enormous. Even warships of military combat level can be obtained.

Jordan and Serena are at the trade port far away, watching the defense arrangement on the warship with binoculars. They can't help sighing.

No wonder the aegis and European countries will not pursue and exterminate Marcus and Hydra after they arrive in Latvian.

There's a big killer in there, unless it's a national military fleet.

Otherwise, it's just impossible to rely on some special forces and a few Kungfu fighters to get rid of this thing.

There are not too many escorts on the warship. They are all members of Hydra. They patrol during the day.

After the night, a large number of vampires and werewolves, like a nest of ants, ran around on the warship happily.

Not to mention the combat raid, even if you want to sneak in, it's not a simple thing.

Fortunately, Jordan and Serena's physical fitness is far more than ordinary people, and they are able to move in the daytime, relying on Charles's money to open the way, directly mixed into a wave of cargo delivery team.

Marcus is no longer able to stand up in Europe. Even in Latvian, sooner or later, he will fight against vampires and werewolves under the oppression of European countries.

Therefore, this departure is close to the relocation of the Ju nationality, with countless wealth and assets.


With the green light flashing, Jordan and Serena put on their port work clothes and carried a huge box onto the ship.

During the day, members of Hydra strictly control the cargo entrance. Every staff member on board has a work certificate and swipes his card wherever he passes.

Along the way with the members of the Hydra custody, Jordan and Serena carrying the box, soon came to a huge warehouse.

It's different from the goods that Jordan imagined.

In this storage cabin, there is a large iron cage stacked neatly.

Each cage is two meters high and one square meter round. Inside, there are people who have been completely numb, including men and women. Without exception, they are extremely young.

"These are the blood slaves of the vampires!"

Serena whispered as she saw Jordan's steps and felt the anger and killing from him.

"F.. K, such a damn thing."

With a low, angry voice, Jordan and Serena continue to carry the box deep.

Charles is a rich man. Among the vampires, his status is not low, and the arrangement is in place. The box that Jordan and Dani are carrying is a gift Charles gave to Marcus.

Carrying such a box, Jordan and Serena can go straight through until they see Marcus.

Of course, it's OK to help them get in. If they want to get out, Charles can't help them.

Fortunately, during the day, most of the vampires are sleepy, just like human beings are sleepy at night. Most of the vampires fall into deep sleep and rest.

There were not many obstacles along the way. Jordan and Serena soon came to a huge cabin that had been modified.

Just like the ancient emperors, Marcus's cabin door is guarded by two hell demons who are three meters tall. On one side of the room, there is a huge cage full of blood, holding the werewolf ancestor William.


"Check your uncle!"

After seeing the environment in the room, Jordan threw away the box, drew his gun, and fired a set of three shots in Marcus' face.

Bullet riding face, familiar taste, familiar feeling.