On the space carrier, the Avengers and aegis all fell into an extremely silent silence after their conversation with kirian.

There is no doubt that kirian is not a good thing, and the choice given may not be credible.

But like the Avengers, no one dares to gamble. Only when the knife is put on the body can we really know what the pain is.

At this time, no matter how calm Nick Frey was, he did not dare to persuade Jordan and others.

At this time, the Avengers are like a powder keg. Any spark can blow up the whole situation.

And just as the atmosphere became more and more silent, with the help of aegis, Decker and Ethan also rushed to the space carrier.

Seeing their arrival, Nick Frey's eyes flashed. Instead of talking about the two choices given by kirian, he spoke to them and said, "what's the situation in the holy city?"

Dyke and Ethan entered the room with an anxious face.

After hearing Nick Frey's words, they both showed a painful expression.

For a long time, Ethan said: "chaos, the whole holy city has been completely in chaos, the government has completely stopped, there are riots everywhere, and around the holy city..."

Ethan's words didn't go on.

But I also want to know that at this time, the city is surrounded by iron nets and a large army. It's OK for the people of the holy city to stay in the city safely. If they want to attack the blockade outside the city, I'm afraid the end will not be generally miserable.

Ethan was alone and naturally deplored the situation.

But Decker was different. After a moment's silence, he spoke to Jordan and said, "Joe, we've been found. Heidi is now in the hands of Aidian. We have to save her."

Jordan's look shocked, gave dyke a big affirmative look, and then looked at the seventeen antidotes.

All of a sudden, in the whole room, everyone's breathing became heavy.

The situation is about to get out of control. Nick Frey can't help it any more and says, "Jovovich, you need to be calm and restrained. This is kirian's plot..."

"It's to split the Avengers and aegis, right?" he said

Nick Frey was tongue tied, looking into Jordan's eyes, but he didn't know what to say.

Kirian's plan is a conspiracy. Anyway, the choice has been given. On the one hand, there are millions of people in the holy city, and on the other hand, there are families of the Avengers. No matter how you choose, there will be differences between the Avengers and the aegis.

As Jordan walked towards the seventeen antidotes, Nick Frey, such as hill and Colson, had reached for the waist pistol.

Among the Avengers, Dr. Benner, Steve and others are OK, while Tony and Clint, who pay more attention to their families, are on the alert.

I'm afraid there will be a fight between the Avengers and aegis.

At this time, Steve suddenly reached out and stopped Jordan, looking painful, but more determined and said: "Joe, you have to think clearly, once you move these things, what are the consequences!"

Jordan's face was dignified and his figure gave a pause.

Steve kept up his efforts and said, "Joe, I'm in the same pain as you, but fate is like this. We have to make a decision in suffering. Kirian is a madman. His antidote may not be true."

Jordan closed his eyes and was silent for two minutes. He suddenly opened his eyes and said, "Steve, if these antidotes don't have to be true, why don't you let me take them away?"

Steve choked instantly.

Yes, if the antidote is not true, there is no reason for aegis or Steve to stop Jordan from taking it away.

And if it's true, there's no reason to stop Jordan.

After all, in the end, it depends on whether the family or the lives of millions are important in people's minds.

What else did Steve want to say? Jordan said directly, "Steve, is one life more important, or 10000 lives more important?"

It is an unsolved problem to exchange life for life.

When Steve stopped, and nobody stopped him, Jordan quickly came to the table with seventeen antidotes, and the whole room was quiet.

As long as Jordan reaches for four antidotes, there is no doubt that Tony, Clint, Hobbes and others will make the same choice.

But unexpectedly, it was just when everyone thought that Jordan was going to do it.

However, Jordan suddenly turned around and said, "I don't believe what a rubbish or madman said! Tony, I think you need to check what the hell these are

Tony's face was a little anxious and he said, "Joe..."

"Tony, I'll bring them back safely. I don't know how terrible I am," he said

After that, Jordan ignored everyone's reaction and strode toward the deck of the space carrier.

A group of people followed, only to see Joe Denny appeared on the deck, shouting into the sky: "heimdar, I need your help!"

People who didn't know it thought that Jordan might be crazy.

However, it was only less than a few seconds after the stop, a surprising rainbow storm in the sky fell straight down, shrouded in Jordan's body.


The rainbow light in the sky disappeared in an instant, leaving a huge and complicated mark on the deck.

At this time, Jordan has already appeared in Asgard.

Heimdar was still clubbing at the top of the rainbow bridge like a piece of wood. After seeing the figure of Jordan, he saluted slightly and said, "Your Highness Jovovich!"

Jordan also saluted hamdal and said, "hamdal, I need your help!"

On his cold and matchless face, he suddenly showed a gentle smile and said, "Your Highness Jovovich is so affectionate and righteous. It's the blessing of Asgard. It will be as you wish."

As one of the old gods, heimdar's all seeing eye can observe more than 90% of the secrets of the universe.

Unless it is such a level of existence as infinite gem, King Odin, Guyi and so on, there are few things that can block heimdar's eyes.

Kirian is a lunatic and a genius.

From the beginning, he communicated with Jordan and others by using Tony's home network. The second time, he was more hidden in an underground cell.

In a short period of time, neither aegis nor Avengers can find out the trace of each other.

But kirian can hide from the detection on earth, but not from the eyes of hamdar, the God of ASAR.

Just a moment later, heimdahl took out his sword and started the rainbow bridge terminal. A rainbow light wrapped Jordan, sending Jordan to an ancient castle in the midst of dizziness and tearing force.

Jordan doesn't know where it is, but he can see that the ancient castle is far away from the city, and even the stones are wrapped with a lot of vines.

At the moment of Jordan's appearance, four or five fully armed mercenaries suddenly flashed out of the hiding place.

"Who are you?"

"Hands up..."

Looking at the brave mercenaries who opened the insurance, under Jordan's mask, without the slightest expression, he went straight to the main gate of the castle.

"Stop, or we'll shoot!"

"This is private territory. If you insist on trespassing, we have the right to kill you!"

Although the mercenaries who stopped Jordan were wearing mercenary clothes, they showed the temperament of elite soldiers all the time.

"Are you veterans?" he said

With Jordan's voice falling, the four or five mercenaries' faces changed greatly. They looked at each other and opened fire one after another. They came to Jordan.

There was a clanging noise, and the armor on Jordan's body was full of fire.

After a torrential rain of bullets, a gun with black matte and silver print appeared in Jordan's hand.

Bang bang!

After a burst of gunfire, a few bullets with a strong smell of death, directed at the eyebrows of the four or five mercenaries.

However, out of Jordan's surprise, these mercenaries, at the moment of the crisis, could escape some preciseness, and jumped out in a way far faster than ordinary people.

A total of four mercenaries, one of whom was shot in the middle of the eyebrow, died on the spot.

The other three mercenaries, however, were shot in the shoulder and arm, even with a slight scratch.

After dodging Jordan's bullet, the three mercenaries soon began to have red magma liquid flowing in their bodies.

The temperature suddenly rose a lot. On the three mercenaries, the original injuries recovered quickly.

Desperate warrior.

Seeing the changes in these three people, Jordan not only had no fear, but also had a sense of sureness and peace of mind.

To be able to meet such a desperate soldier means that he has found the right place.

Without a word, the three desperate soldiers rushed towards Jordan like tigers and leopards. The heat wave made the whole void burn instantly.

Bang bang!

With a knee bump and a heavy fist, Jordan smashed two desperate soldiers out, while the other hand with a gun was firmly held by the last desperate soldier.

This is Jordan's intention. Although these desperate fighters are powerful, they are still far behind Jordan's speed and strength.

The reason why he was caught by the desperate soldier was that Jordan just wanted to test whether the high temperature on the other side had any threat to him.