Desperate warrior, even in the whole series of Marvel movies, has been regarded as a senior branch of arms.

Agile, powerful and high-temperature, even if it's just the end, it can choose to explode and die with the enemy.

But ordinary desperate soldiers are not as strong as big boss kirian.

It takes a long time for the high temperature of ordinary desperate soldiers to melt the armor on the war machine. Of course, it may also be to avoid burning through the armor all at once and burning James to death, which is a plot killing.

Jordan has long known that real life, those memories, as a little bit of reference is OK, as the truth, is his own silly beep.

That's why Jordan tested the power of the desperate warrior.

Only when you know yourself and the enemy can you win a hundred battles.

Caught by a desperate soldier's wrist, soon, Jordan looked at the desperate soldier's red hands and felt the heat coming from the armor.

But that's all. Let the desperate soldier hold Jordan's wrist, and Jordan doesn't move.

"Is that all? If that's the only way, you're going to die! "

The desperate soldier heard the words of jordani, a flash of surprise flashed on his red face. At this time, jordani grabbed the desperate soldier with his other hand, just like tearing a piece of gum on his body, tore it down, swung an arc in mid air, and hit him heavily.


Jordan stepped on the other side with his foot and shot him in the head.

This kind of desperate warrior has a strong recovery ability, but Jordan believes that any creature, after being shot in the head, may not be able to recover.

Unless the evolution of the desperate warrior's brain has been lost.

Sure enough, after the eyebrow was pierced, the desperate soldier trembled all over, and the red and high temperature on his body quickly faded away and became a corpse.

At this time, the other two desperate fighters who were shot out by Jordan also recovered from vertigo.

Unfortunately, at this time, the two bullets had gone through their heads, and they got up from the ground. Just for a moment, they had completely lost all consciousness.

Soon, without looking back, Jordan walked into the castle.

Along the way, those scattered soldiers who guarded the castle had no blocking effect on Jordan's intrusion.

Less than half an hour later, Jordan had almost cleaned up the whole castle and came to the underground cell of the castle.


One side of the iron gate was kicked away by Jordan. With fierce force, it flew several meters away and knocked away a desperate soldier hiding behind.

Then, Jordan's figure broke into the room. Before Jordan's figure appeared, a bullet had broken through the air first, killing 90% of the desperate soldiers in the whole dungeon on the spot.

"Joe (godfather, uncle)..."

As Jordan walks into the dungeon, his head's armor is off. On the open space below the dungeon, on a row of iron frames, Jennie, may, pepper, Mindy, Peter and others have already cried out in surprise.

However, with a burst of movement, the body, a colorful light, as if to reveal from the body, let a few people all show extremely painful expression.

In addition to the families of the Avengers, there was a living man in the whole dungeon.

Maya Hansen, once a female scientist in Bern, Switzerland, who was mercilessly plucked by Tony, fell to the ground when he was scared by a sudden fight.

The armor on Jordan's body took off, jumped down from the iron shelf at the door, and soon tore apart all the shackles on everyone's body.

It was only at this time that Jordan looked at Maya Hansen and was ready to kill him directly.

Maya Hansen was obviously different from Killian's twisted lunatic. After seeing the action of Jordan, she immediately shivered and yelled, "no, don't kill me. I say everything. Please, believe me, it's not my intention, it's Killian's fault..."

"And Tony the asshole!" Pepper's face was a little pale, and his body was still suffering a lot, but he also stopped Jordan and said, "Joe, it's her who helped us, otherwise we would have died two days ago."

Jordan takes a look at Maya Hansen, who crouches on the ground in tears.

It's just a dispensable person. Jordan didn't pay attention to the place any more. He quickly connected the video of Tony and others on the space carrier, and asked people to locate and send a receptionist.

In the process of waiting for the reception, Jordan seems to comfort may, Peter, Mindy, and even Hobbes' wife, Clint's wife and others, and then looks at Jennie and pepper.

Among the people, Jennie and pepper were more calm and calm.

Soon, Jordan also learned some bad information from Jennie and pepper.

In Marvel world, those superheroes all wear tights and masks. This is not without reasons. One is for the convenience of fighting, the other is to hide their identity and protect their families.

Jennie, pepper and others who were caught this time were basically superhero families who announced their identities to the public after the establishment of the Avengers alliance.

Even Clint's family members, who were well hidden, were found out after he revealed his identity in the Avengers' public action.

With mental calculation but no intention, and these desperate soldiers are extremely strong, even Jennie, a super killer, has been captured by a net.

That's not a good sign.

If not, the newly established and stabilized Avengers alliance will collapse again.

When Jordan had a headache, four or five Kungfu fighters broke through the sky, stopped in a large wilderness, connected all the people, and flew towards the space carrier.

Three hours later, in an interrogation room on the space carrier.

Nick Frey, who was once the king of spies, chose to leave in person and came to the interrogation room to launch an emergency trial on Maya Hansen.

It's worse than Jordan and others think.

Kirian, a lunatic, seems to have been ready for a long time. The antidote or the hostage was deliberately found by Jordan and others.

The only problem is whether the 17 antidotes are used to save the family or to develop antidotes to save the holy city.

Between the Avengers and aegis, they once again fell into a stalemate over the antidote.

But there's a problem that comes to Jordan's mind. It's Maya Hansen.

In Iron Man 3, Maya Hansen is the spy that kirian sent to deceive Tony at the beginning. At the end, kirian becomes more and more crazy, and Maya Hansen repents.

What's more, Maya Hansen is actually the main force in the research and development of desperate virus.

Kirian deliberately left the antidote and hostages, or even gave up. There was no reason not to take Maya Hansen as the core of R & D.

Just as everyone became more and more deadlocked, Jordan quickly dragged Tony into the interrogation room.

Nick Frey was stunned to see them coming, and then he wanted to say something. However, Jordan interrupted each other directly and said to Maya Hansen, "Hey, how's it like to meet your old lover?"

Tony was dragged over by Jordan. Outside the interrogation room, pepper and others were watching.

Tony didn't know what Jordan was going to do, but he couldn't help rolling his eyes and his face was a little sore.

On the other side, Maya Hansen, after seeing Tony, obviously had some mood swings, but she was still very good at covering up and wanted to continue to pretend.

Jordan was more and more convinced that there was something wrong with him. He laughed sarcastically and said, "Maya Hansen, you want to get back at Tony, don't you?"

"In 1999, Tony dumped you in Switzerland and crushed you in wisdom. You studied half of your life's things. Tony just spent an extra night with Pipi to point out the key. Isn't he very unwilling?"

"By the way, Tony got married a while ago and didn't even give you an invitation, did he..."

Just as Jordan's tongue became more and more venomous, Maya Hansen's forehead was already blue, her face twisted into a ball. She slapped the table and yelled, "enough!"

Then, everyone can clearly see that on Maya Hansen's wrist, the red heat blooms, and the handcuffs are melted in an instant.

Nick Frey and hill, they've already drawn instinctively.

However, at this time, Maya Hansen took a look at Jordan. The high temperature on her body dissipated and returned to her normal appearance, but her temperament changed a lot in an instant.

Before, Maya Hansen was like a victim, aggrieved, scared and panicked.

But now, Maya Hansen didn't say a word. The whole person's resentment and jealousy, just like the essence, shrouded in the room.

After a moment's silence, Maya Hansen sneered and said, "since you've found out, I have nothing to say. I'd like to watch you. When you find that you can't do anything, despair and pain reach the limit, you will cry and wail, kneel in front of me and beg for my pity."

Everyone's face suddenly changed.

Jordan turned over his hand and took out all the antidotes. He fell on the ground and said angrily, "so this antidote is fake?"

Maya Hansen laughed more and more bitterly and complacently, and said: "idiot, once the gene mutation starts, there is no possibility of any reversal. All kirian has done is to disintegrate the alliance between the avenger and the aegis. Unless you can get the divine origin in the corpse of the God and cooperate with the antidote, you can make up for the genetic mutation defect."

"Congratulations, you just lost your last hope!"

"And you, Tony Stark, I want you to regret, hate and anger, but you can't do anything. You will sink forever in pain and despair..."