It's really not something that Jordan is good at.

What Jordan is really good at is killing people.

If it wasn't for Tony's insistence on establishing the Avengers alliance, and if it wasn't for Steve and Clint's friends who were too self-contained, Jordan would have made a fuss for a long time.

Being teased by the madman kirian for several times, now Jordan can't help it.

The destruction of the holy city is basically a foregone conclusion. Even if Jordan killed millions of people in it, it won't have any bad effect now. In Jordan's opinion, there is no need to discuss any plans at this time.

It took less than ten minutes for Jordan to reach the holy city.

Hundreds of meters apart, you can see clearly in the sky that the holy city is full of unprecedented turmoil. Strange monsters, like wild animals, are rampaging in the city. Those people whose abnormal virus has not yet broken out, are running around in the midst of terrible killing and beacon fire.


A monster with three sharp horns, explosive body and claws was the first to find Jordan in the air.

I saw the monster gallop around the city like a cheetah, leaping vertically and horizontally, and quickly ran to the highest building. Suddenly, it jumped tens of meters high. With a roar in mid air, a sharp corner on its head, like a javelin, shot at Jordan.

The speed of the sharp corner is very fast, which is no worse than that of the bullet, and it is more powerful.

In the whistling sound, the sharp corner broke into the air and came to Jordan's in a flash.


Jordan started the bullet time. He wanted to dodge and grab it with his hand to test its power. But when Jordan's palm just touched the sharp corner, the strange sharp corner exploded.

Caught off guard, Jordan was blown up tens of meters in mid air.

Although this attack did not really hurt Jordan, but this strange way of attack, still let Jordan in surprise, more and more anger in his heart.

The monsters in this holy city are as cunning and insidious as nacherian.

At the same time, the screaming monster waiting to pick up the corpse on the ground, saw that Jordan was not hurt at all, and immediately sent out an angry roar.

In a flash, Jordan went down with a burst knee, which made the monster's chest collapse. When he was flying in mid air, he fired a shot and made up for it on the forehead.

The monster will die in an instant and can't die any more.

Jordan just let out his anger, but with such a shot, all the monsters within tens of meters around him stopped from fighting and destroying.

Except for those monsters who are eating crazily, in a moment, all monsters are swarming towards Jordan.

Most of the long street, at least hundreds of monsters, gathered into a river, smashed one house after another, tireless, painless, but with bloodthirsty and brutal scarlet eyes, charging towards Jordan.

Jordan's prediction came true.

The monsters created by Aidian organization and kirian before are small in number, and they have sufficient food and energy supply. Their variation keeps a certain sense.

But now in this holy city, more than half of the people have all mutated.

Even if there is no mutation of people, but also in fear and panic, either killed, or hide.

In addition to bloodthirsty destruction, these monsters, who are seriously short of food and energy, have been completely engulfed by the horror of starvation. Seeing any food, they are just like killing madly.

Jordan was shocked by the fury of the monster River, and his instinct was about to soar.

However, at this time, Jordan stood next to a building, a monster with four arms and scaly fangs rushed out, hugged him and rolled on the ground.


A burst of dense crisp sound, the monster crazy incomparable, four claws sharp, in Jordan body armor crazy tearing, eyes that kind of endless tyranny, is to make people panic, regardless of, to Jordan's steel armor is a burst of bite.

That's Jordan's armor. When he was in nivida, he went through the second training of dwarves. Otherwise, ordinary alloy steel might not be able to withstand the tearing of this monster.

Bang bang!

Relying on the power far beyond the monster, Jordan finally reached out and aimed his gun at the monster's head. Two shots in a row broke his head.

But before Jordan got up, the river of monsters was near.

Boom boom!

The buildings in Jordan's area were directly smashed by the impact and rush of infinite monsters. At the moment when Jordan got up, seven or eight monsters had already rushed to Jordan.

Knee bump, swing kick, triple serve, triple serve!

Four or five monsters came quickly, and they were kicked and bumped out faster by Jordan. The remaining three or two monsters were killed directly by Jordan in mid air.

But that's just the beginning.

Just like a real river, these monsters are constantly slaughtered.

Jordan just killed the first wave of seven or eight monsters, and more than a dozen monsters came in succession. Jordan wanted to fly directly, but he was blocked by those crazy monsters again and again.

Only in the little effort that Jordan delayed, even above his head, there were several monsters who fell down in the air with their agility and speed.

In this extreme situation, any kind of shooting and any kind of body skill is a drag.

What Jordan can do is to hit his knee and shoot instantly continuously, and his two guns are shooting endless bullets for a moment.

Jordan's killing is very fast, but the monsters gather faster.

There is no end to killing and destroying.

These monsters have no fear, no fear of death, and are more difficult and powerful than ordinary people.

With extremely strong strength and attack power, Jordan can support for a period of time in this situation. However, once the time is long and Jordan's strength is exhausted, no matter how strong his armor is, it will be torn apart sooner or later under the tireless attack of these monsters.

This is the real horror of this biochemical crisis.

Jordan highly suspected that even the green fat hawk, in this endless attack, will sooner or later be eaten away.

After this, Jordan did not dare to neglect, and his death power was boiling.

It's time for the bullet to start.

In less than 0.1 second, the whole world in Jordan's eyes became static. To be exact, everything was slowed down dozens of times, even hundreds of times.

Seven or eight knee bumps in succession, flying the dense monsters around him out of a big space.

The power of death is boiling and exploding.

A large number of bullets, like raindrops, spewed out from the muzzle of Jordan's gun. Under the control of Jordan's powerful will, each bullet exploded the head of the nearest monster in front of him.

It's like fireworks blooming, and it's like dominoes falling down.

The bullet time lasted only two and a half seconds. The world, which was almost still, suddenly recovered.

However, more than 40 or 50 monsters fell to the ground within 10 meters of Jordan's side.

From extreme motion to extreme static, then from extreme static to extreme dynamic.

In just three seconds, Jordan didn't know how much mental, physical and mental energy he had spent. He felt dizzy, retched and sweating.

But at this time, those wild monsters are still converging in the direction of Jordan.

Jordan didn't dare to delay any more. He spewed ion flame at his feet and broke through the air in an emergency. Under the attack of a monster, he drifted in a serpentine shape and flew to the height of hundreds of meters.

Among those monsters, there is no one that can fly yet.

This gives Jordan a big sigh of relief. If the holy city has evolved into three forms of monsters in a short time, I'm afraid the biochemical crisis and the end of the world will be irresistible.

The amplification of the limit state, for the compression of Jordan's physical state, is not the general ferocity.

Even with super recovery ability, Jordan also stayed in mid air for two minutes before he recovered from that weak state.

Even so, the death power in Jordan's body has been consumed by less than half.

Before arriving at the second leap forward in life, there was not much divine power in Jordan or Sol's body. That is to say, if he released three or five moves, he would be exhausted.

But in this terrible holy city, it's good that there are killing and death happening all the time. Jordan's death power is also recovering at a terrible speed.

Even so, Jordan didn't dare to underestimate the dangerous situation in the holy city. He soon sent the battle recorded by the battle armor inner Jarvis trumpet to the space carrier.

After all this, Jordan began to fly in the sky, looking for kirian and the place where Heidi was being held.

At the same time, after receiving the battle video sent by Jordan from the space carrier, the whole Avengers alliance and aegis bureau have been thoroughly fried.

The danger in the holy city is much more terrible than everyone thinks.

There is no doubt that Jordan is one of the best in the Avengers League, that is, hawk, who can be furious constantly, can compete with Jordan.

Even Tony has to admit that before his armour is updated to a certain extent, he is not Jordan's opponent at all.

But it is such an Avenger's top fighting power, in the first moment of entering the holy city, it seems so embarrassed.

It can be imagined that if it is to change into an ordinary army, I am afraid that in a very short time, it will be attacked by this monster army.