It has to be said that after the emergency mobilization, the strength of the country was still very strong. In just a few days, a super wall was built ten kilometers outside the holy city.

Although today, this wall is only a rudiment, but it has been able to see that majestic.

In a few days, it's not realistic to complete a huge project, but it's OK to put on a shelf.

Inside the vast wall, huge concrete piers and reclamation materials were transferred by helicopter, and a wall was built.

And outside the wall, countless workers, under emergency orders, continue to build a real wall.

When the super wall is completely built, it will become an inner and outer wall like the ancient urn, which is more convenient to resist the monsters inside the holy city.

Even the construction of this kind of super wall could not be completed at the beginning without the help of Steve and others. It would be torn by the monsters in the holy city.

Jordan woke up, did not stay too much in the city's crude base, and soon came to the super wall with Heidi.

Around the inner wall, there are a large number of soldiers mixed with the multinational forces, forming one defense line after another.

Heavy machine guns, temporary machine guns, super firepower positions and so on, at a glance, this kind of scene is really a bit of a bluff. At least, the muzzles and muzzles are quite deterrent.

However, in general, the soldiers guarding the inner wall are a little sparse because of the manpower problem.

Just like the Great Wall, beacon towers have been built temporarily, with more than 100 soldiers stationed. Once any section of the wall is found to have problems, it can quickly replenish the fighting and mobilize support personnel.

On the continuous city wall, there are many entrances and exits.

When the wall is stable in the future, people will not be able to give up the relics and wealth left in the holy city, or even collect the blood and specimens of the monsters in the city.

The entrance is more convenient for cleaning and exploring the holy city in the future.

But now it seems that the convenience of the future has not yet been enjoyed, but the troubles caused by these entrances and exits are ahead of time.

The monsters in the holy city don't know what hormonal drugs they have been given. Even if they are short of food and drink, the strength of those monsters is increasing rapidly every day. Even a few monsters have given birth to certain wisdom.

After these monsters came out of the holy city, they once attacked in all directions.

That kind of scene, of course, looks terrible, but in fact, after the spread, even more than 100000 monsters spring tide, scattered around the super wall of more than 100 kilometers, it is very rare.

This is also the reason why the inexperienced soldiers on the wall can resist the first wave of the monsters.

Rookies peck at each other.

Those monsters are powerful, but they are extremely scattered, and the soldiers are under attack, but they have enough mobilization and support. They really beat each other.

But then, those monsters, in this kind of head-on environment, also began to gather together, forming a torrent, will separate from each other, and attack those entrances and exits without walls.

If it wasn't for the appearance of Steve and others, all kinds of chasing, blocking and insisting, the so-called super wall would have been broken long ago.

After the arrival of jordani, the soldiers on the wall, after a lot of impact, have gradually adapted to the ferocity and violence of these monsters. At least, there are few scenes in the battlefield where people pee their pants.

But even though these soldiers have gradually adapted to fighting with monsters, the situation is still not optimistic.

The inner wall, in fact, is simply made up of some reclamation materials and huge concrete piers. Its real defense is not very good.

Fortunately, after a considerable number of super fences were built, some super fences in dangerous areas were put into use, adding a lot of insurance.

After arriving around the super wall, Jordan and Heidi only visited for a short time and soon got into the fight.

But what do the politicians in the Security Council think and how dirty they are.

In the eyes of jordani, Tony, Steve and others, these monsters in the holy city can never escape. It's just three or five scattered monsters that can't make much impact.

But once a large-scale monster escape, it is easy to cause a large-scale infection of mutant virus.

The task of jordani and others is to hunt and kill the most fierce and intelligent of those monsters. As long as they stick to it for three or two days and wait for the outer super wall to be connected, the defense outside the holy city will be solid.

In the rolling yellow sand wasteland, two dilapidated vehicles ran into each other in a snakeskin way, avoiding the pursuit and interception of monsters.

Dominic and Bryan were threatened by the aegis because of their good driving skills. They had to enter the holy city and became full-time drivers of Steve, Hobbes, Decker, Clint and Jordan.

The two unfortunate children have been in bad luck ever since they met Jordan.

For example, they were involved in the fierce battle on the West City Avenue of Los Angeles, and then they were involved in the Rio incident in Brazil. After the outbreak of the holy city disaster, although they did not enter the holy city for the first time, they were sent into the extremely dangerous holy city at the end of the incident.

Without him, Jordan, Steve and others need enough mobility.

In the holy city for a few days, Jordan's armor was completely destroyed in the battle with Killian. Steve and others also destroyed their armor in the fight with those monsters.

In other words, Tony, relying on powerful technology, has built a simple armor repair point, which can also ensure that his armor has enough combat effectiveness.

At this time, Jordan was sitting in the car of big bald Dominic.

Jordan, Heidi and Hobbes are a team. They need a fence entrance 20 million kilometers away for rescue. The news comes from the communication channel that there are thousands of monsters that have evolved twice, and a powerful monster that has awakened the primary wisdom, has systematically raided the military forces at the entrance.

This is also the reason why Dominic and others didn't kill him even after he ran into the scattered monsters hidden in the wilderness.

At the entrance and exit 20 kilometers away, the situation is very critical.


With one shot, he killed a monster hiding in the sand, ready to attack the vehicle. Jordan patted the driver's seat and yelled, "bald Tang, how long will it take?"

After a short contact, Dominic is no longer called dead bald by Jordan because he is still brave.

However, being called bald don, Dominic is still a little upset. How can he say that he was once a big boss in Los Angeles underground racing circle, and he didn't want to face himself.

Bang bang!

The driver's seat was snapped twice by Jordan, and several monsters appeared in front of the road. Their speed was not much slower than the speed. They were huge and ferocious. If they hit the vehicle, they could easily knock it over.

Johnny photographed the driver's seat twice. Dominic had understood what he meant. The steering wheel was pounding wildly, and the vehicle started to snake skin again. However, Johnny rolled over to the top of the car, grabbed the edge of the vehicle with one hand, held a gun with the other hand, and shot pieces of bullets, killing or blocking the monsters.

Without danger, the vehicle rushed out from the encirclement of several monsters, taking up a rolling yellow sand and rushing by.

After passing through the encirclement of several monsters, they have arrived near the besieged entrance. Next to Dominic's driver's seat, there is a micro-computer and detector, which shows a large number of small red dots. Some of them have been separated and run towards Jordan and others.

Bald Tang is bald Tang. It's important to protect your life.

Dominic could not make complaints about his mind, and he adjusted the direction of the vehicle madly, and opened his way to the rear of Jordani. He said, "at eleven o'clock, one kilometer is the point of gathering in the battlefield. Among the monsters, there are intelligent monster commanding. Dozens of monsters have been diverted to us, and the vehicles can no longer go forward."

In front of the battlefield, regardless of the artillery fire, or those monsters, all the destructive power is amazing.

Jordan and others are naturally not afraid, but Dominic doesn't have the capital to fight against monsters. He can only go around the periphery and attract a few monsters. At the same time, he can be regarded as a receptionist.

It's only a kilometer away. For Jordan and others, it won't take long to go at full speed even with two legs.

The car stopped quickly, and Jordan got out of the car with a space backpack.

Heidi is also like this. Her body is full of flame, and her body is wrapped in energy armor. She flies into the air like a flame queen.

Only Hobbes, mumbling and mumbling, took off the super plate armor which was temporarily assembled from the car and launched the fusion of powers to form a transformer like appearance. Only then, with an axe in hand and a hammer in hand, could he gallop towards the direction of the monster.

The sound of gunfire was constant and the fire was amazing.

Hobbes is with a bulldozer momentum, dancing axe and hammer, chiseling through dozens of monsters.

In a short time, Jordan and others had already felt the entrance and exit of the fierce war.

Here, Tony, with his armor flying ability, has already come here early. When he sees Jordan and his three men rush into the battlefield, he suddenly has a laser on his body to clean up a small piece of monsters and fly to Jordan and his three men.

"Joe, the news has been boiling on the outside network. No one knows how those politicians will react. Be careful!"