Above the space carrier, in the battle conference room, there are a lot of people.

In the projection, there is also the thrilling battle that Jordan encountered in the holy city. Everyone has watched it dozens of times.

For a long time, Nick Frey strode into the room with a gloomy face.

At the moment when Nick Frey came in, Tony, Steve and others had already got up and asked Nick Frey, "what is the decision of the Security Council?"

Nick Frey looked ugly and said: "the Security Council believes that destroying the holy city with weapons of mass destruction will be beyond the people of the world. The first stage of the siege plan will be completed in three days. When the subsequent stage is completed, it will be enough to seal these monsters in this city."

“F..k!” Hobbes was a wild man and honest enough to roar, "I'm afraid these framed politicians have some ideas about that bullshit God making plan."

The crowd was silent.

In fact, in addition to the battle pictures of holy city sent by Giordani, there are also some experimental pictures sent by the madman kirian from the Security Council, the world's top leaders, aegis.

On top of the mutant virus, kirian is also in control of a more mature desperate virus.

Moreover, compared with the imperfection in the history of the original version, Kilian's desperate virus has been updated at least three or four versions. Although it is still immature, it costs more than 100 lives. After the experiment, three super powers like life have been created.

It's not a monster, it's a superpower.

At the end of the experimental picture sent by kirian, there are enough data. These super powers have at least doubled their vitality, and their average life span can reach 150 years.

Those people at the top of power and wealth, even if they don't care about the so-called super power, are crazy about life expectancy.

Of course, the current desperate virus is not perfect, only 3% of the success rate.

But nakirian also said that this is just the beginning. When there are more changes in the holy city, and the more detailed information about the changes is collected, the desperate virus will naturally be able to improve quickly.

Not to mention the 3% success rate.

Think about the super soldier serum in World War II. Even if the world only succeeded in one case, all countries in the world were crazy to pursue and study it for decades, but they would not give up.

Now the desperate virus is much more powerful than the super soldier serum.

The ideas of high-level officials from all over the world are well understood by all the people present. Hobbes just spoke out the ideas of all the people.

In the silence, Dr. Benner still had some hope and said, "director Frey, is it not in the consideration of the Security Council that this virus is highly infectious?"

Nick Frey's face darkened, and he almost squeezed a sentence from his teeth, saying: "the Security Council believes that once the wall project is successful, it can effectively control the situation."

All of a sudden, people's hearts were full of anger.

Hobbes, without saying a word, turned over from his workbench, tied up the gun bag, picked up a fierce huge gun, and turned to walk out.

Steve grabbed Hobbes and said, "Hobbes, this is not the time to be impulsive."

Hobbes angrily threw Steve's hand away and said, "Damn it, my wife is suffering. I'm going to kill that madman kirian."

Hobbes's voice square fall, dyke, Clint two people are also silent, the equipment will be dressed neatly.

Hobbes, dyke and Clint, in a sense, are all the purest fighters. Their greatest ability is their strong fighting power.

In the face of difficulties, most of the schemers are hidden and smart people are good at thinking.

And Hobbes and other such warriors, impulsive at the same time, can only rely on their own force to solve the problem.

Some are for it and some are against it.

Just then, Nick Frey yelled, "stop!"

Seeing the scene quiet down, Nick Frey looked decadent and said: "the Security Council has issued an order that no one should go out until the situation in the holy city is stable and resolved."

Nick Frey has been very tactful.

In fact, what the Security Council means is that some people can be killed, but the holy city is a place that can only enter but not leave.

A large number of troops were assembled, countless human and material resources were transported to the outskirts of the holy city, the fence plan was almost the same every minute, and almost all the exit directions were guarded by large-scale war troops who could open fire at any time.

In other words, now as long as you enter the holy city, basically, there is no chance to come out alive.

All of a sudden, not only Hobbes and others, but also Tony and Steve all looked at Nick Frey angrily.

Nick Frey, with a big head, roared, "Mom, FAK, it's not my decision..."

Tony's words were very tricky and said: "director Frey, isn't aegis guarding the world for thousands of years? Where's your da Vinci? What about Galileo? "

Nick Frey: "and

In this case, even if Newton of Tema lifted the coffin, he couldn't stop him.

Whether Leonardo da Vinci or Galileo, or the high-level contacts accumulated by aegis, don't they want to prolong their life span or even become gods!

The government is simply unreliable. No matter who it is, it has fully understood this.

People like Hobbes, Clint and dyke are also hesitant to die in vain.

Death is not terrible, but if it is really like what Nick Frey said, even if Hobbes and others died in the holy city, it has no value.

On the contrary, under such absolute adversity, Steve stood up and said, "we need a combat plan..."

Everyone looked at Steve in astonishment.

Steve said: "don't look at me like this. I won't give up any of my comrades in arms or my family, Joe, Peggy and pepper. I will never give up them. I just didn't expect that the world now is not the world before."

All the time, the contact environment is different, so Steve's thinking is still very confused.

World War II was a magnificent era, with the evil force of Hydra, who intended to subvert the world and launched the war.

But in that era, there were more people with lofty ideals who sacrificed their lives.

All countries and governments unite to fight against evil, and countless soldiers, generals, politicians and businessmen are all united and irresistible.

But decades of peace and stability have made people forget the horror of war.

People are corrupt, and internal fighting is more fierce than external fighting.

It was not until this moment that Steve was awakened by a series of decisions made by the Security Council.

There is no doubt that at this moment, Steve, the whole person, exudes a dazzling light, beautiful but not dazzling.

Tony was the first to react and said, "I didn't expect that you old guy would have such an awareness. Joe is my best friend and pepper is my best love. I'll join you!"

Dr. Benner, like Clint, is a little transparent without changing.

But Betty Ross was also infected by the mutation virus. At this moment, Dr. Benner took off his eyes, looked honest and honest, with a bitter smile all the time, and said, "anyway, I can't die, I'll join in!"

Hobbes, Clint, dyke and soon more than half of the Avengers responded.

This is the rhythm of the uprising. Nick Frey, with a sore face and a happy heart, said: "I'm in, but we can't all enter the holy city. We need logistics, external cooperation and all the forces that can be mobilized..."

In the holy city, just now, there are more than 100000 monsters.

Moreover, this number is still increasing at an extremely rapid speed, maybe three days, maybe five days. In the whole holy city, there will never be any creatures other than monsters.

A million monsters, this is not a few people say, can be eliminated.

Find kirian, kill kirian, save their family and friends, this is only one aspect, but also to ensure that the monsters in the holy city, will not run out, will not let the virus spread to the outside world.

Government alone, I'm afraid the whole earth will be killed sooner or later.

This is a big plan. There will be no omission in the plan of who enters the holy city, who is responsible for the logistics and who is responsible for the siege.

It took more than ten hours for people to make a complete plan.

At this time, in the holy city, Jordan could no longer fly in the air.

Tony's latest ark reactor is able to supply huge amounts of energy, but the energy is not endless. After more than ten hours of crazy fighting and searching everywhere, the energy in Jordan's armour has begun to drop sharply.

Jordan didn't care about his face. He didn't try to go back to the space mother ship.

But unfortunately, when Jordan flew from midair to the outskirts of the holy city, a huge army directly used air defense missiles to blow Jordan back.

Three or two minutes later, armed helicopters and even fighter planes appeared in mid air.

Whether on the ground or in the air, they are all surrounded. After contacting the space carrier, Jordan already knows the rule of "no entry, no exit" in the holy city.

There's nothing to complain about. At most, it's just a few thousand times of scolding those bastard politicians at the top of the Security Council and governments.

Unless it is at this time, he will directly face off with governments all over the world on the spot, otherwise, it is not good for him to break into the defense line outside the holy city.

Jordan has the capital to challenge the governments all over the world.

However, Jordan doesn't want to be a public enemy in the world. What's more, the space carrier has begun to mobilize all the resources that can be mobilized urgently. It won't be long before it will launch materials into the city.

However, after more than ten hours of fighting in the city, Jordan has begun to understand some rules of the real battlefield.

Save resources, save energy, save physical strength, only in this way, can more long-term persistence.