In the noisy days, heavy ammunition of at least 13 mm is like raindrops, which never stops.

The battle of this side's entrance and exit seems to be much more difficult than jordani and others imagined. The monsters who came by surprise are obviously stronger than the last two days.

At the beginning, the military was able to deal with the monsters, small caliber howitzers and large caliber heavy machine guns, and barely break the defense on these monsters.

Although it takes a lot of effort to kill those monsters, both sides are reluctant to say that they have come and go, and they have killed and injured each other.

But this time, more than a thousand monsters were attacked, and their scales and armor were significantly improved. Although ordinary heavy machine gun bullets could barely block one or two by impact, they could not break through at all.

Even the small caliber artillery in front of these monsters, also has a serious lack of lethality.

When Jordan came to the battlefield, he wanted to join the battle for the first time, but after hearing Tony's words, he stopped temporarily and observed the battlefield environment carefully.

Except for some of the big soldiers who have been sold at the front line.

After the defense line this time, the elite troops on the real wall didn't mean to intervene at all. Even, Jordan could feel a strong malice on the wall.

Previously, in the temporary base, there was a discussion between Jordan and Tony.

Tony finally chose to believe in Jordan, and untied most of Jarvis's authorization, let Jordan through Jarvis, the cause and effect of the holy city disaster, all published on the Internet.

In just a few days, the holy city disaster has spread wildly all over the world.

Jordan Ni is not that kind of petty person, directly let Jarvis copy countless copies of the information, continuously spread to the outside world, Jarvis's huge processing capacity, the government can not even cover up.

Although I don't know what's going on outside today's walls, Jordan has been able to think that those politicians must have hated themselves to an unprecedented degree.

With the support of public opinion and the reasons of Asgard, those politicians may not dare to attack Jordan.

However, there is no doubt that these politicians can still trip down Jordan secretly. For example, in the current battle, those politicians can easily create a large number of dangerous situations for Jordan and others by having a little influence and adjusting the defense around the holy city.

"A bunch of scum!"

Besides disdaining, Jordan scorned the dirty tricks of those politicians.

"Tony, can we still use the Avengers network? How about a live broadcast?"

"Not so good!"

Before Jarvis announced the holy city disaster to the outside world, he directly used the name of Jordan, because only Jordan's special identity can withstand the pressure.

The Avengers alliance, seemingly once prosperous, but in fact, is still rooted in the earth.

Jordan can use the name of Asgard to top a wave, but the Avengers alliance can't, really want to be targeted by those politicians, the other side is very easy, can let the Avengers alliance collapse.

Jordan also understands Tony's worries. In the previous discussion, they have already discussed it.

The pressure is shouldered by Jordan for a period of time, so that the Avengers alliance can be strong as soon as possible. Now if the Avengers alliance is pulled into the vortex, all previous achievements will be wasted.

A lot of ideas swept through his mind. Soon, a figure appeared in his mind.

"Jarvis, can you contact Eddie bullock for me?"

"Sir, is this Eddie bullock, a CBS current affairs reporter?"

"Jarvis, you're getting smarter. That's him."

A moment later, the call was quickly put through.

Eddie Bullock's familiar voice came from the headset and said, "hello? Who are you

By this time, Jordan had already cut into the battlefield. The double guns were replaced with holy swords. He split a monster and gasped a little. He said, "Mr. bullock, I'm Jordan Jovovich. There's a big deal. Do you want to do it?"

There was only a pause on the phone, and it was obvious that Eddie Bullock's voice became a little excited and said, "Mr. Jovovich? Yes, of course. What can I do for you? "

Jordan opened his mouth and said: "the battle scene in the holy city, I will transmit the picture to you, live, can you do it?"

There was silence on the phone, and Jordan heard that Eddie Bullock seemed to be arguing with someone.

But soon, Eddie Bullock's voice came again, saying, "Mr. Jovovich, are you still there? What do you need to pay? "

With a smile on his lips, Jordan said: "I don't need you to pay anything. I'm also a man with justice. I can't see any life. I just want people in the world to know that there are a group of soldiers who are not afraid of life and death in this infernal land. They are all good..."

Eddie Bullock

Is that what NIMA says!

In any case, Eddie Bullock didn't care what Jordan had in mind. After hanging up Jordan's phone, he moved quickly.

Although Eddie Bullock was not on the scene this time, so far, no media in the whole world can really get the first-hand information and video of the battle of the holy city, let alone live.

Eddie Bullock only knew that he was going to be developed this time.

In New York's CBS building, Eddie Bullock rode a motorcycle straight into the hall. As a popular story in CBS News, Eddie Bullock has enough arrogance and privilege in this building.

Soon, Eddie Bullock's news directly shocked the CEO of the company.

In a luxurious viewing office, Eddie Bullock met the black bigwigs with the highest power index in the whole CBS.

It's just that the situation is a little different from what Eddie Bullock imagined.

The big black man seemed to praise Eddie Bullock's ability and spirit to explore the news, and then severely refused Eddie Bullock's request to live the battle of the holy city on the news.

Eddie Bullock looked worried and said, "boss, this is the first-hand information in the world. I promise..."

The black boss interrupted each other's words in an instant and said: "Eddie, this matter is settled. We won't cause a big trouble because of our ratings. You know how many are behind the battle of the holy city... In a word, we absolutely don't allow any pictures or even words about the battle of the holy city to appear in the media channels of CBS."

Eddie bullock is also a stubborn donkey in his heart. He thinks that the reason why he became famous is a little arrogant. Even to his boss, he roars and says, "no, it's against the spirit of our media people. It's fair and objective..."

"Shut up Yelled by the people below, the black man was obviously a little angry and said, "Eddie bullock, you are tired. The company will grant you a three-month vacation. Go and pack up!"

It's not a rational thing to fight each other with the boss.

After he came out of the boss's office, Eddie Bullock soon calmed down, regretted in his heart, and felt that he was not Shi Zhile just now.

Want to go back to the boss kneel lick a wave, but the arrogance of the bone, and some hesitation.

At this time, the black boss was afraid that Eddie Bullock would find any trouble for him. In a very short time, he had already given instructions to the personnel department of the company.

Three months off. It looks like hi PI.

But for a famous writer who has been struggling in the front line of the media all the year round, Eddie Bullock clearly knows what these three months mean.

I've been out of favor for three months. When I come back, I'm afraid I won't be replaced long ago.

I have to save myself. I have to struggle to the present situation. I can't be in the hands of that damned nigger.

In a flash, thoughts flashed through Eddie Bullock's mind.

As soon as he gritted his teeth and stamped his feet, Eddie Bullock began to run towards the news department. Before the personnel department's instructions were given, he could still use his current identity.

Go straight over the damn nigger and put on the news channel the battle of the holy city.

As long as CBS starts, the market will not be able to control the situation, and other news media will certainly follow suit. At that time, they will directly switch to ABC or NBC with their own resources, and even the damned nigger can't help themselves.

Yeah, that's it.

Eddie bullock is not a good man. As a real-time reporter, he is not only proficient in all kinds of workplace fights, but also very expensive.

A three-month vacation is like hiding yourself in the snow and destroying your future.

Don't blame me for being unkind.

Half an hour later, CBS, as one of the largest media companies in the United States, interrupted the battle scenes of the holy city battlefield on the news channel. In just a few minutes, it caused a sensation all over the country.

News can no longer be blocked. The whole nation and the world have focused on the CBS News Channel.

At this time, a street outside the CBS building, Eddie Bullock felt that he had done a great thing, and countless phone calls contacted him. Eddie Bullock even expanded.

Pick up the cell phone, dial the CBS black boss's phone, Eddie Bullock cleared his throat, said: "boss, do you see it? If you take back the three-month leave order and give me the position of head of the news department, I can change my mind. You know, ABC and NBC are waiting for my reply! "

In an instant, there was a black man's roar on the phone, saying: "the 18th generation of wocaoni ancestors, mad, Eddie Brock, you're dead. I'll hang up the bonus now. Ten million dollars will kill you, wait for death!"

Eddie Bullock