The connection between Jordan and seifer has never been broken.

There are so many organizations in Marvel world that even after he has enough power to protect himself, Jordan has never really relaxed.

Whether it's business or cooperation with Saifu, what really gives Jordan the upper hand is after he gets ten viewing places from Odin.

The number of people accompanying him to Asgard is enough to make Saifu's attitude towards Jordan change 180 degrees.

Unlike Nick Frey and aegis, seifer is more convinced of Asgard's existence and has always maintained some hope for Jordan's words.

What's more, Jordan's heart of power is not big. Taking advantage of the weakness of aegis, he can get a lot of benefits from Tianyan.

This is also the main reason for Saifu to arrive at the secret base in time after being informed by Jordan.

A large amount of information is placed in front of the public. Although these things can not serve as sufficient and effective evidence, the people present, such as Colson, Natasha and Clint, are not so pedantic that they have to rely on hard evidence to believe it.

There is no such powerful person as Nick Frey in aegis. The dominant power is almost in the hands of Jordan and seifer.

Huge as a monster, the Hydra appeared in front of everyone.

Colson took over the aegis in confusion. Although he was a bit numb in the face of such an enemy, he didn't show too much confusion. After a long silence, he said: "I suggest that a document left by director Frey should be activated. However, this document can only be opened with the joint authorization of at least four agents above level 7!"

Jordan was a little surprised. He didn't expect that Nick Frey had a backhand in Colson's hands.

It's a bit of an accident, but it doesn't matter. Anyway, Jordan's goal is just to deal with Hydra. It's none of Jordan's business whether Saifu can get any benefits or not in such a situation.

But out of curiosity, Jordan asked, "what document is it?"

Colson, with a dignified expression, said: "this is a plan that director Frey has been preparing for a long time ago. It is specially used to deter extraordinary things, extraterrestrial civilization and global crisis."

"The Avengers?" he said

Colson was a little surprised and looked at Jordan.

Joe Danielle laughed and said, "Nick Frey invited me, but I refused. The treatment is not very good!"

Colson speechless, soon opened a secret archive of the aegis board, and transferred a so-called revenge program file.

Colson and Clint are both level 7 agents, and there are two aliens, taros and Soren, who are being held at the base.

The file was quickly opened, and a name that made Jordan's heart jump appeared in everyone's eyes.

"Carol Danvers, Air Force captain, member of operation Tianma, gained quantum power due to the explosion of superluminal engine, the last card of the earth..."

The appearance of the first name in the files of the avenger plan shocked everyone.

"Jordani Jovovich, a killer and orphan, has excellent shooting skills, strong physical fitness and rapid strength improvement. It is suspected that there are magic forces such as the law society behind him. He attaches great importance to feelings, but he has a bad personality, is greedy for flowers and lusts, and has no discipline and organization. It is suggested that female agents be sent to contact him..."

"Tony Stark, the son of Howard, is gifted in intelligence, steel armor and artificial intelligence. He has a certain sense of social responsibility, but he has a bad character..."

"Bruce Benner..."

Then, in the archives, scattered, also appeared some people's information and video of Jordan, Tony, Damon, hawk and so on.

By the time the crowd had swept away, Jordan had a black face.

"Slander, it's absolutely Nick Fry's slander on my character, sheter. I knew this bastard had never been kind to me!"

Colson directly ignored Jordan's words, looked at the crowd, and said: "with an extraordinary fast mobile force and enough intelligence information, it can put out most of the initial threats. What do you think of this plan?"

Natasha and Clint looked at each other and said, "try it!"

Saifu looked indifferent and said with a smile: "the eye of heaven can provide any information in sufficient detail at any time."

Colson knocked on the table and said, "in the name of acting director of aegis, I'll invite these people now. No matter whether the establishment of Avengers alliance is needed or not, we must stop the Hydra at all costs."

One invitation after another, it was quickly distributed.

With the help of Saifu's heavenly eye organization, this invitation did not disturb the internal of aegis, which was parasitized by Hydra.

Early the next morning.

When Jordan came to the secret base hall, he soon saw several familiar people.

Tony, wearing a casual suit and brown glasses, is making a poisonous comment on the layout of the secret base.

Bruce Benner is still an honest and honest appearance. If he didn't know that the other party might turn into a super irascible green fat man at any time, I'm afraid that people would not regard him as a gentle and harmless person.

In addition, Colson sent out several other invitation, and did not receive a response.

Not everyone is interested in the so-called Avenger plan of the aegis, such as Damon, Serena and the punisher. Even if they are invited by the aegis, they have no response at all.

Fortunately, Clint, Natasha, seifer and others can make up for it.

The scene in the hall is just lively.

When all the people arrived, Colson, as the temporary director of aegis, had to stand up and said, "thank you for being able to stand up at this critical time. The aegis is now at its weakest moment. Apart from all of you present, we have no one to trust. I also believe that..."

The usual leadership opening.

Unfortunately, there were few people who were self-contained. Tony even more impolitely interrupted Colson's words and said, "Hey, who? You know, Stark's time is very precious. It's no problem to deal with Hydra, but you just need to say a name list!"

Colson slightly embarrassed, said: "sorry, this is the biggest problem we face, we do not know the real enemy, who are there!"

Tony's face was full of sarcasm, and he said, "so this time, are you inviting us over for tea, or to watch a show?"

Looking at Tony's fury, with a look of consternation on his face, Jordan opened his mouth to Natasha and asked, "did Colson provoke Tony?"

Natasha gave a funny smile and said, "it's probably the information left by Nick Frey. He's not very satisfied with Tony's evaluation."

Jordani nodded and said, "Nick Frey is blind. He has only one eye. He doesn't know who is the real mainstay. He chooses who will preside over such a big aegis Bureau. Two aliens, such a big earth, actually takes a woman who has not been on the earth for more than ten years as his trump card."

Natasha did not make complaints about Jordani's Tucao.

Just at this time, Tony squeezed over with a cheap face and said, "Joe, have you seen those two aliens?"

Jordan nodded and said, "I see. It's not quite in line with my taste."

Tony looked disgusted and said, "sheter, you scientific idiot, this is the first living alien on earth, which proves the existence of extraterrestrial civilization. With this meeting time for blind discussion, I hope to study the existence of those two aliens!"

The crowd was loose and formed a small group in twos and threes, discussing what they were discussing.

At this time, Colson's face became more and more sad. He felt that his hairline might move backward after this event.

Colson is not Nick Frey. He doesn't have the strength and dominance of the other side.

In the whole hall, only Bruce Benner, an honest man, showed some prudence.

Maybe he felt his defect in this aspect. After hesitating for a long time, Colson watched back and forth in the hall crowd, and finally came to Jordan.

Jordan stopped chatting with Tony, slightly embarrassed, and said to Colson, "Hey, Colson, what's up? Oh, by the way, we are discussing how to deal with Hydra. Do you have any plans? "

Colson's face was frustrated, and then his expression was firm. He said: "Mr. Jovovich, the current situation, compared with you know, the aegis is in a mess, so I decided to let the Avengers alliance be a more independent and pure organization. The aegis and the eye of heaven will send personnel to provide convenience and intelligence."

Jordan took his face seriously.

There's something interesting about Colson right now.

Perhaps in terms of ruling power, Colson is not as strong as Nick Frey, nor does he have all kinds of routines like Nick Frey.

But the other side put everything on the surface, even retreated, showing emotional intelligence and attitude, which is much more comfortable than Nick Frey.

As an independent intelligence organization and service department, aegis will not lose its influence and control over Avengers alliance.

Jordan looked at Colson and said, "so what exactly do you want to say?"

Colson took a deep breath and said, "I don't know what the aegis will be like after this event, but I think the existence of Avengers alliance may need an endorser in the government."

"Whether or not the Avengers alliance will continue to exist in the future, at present, I hope Mr. Jovovich can stand up and preside over this time. At least, aegis can wait for director Frey to appear."

Colson is a wise man. He can see the crisis and weakness of aegis. He can also see the tandem effect that Jordan can achieve in this team.

Tony, sever, Bruce, and even Natasha and Clint may not want to be restricted by the aegis, especially when the aegis is still in the mire.

So Colson simply took the initiative to give up the initiative to dominate the operation, in order to be able to continue breathing for aegis.