Two proud men, one Nini and one Jimei, once they met, the painting style changed in an instant.

Although they were very happy about the scene, there was no doubt that it was not the time to watch them fight. Jordan had to interrupt them and said, "Rocky, tell me why you are here. Midgard is not a place for you to go wild!"

For Jordan, rocky was a little scared.

After stopping the nickname match with Tony, rocky looked at Jordan seriously and said, "Joe, you're a smart man. Kill Saul. I can canonize you as king of meadgarde in the name of Asgard..."

Jordan very impolitely interrupted Rocky's words and said: "where's your majesty Odin? Are you in Odin's sleep

Rocky was interrupted, looking a little uncomfortable, said: "Joe, in the face of being the son of Odin, I can forgive you for your disrespect and offense. You have to understand that the new king of Asgard is in front of you, you need to know how to fear!"

Jordan gave rocky a disdainful glance and said, "come on, don't dream. I'll keep sol on the earth for a while. You'd better take this iron knot away and watch it come!"

In a sense, Jordan and rocky are also from their own family, so they are not polite.

Rocky's antlers were trembling at the tone of Jordan's words, and he was about to wake up the destroyer armor again.

With a chill on his face, Jordan said, "it's just Odin's sleep. Do you believe that I can enter the origin of the universe at any time and wake up his majesty Odin's consciousness?"

Rocky's face changed slightly, and he said, "you have entered the second stage of life leap?"

Jordan nodded, then shook his head and said, "it's just a little bit more difficult to gather divinity than he thought. Alas, what's the use of telling you this? You and Saul can make a little mischief and mischief. He's your brother. He's too much this time. Get out of here!"

Listen to Jordan's words, rocky trembles with anger, but he has nothing to do.

In fact, rocky is very clear about Jordan's strength. He was able to defeat sol more than a year ago. It is not impossible that he can enter the origin of the universe after the normal time.

Other people don't know rocky. They think rocky is elusive and the God of trickery.

However, Jordan is different. After more than a dozen Marvel movies in his previous life, Jordan clearly knows that although rocky is a template for villains, in fact, he is not as bad as people think.

In the early stage of Marvel film, what rocky did was to prove to Odin that he was stronger than sol and wanted to be praised and recognized by Odin.

In the later stage, what rocky did was basically to escape and save his life. Even after the twilight of the gods, the big man of exterminating hegemony appeared on the stage. In order to save his brother sol, rocky sacrificed the magic cube of the universe and lost his life. Even before he died, he never denied his name as the son of Odin.

At this moment, even if he is angry with Jordan, rocky dares to be angry and dare not speak. He is really afraid that Jordan will enter the origin of the universe and awaken the consciousness of Odin.

Grunt put a few more cruel words, rocky finally had to call rainbow bridge, the destroyer armor, from the avenger base back.

Asgard, at the end of rainbow bridge.

Heimdar was dismissed for not being loyal to Loki and has not been working for some time recently.

Rocky looked at the destroyer armor he had summoned back, his face changing.

It's the same as what Jordan thought, but it's a little different.

It's hard to say whether Rocky's human nature is bad or not, but in fact, louffy, the king of ice giants, met rocky once when he sneaked into Asgard.

It was this time that rocky learned about his life.

It turned out that he was not the son of Odin, but the son of laofei, the king of ice giants.

All along, rocky thinks that his strength is not enough, not as brave as sol, so in Asgard, he is not loved by his father Odin.

But after knowing his own life experience, Rocky's idea gave birth to some deviations.

In Rocky's heart at this time, there is an impulse not to believe the truth, hatred, fear and grievance, but in the bottom of his heart, rocky can't get rid of the feelings that have existed for hundreds of years.

So after louffy was expelled by Odin back to yodunheim, rocky came up with the idea that it would be better without sol.

A father has only one son of his own. Even if his life experience is revealed, he doesn't have to worry that his father doesn't want him.

Kill sol, deal with yodunheim, and prove that he is more suitable to be king of Asgard than sol, and more worthy of his father's pride.

So not long ago, rocky bewitched sol into going to yotonheim, trying to get rid of sol by the hand of Roffe, the king of ice giants.

The plan went well and it didn't go well.

Fortunately, sol is not the opponent of Laurie at all. Unfortunately, Odin appears and saves sol.

Originally, rocky was ready to give up, but sol, an arrogant fool, was forced to fight with his father, deprived of his divine power and exiled to the earth.

After the exile of sol, Odin also fell into Odin's sleep because of fighting with laofei.

Rocky became the acting king of Asgard very well, which was really cool.

While Odin falls asleep, heimdar is off duty again. Rocky finds the destroyer's armor from the treasure house and puts it on the earth. He's ready to kill Saul himself.

But the plan is not very smooth, rocky also didn't expect, he was Jordan to accept back.

Jordan can wake up his father's consciousness at any time, which makes rocky very insecure. He has to prove that he is stronger and more proud than sol before his father wakes up.

Involuntarily, Rocky's eyes came to yodunheim.

The ice giants are the descendants of the early giant Amir. Even if they were defeated a thousand or several hundred years ago and submitted to Asgard, they have always been very unconvinced. There are often some fights between them.

This time, the return of the king of ice giants, laofei, will certainly cause more trouble in the future.

Kill the ice giant, completely put an end to yodunheim's future trouble, as long as you can do this achievement, you will become Asgard's hero and the pride of your father.

For a moment, Rocky's heart gave birth to a cruel idea.

But before he started, rocky hesitated. Anyway, Laurie, the king of ice giants, was also his own father.

A moment later, Rocky's eyes, and see the earth, soon, a more perfect idea, appeared.

You can send the ice giants to earth and destroy yodunheim.

The ice giants are small in number, but they are very strong. They will certainly fight with the aborigines on the earth, and there will be no chance to find Asgard.

Put an end to Jotunheim's future troubles, but also to find some trouble for that obnoxious guy.

Kill two birds with one stone. It's perfect.

Thinking of this, Rocky's face suddenly showed a look of joy.

As soon as you can, rocky uses gungnier to start the rainbow bridge again. The endless thunder and lightning are moving, and the huge energy begins to gather quickly.

Among the asgards, gungnier is the symbol of the God King and has the highest authority.

Start the rainbow bridge, a steady stream of rainbow light quickly fell into yodunheim, countless ice giants were shrouded, and did not take too long, more than 80% of the ice giants were all lost.

Then, rocky tried his best to push the rainbow bridge, and the original transmission device began to transform into a star annihilating weapon.

Asgard is able to dominate a corner of the universe. Naturally, it is impossible for him to survive only by relying on an almost primitive system. In addition to the profound and incomparable potential and infinite divine power of the ASAR Protoss, Asgard has a set of scientific and technological power of his own system, which is integrated with magic. In terms of power, Asgard is no less powerful than the three great empires deep in the universe.

The terrible Rainbow Bridge bursts out the rainbow light of the level of extinction, which can span the infinite space in an instant, and destroy all existence in a way close to dimension reduction.

In the ancient cold space, in a nebula on the world tree of the Milky way, a bright light almost spread all over the galaxy suddenly bloomed.

Endless explosions destroy the existence of all matter.

A glacial planet that did not know how many years it had existed in the universe completely disappeared in space in silence.

In an instant, the universe vibrated and the nine realms were boiling.

When rocky destroyed yodunheim, all the figures on the earth were enveloped by endless rainbow light and suddenly appeared all over the world.

Central Park building.

In the middle of the day, after a battle drove rocky away, Jordan soon returned to his home again. With four beauties, he was so happy that people could not stop eating.

However, just as Jordan had just returned home, before he had time to take any action, bursts of urgent telephone rings came again.

It's like lying in a manger!

Joe Denny suppressed his male instinct and opened his cell phone unhappily, saying: "which son of a bitch..."

Tony's voice was very rapid. He interrupted Jordan's words and said, "Joe, something's wrong. The satellite has detected that millions of alien creatures have suddenly appeared on the earth..."


Just before Tony's voice fell, an ice blue figure, more than three meters high, smashed the glass like a gust of wind and broke into Jordan's home.


The ice giant, who broke into Jordan's house, was ferocious. When he saw Jordan, he roared deafening.

"Hey, Joe, what's going on over there? The news from aegis is that there are a lot of alien creatures in New York..."

"I see, Tony. I may be busy next. That's it!"