Part of the information in Jordan's hands is given by Natasha, but the other part is obtained from seifer of the eye of heaven organization.

Saifu is a woman with great ambition. Similarly, she also has great means.

After the establishment of the eye of heaven organization, it didn't take long for seifer to eliminate the influence of Nick fry in the eye of heaven organization.

In fact, a long time ago, Jordan knew that Nick Frey was no longer funding eye.

However, this does not have much impact on the Tianyan organization. Saifu's weakest point is that he has no family background and basic business. With the help of the tiger skin of CIA and aegis, after completing the preliminary construction of Tianyan organization, Saifu has already found a way to earn more money and become an intelligence organization independent of CIA and aegis.

However, Saif's cleverest point is that after Tianyan became independent, it did not cut off the cooperation with CIA and aegis, and even took the path of MI6 and other organizations in Europe.

It's not too hard to get what Jordan wants by seifer's means.

What's more, the Hydra parasitizes the aegis. In this situation of the alternation of the old and the new and the great change of the situation, how can Saifu miss the opportunity to bite from this situation.

With Jordan's voice falling, Saifu, who had not seen him for a long time, came into the secret base of aegis surrounded by a group of people.

The situation in the room became tense again.

Hill's face grew colder and colder. He held a gun in both hands. He pointed one hand at Jordan and the other at sever. He said, "that's what you mean, Jovovich?"

At the weakest moment of aegis, Jordan came with a group of outsiders.

This made the people of aegis, who had been repeating a lot, nervous again and raised their guns one after another. They had the impulse to shoot if they didn't agree with each other.

Jordan didn't speak.

On the contrary, Saifu, with a slightly ironic smile, said: "hill, look, this is your loyal Nick Frey. He probably didn't tell you that the heavenly eye organization is also a part of the aegis!"

Colson, Natasha, Clint and others are aware of the existence of eye tissue.

At this time, however, Natasha and Clint's position was somewhat biased towards Jordan. Finally, Colson seized Hill's pistol and said, "hill, the eye of heaven is indeed a part of aegis. This may be what director Frey means."

Hill's face changed and he wanted to say something, but he stifled it back.

Jordan is not ready to let go of the opportunity to force Nick Frey out, saying: "hill, the threat of Hydra has appeared, if Nick Frey does not appear, the aegis will really be over!"

Hill's face tangled, obviously trapped in an extreme struggle.

Jordan and others did not disturb each other at this time, just waiting quietly.

A moment later, Hill seemed to have made a final decision. He looked at Jordan and said, "when did you find out? The number of contacts between us should not be much! "

The idea in Jordan's heart was finally certified, and a smile came on his face, saying: "yes, we have very little contact, but never that single woman, who is not moved when facing me, unless she is not human!"

This is really shameless, Natasha and other people, all silently gave Jordan a look of disdain.

Jordan has no choice but to say that he has seen spider man: the heroic expedition.

Sure enough, after the end of Jordan's voice, hill, a beautiful woman, changed her face in full view of the public, showing a green complexion and sharp ears.

Ignoring everyone's surprise, "hill" just looked at Jordan and said, "let's get to know each other again. I'm Soren, agent 8 of aegis."

At the same time, in the operating room, Nick Frey, who had been dead, came back to life.

By the time "Nick Frey" went outside, he had become an alien with the same green complexion and sharp ears. He spoke to Jordan and said, "taros, aegis agent level 9."

The sudden changes in "Nick Frey" and "hill" make everyone feel a big wave of exaggeration.

Even Nick Frey's super confidant at Colson's level can't help feeling a little broken.

As an Aegis agent, it's really bad luck.

At first, it was disturbing to know that the aegis has become the snake shield. Now, outside the snake shield, people are still working for aliens. It's really fucked.

Clint looked queer and said, "sheter, I'm no more than a level 7 agent!"

There's a lot of people who think like Clint.

In the face of this situation, taros and Soren had to stand up and explain: "in fact, we are just living on the earth. The real Nick Frey is carrying out a mission in outer space, in order to avoid the turmoil of aegis and the unrest of human society on earth, That's why we're both pretending to be Nick fry and hill for a while! "

Jordan was the calmer one, and said, "what about Nick Frey, can you get in touch with him now?"

Taros gave a wry smile and said, "I'm afraid it will take at least two months."

"That's to say, even if aegis is destroyed, Nick fry" doesn't care, does he

Taros took a deep look at Jordan and said, "the real aegis will never be destroyed!"

Ignoring taros and Soren, Jordan looked at the others in the room and said, "so now, what's your opinion?"

A group of members of aegis were in a bit of a panic. Even Colson and Clint were at a loss.

At this time, seifer naturally stood up and said, "I suggest that Mr. Talos and Ms. Soren be put in custody first, and wait for director Frey to show up. How about that?"

People in aegis are at a loss and don't know how to answer.

Saifu's Queen's aura was wide open, and said: "everyone, our biggest enemy now is the nine headed snakes hidden in the aegis. They can no longer be distracted by other things. Colson, you are the only level 7 agent except Mr. Talos and Ms. Soren. How to deal with it is up to you. Tianyan will fully cooperate with your actions."

Colson's face was stunned, and then his face became firm. He said, "temporarily detain Mr. Talos and Ms. Soren, and inform all base owners to be ready for battle."

The crowd soon dispersed. With the backbone, these members of aegis are still very strong in execution.

Not long after, a limited number of people, such as Jordan, seifer, Natasha, Clint and Colson, came to an underground hall full of equipment in the secret base.

Since Nick Frey became director of aegis, no one knows how much money this product has embezzled from the Security Council, how many secret bases it has made, and how many secret equipment it has prepared.

Anyway, just the things in this underground base are enough to equip a modern mechanic.

When I came to the room, it was unexpected.

Colson entered the state very quickly. After he became the backbone of aegis temporarily, his first question was to ask Joe Denny, "Mr. Jovovich, I want to know, does everything today have anything to do with you?"

Jordan was stunned.

Colson's way of doing things is very different from Nick Frey's.

He is also skeptical and cautious. Colson is much more moderate, but more aboveboard, especially in his attitude.

For such an honest man, of course, Jordan did not hesitate to cheat him.

Without even thinking about it, Jordan said, "it doesn't matter at all. It's seifer's idea."

Saifu just glanced at jordani faintly and didn't say a word.

With a long sigh, Colson said, "Mr. Jovovich, the current aegis is at its weakest moment. Domestic and foreign troubles are rampant, and the hydra is rampant. As acting director of the aegis, I formally invite Mr. Jovovich to become an adviser to the aegis."

Jordan's face was muddled. He didn't expect that Colson, a seemingly honest guy, could do such a skillful job even in making himself an official.

It can be seen that every good thing in intelligence work.

For Colson's invitation, Jordan just gave a faint smile and said: "Colson, let's have a look first. We don't know the strength of Hydra. However, according to some of my information channels, Hydra and aegis should not be able to separate each other. My suggestion is to destroy it."

Colson's bitter face, just a moment later, showed a firm look and said: "in any case, aegis will not be destroyed."

Jordan spread out his hand and looked to Saifu beside him.

Saifu was much sharper than jordani. He directly asked people to take out one piece of information after another and said, "this is the information we obtained from some channels. About Hydra, it may be more terrible than you and I think..."

Operation report of Assassin's mutual aid, black operation of Strack castle, analysis summary of Roma training camp and Leviathan, list of partners of Aidian organization, analysis report of yazhitian group, details of insight plan of aegis

There are more than 30 pieces of information, and almost every piece of information contains many traces of Hydra.

The whole Hydra organization is almost all over the world, with different governments, congresses, consortia, underground gangs, etc.

This is a huge super organization. If there is only one weakness, it is that these hydras also have different ideas, branches and even more brutal fights.