With the information and intelligence support of the space carrier, Jordan knows the whole holy city like the back of his hand.

After more than ten hours, aegis, combined with all kinds of information and the speculation of some intelligence analysts, gave Jordan more than ten key areas.

Kirian is a madman, a madman who has been using religious theory to deceive the world.

So in the conclusion given by aegis, it is very likely that kirian will build his base in the holy city in a sacred religious site or holy land.

From the place where the old God passed away, he rebuilt a new God and ascended to the throne.

It can be seen from kirian's bastard theory that this madman must have been made up by himself.

Wailing wall, temple hill, Aksa temple, holy sepulchre church, Solomon Temple site, etc.

More than half of the ten key areas summarized by aegis are famous cultural and religious sites and scenic spots in the holy city.

That is to say, the whole holy city has fallen into the doomsday. Otherwise, Jordan may be directly regarded as a sinner and burned by those crazy believers in any place.

Mount Moriah, the temple mount.

Basically, it can be regarded as one of the famous scenic spots and holy places in the holy city, such as Jinding holy temple and holy tomb church. Almost everywhere, it is the Holy Land in the eyes of those faithful believers.

At this time, however, the most holy land in the world has begun to sink into hell.

Maybe it's because of the high terrain here, or maybe it's because there's really a sacred shelter here.

When the holy city has been reduced to a Shura hell, there is still a small pure land on the temple mountain. Thousands of people hide in the holy temple and the church. On the periphery, a large number of young people demolish houses, pile up rocks and take the remaining cold and hot weapons to resist the sporadic Monsters coming from other directions of the holy city.

The cry, the roar, the roar of the monster.

In this kind of scene like hell, the holy temple and church are full of endless mourning prayer.

It's like a funeral ceremony sung by angels and demons. Unfortunately, monsters are still coming and gathering, but no real God has come from the sky to save these devout believers.

Jordan has already learned how to hide himself in more than ten hours of fighting.

After all, even if it's the first time that life leaps to the top, it's almost divine, but it can't hold endless enemies and endless fierce battles.

This area of temple hill, Jordan has been secretly searched.

Without any clue, Killian's base is not here. Even the place where Aidian organized the detention of Heidi is not here.

This is the fourth place Jordan searched among the key areas given by aegis.

Originally, after no harvest, Jordan was ready to leave directly, but the scenes of kneeling on the ground, praying and crying around the holy square made his heart a little heavy.

The monsters in the holy city have begun to spread in a large area, and the number is constantly increasing.

No matter human beings or other creatures, the things that can be swallowed in the holy city have been robbed by those monsters, and even many monsters themselves have begun to fight.

On this holy land, the prayer and chanting of believers will attract a large number of monsters at the foot of the mountain sooner or later.

In fact, just now, three or five hundred monsters are scattered around the temple mountain, and those who rise up to resist can no longer stop the scattered monsters from breaking through the defense line.

This scene strikes people's heart.

Even the most ruthless and selfish bastard can't keep calm when he sees this scene.

Jordan naturally is the same. Looking at the monsters who are huge in size, brutally attacking, biting and devouring human beings like himself, Jordan wants to leave decisively several times, but he can't move.

At this time, on the east side of the temple, on a defense line that had been difficult to resist, a terror monster that was more than four meters high suddenly broke through a gap.

This is a monster rushing up from the downtown of the holy city at the foot of the mountain. He is covered with blood and doesn't know how many evil debts he has caused.

Once let this monster rush into the crowd, there is no doubt that the whole defense line on the temple mountain will soon collapse completely.

"Ah, ah

At the end of the line of sight, a young man in the crowd, about 14 or 15 years old, may be afraid to the limit, or angry to the limit, thin body, dragging a 1.34 meter sword, charging toward the monster.

At most, more than ten seconds, Jordan even seemed to have seen the scene of the boy's tragic death.

What's more, it's a disaster.

Jordan couldn't help it any more. He went into the wind and rushed out of the ruins. He ran wildly with guns in both hands and shot pieces of bullets at the same time.

This is after Jordan understood the survival law of the battlefield, he once again used his magic power on a large scale.

In the past, every bullet was like a shell. In an instant, it cleared the gap that was about to be broken.

Dozens of monsters died on the spot, and the four meter high monster was directly exploded.

Just a few hundred meters away, jordani came in a flash, almost like the wind.

However, this wave of torrential rain of bullets, but also let Jordan niben on the consumption of serious power become more weak, no matter how fast the recovery speed, also can't compare with this kind of storm consumption.

Came to the boy's side, Jordan touched the boy's head, heavy eyes looked around the defense line.

Even if Jordan spent all his magic power and even died on the temple mountain, he might not be able to last long. There are too many monsters.

"Boy, what's your name?"

Jordan asked the boy with a wry smile.

Obviously, the boy was a little confused and couldn't understand English, but in the twinkling of an eye, he looked at jordani with admiration, gratitude and excitement, and then laboriously handed his sword to jordani.


Young people don't understand what Jordan said, Jordan naturally can't understand what he said.

But fortunately, there is residual driving energy in Jordan's armor. Jarvis's trumpet soon searches the Internet to translate the teenager's words.

The boy's name is Valerius Daza. His father is a Christian and his mother is a Jewish.

The young man himself is a Christian. The sword in the young man's hand is a super antique drawn from the Church of the holy sepulchre. It is the holy sword used by Constantine the great.

In the young man's words, he thinks that Jordan is a savior sent by God, and he is ready to give the sword of Constantine to Jordan, hoping that Jordan can protect the temple mountain behind him.

Looking at the pious, clear and eager eyes of the youth.

Jordan has some egg pains, but he really doesn't know how to refuse.

Under the boy's several urges, Jordan had no choice but to take over the so-called Constantine's sword.

Well, it can be seen that this thing is indeed a super antique. Even if it is well maintained in the Church of the holy sepulchre, it is still full of traces of time and history.

After Jordan took over the so-called "holy sword", the boy suddenly showed a very happy and excited smile, turned his head and ran towards his family.

On the way of young people running, they are still yelling.

Even without Jarvis's trumpet interpreter, Jordan could guess the general meaning of the boy's cry, which was a hopeful language.

It's a very young life!

Turning around, Jordan has a gun in one hand and the so-called holy sword in the other. Can this thing break the defense of those monsters? Don't cut it down with one sword, and then smash this super antique.

Just when Jordan was a little stunned, three or five monsters who broke through the first layer of defense had suddenly jumped in front of him.

Bang bang!

A knee hit, a monster hit fly, three consecutive volleys, kill a monster.

But at this time, the remaining two monsters had already come to Jordan. Jordan regretted that he had taken the sword of this thing, otherwise he would not be able to get into his side with two guns in his hand.

But at this time, it's useless to think about it. Jordan instinctively waved out his sword.

Strands of divine power poured into the holy sword. Jordan only hoped that the divine power could help the holy sword sustain a wave.

However, to Jordan's surprise, a sword cut down.

Under the ancient sword blade, the monsters with rough skin and thick flesh at both ends, who could not even break through the defense with ordinary guns, could not even resist, and were directly killed on the spot.

It's as easy as cutting a piece of kraft paper.

The holy sword is stained with blood. I don't know whether the holy sword itself is miraculous enough, or whether the combination of Jordan's divine power and blood causes changes. On the holy sword, the original simple and old appearance quickly faded, and the two sides of the sword became radiant.

Jordan was stunned. He took a look at the holy sword in his hand and the Church of the holy sepulchre in the distance.

Is it difficult? What kind of divine protection is there?

Monsters are still swarming, but Jordan has no time to think too much, anyway, after more and more monsters, close combat, big sword is more sharp than pistol.

In a series of gunshots, Jordan rushed to the most dangerous place on the defense line like a tiger down the mountain.

Jordan didn't know how long he could hold on, and even more inclined that the temple mountain would be destroyed in the end.

What Jordan can do is to stand up to his conscience, even if he fails, he should have no guilt.