When Jordan was still holding the phone, the ferocious little giant, three meters high and covered in ice blue, with a big stick dancing in his hand, had rushed to Jordan's body with a howl.

The ice giants live in the bitterness of yodunheim, and their material life is very difficult.

However, it is precisely because of this that this creature has developed extremely strong physical fitness. Even when fighting with Asgard's army, it is often not inferior.

The ice giant who rushed in front of jordani was a small hater.

Big stick whistling in the air, dancing up, stirring up the wind all over the sky. If this stick is smashed, I'm afraid even a car will be smashed on the spot.

However, when the ice giant's stick just started to dance, Jordan's mobile phone went to the table, and the whole person seemed to have a slow knee burst out. The last shot came first, just like a shell exploded on the ice giant's chest on the spot. With a bang, the ice giant's chest collapsed and flew out at a faster speed.

Bang bang!

At the moment when the ice giant flew upside down, Jordan had already touched out two guns, and two bullets followed closely. Two transparent holes opened in the eyebrow and chest of the ice giant.

The surging wind poured into the room from mid air, making a whine sound.

At this time, Natasha, Heidi, gizel and Jennie also ran out of the bedroom one after another.

"Joe, what's going on? I've got a message from aegis asking for emergency preparedness!"

Natasha was wearing a pajama at this time, and she didn't know where she found two pistols, which made her eyes shake.

Shake your head and drive the ridiculous idea out of your mind.

"I'm afraid there's going to be a big mess. If I guess right, it's rocky who sent all the ice giants from yodunheim to the earth," he said

The million that Tony said before, plus the ice giant who just broke in.

This kind of sign, let Jordan in the heart of a kind of egg pain premonition.

Just then, Jordan was quickly covered with armor. He had come to the broken window. Standing on the high floor, Jordan could see clearly. At this moment, New York City was in complete chaos.

On the original flowing street, a large number of vehicles collided and stopped. People screamed like the tide and ran in all directions.

At the same time, a large number of police cars appeared, sporadic gunfire, soon connected into a piece.

Even in this massive gunfight, Jordan could hear the roar and roar of the ice giant.

In addition, Jordan can occasionally see an ice giant with a head of tens of meters tall, rushing like a monster, crashing skyscrapers and smashing dwarf houses everywhere.

The whole city, at this moment, has begun to become chaotic.

And it's just New York. On the whole earth, there are millions or even more ice giants in disorder. Even, there is a very dangerous king of ice giants, louffy, who has not yet appeared.

With a flash of fire on her body, Heidi had put on a armor composed of fire energy, came to Jordan's side, looked at the chaotic scene in New York City, and said: "ice giant, are those blue weird creatures?"

Jizel did not know when, pulled out the wrist guard, armor, boots, holding a sword, his face was not happy and said: "it's not easy to be stable for a year, this holiday is in vain."

Jordan gave everyone a kiss on the cheek and said, "you should get in touch with the headquarters base and aegis as soon as possible. I'll go to stabilize the situation below first."

After that, Jordan jumped up, and the ion flame spewed out from the armor. He turned into a meteor, and rushed to the nearest ice beast around the building.

Although the ice giants are physically strong, they are far superior to the people on earth.

But in fact, in the siege of a large number of thermal weapons, it can still cause some obstacles and damage to these ice giants. However, for the ordinary police and troops on the earth, it is just like a decaying tank.

Unless we use weapons of mass destruction, even if the rockets hit the ice giant, it would be like tickling.

Even in Asgard, only a few strong men can kill the ice giant alone.

Just like the three swordsmen under Raytheon's command, they have to join hands and fight hard to deal with a Frost Giant.

The existence of this thing, just physical fitness, has reached the peak of the first life leap.

Further, this kind of creature will be able to enter the space and become a star giant.


A huge ice monster smashes into a hotel and plunges into the kitchen room. People bring food and eat crazily. However, at this time, a black figure scurries through the air and hits the ice monster's body heavily.

Originally, this kind of impact was like a meteorite hitting the earth. The meteorite would break apart, but the earth would not do much damage.

Oddly enough, under the terrifying force of Jordan, Jordan bumps into the giant beast. After landing, he lifts it vigorously. The giant beast, which is as big as a building, is suddenly overturned by Jordan.

A lot of gravel fell from the sky, and smoke and dust surged up all over the sky.

The ice giant gave out a terrible roar. In a moment, the scattered ice giants in the neighborhood of the ice giant quickly gathered in the direction of the ice giant.

In a sense, it's a habit of the ice giants.

Just like the ancient nomads can not do without cattle and sheep, even in yodunheim, those ice giants are often driven by groups of ice giants, forming a tribal existence.

After a large number of ice giants have been sent to the earth, it must be false if they don't panic.

However, after the panic, these ice giants will also gather in a specific way.

The roar of an ice giant is enough to inspire all the ice giants in more than ten blocks nearby and rush into the battlefield.

Jordan originally wanted to take advantage of the chaos and rush up directly to solve the ice giant.

But just as Jordan was about to start, an icy blue figure appeared on a nearby turret. In the blink of an eye, a huge arrow with icy light burst through like a city crossbow.

In an instant, Jordan had no time to dodge in mid air. His two guns were folded up, his holy sword was dancing, and the Milky sword light came out, breaking the ice arrow in mid air.

Even so, under the huge impact, Jordan's whole person was also bumped into a building.

This is a fairly well decorated apartment. Jordan got up from a pile of ruins. In one corner of the room, she was a girl wrapped in a bath towel. She looked pretty good and was shivering.

Jordan's eyes glanced at the girl again and again. He came to the broken hole and said, "beauty, you'd better put on some clothes and get out of here."

After that, Jordan's sword disappeared, and he looked at the ice giant who had attacked him before.

Double gun suddenly appeared, Jordan quickly shot into the sky, a series of bullets, around the sky of waste goods, extremely accurate, toward the ice giant with a long bow.

Bang bang!

Compared with the ordinary ice giant, this ice giant with a long bow is much more powerful. In the face of Jordan's bullet, the ice giant's arrows fell like rain, and the ice blue light bloomed in the void. Although he could not accurately shoot down a large number of bullets, he formed a thick ice wall, blocking 90% of the bullets.

Even if the remaining bullets penetrate the ice wall and fall on the ice giant, they are not powerful enough to cause more injuries.

The ice giants can fight against Asgard's army for a long time. In addition to the strong physique of the whole people, almost every ice giant can do frost magic.

To be exact, this should be the innate instinct of the ice giants, just like the dragon is born to spit fire.

"Lethal shot, multiple head blows!"

The ice giant fell into the defensive, Jordan naturally would not miss a good opportunity, the double gun fire, mixed with a lot of death power, the ice wall chiseled out a huge hole, four or five bullets in a row, instantly the ice giant's skull to open.

But at this time, in a roar, the frost beast had already reacted. It turned over and got up. A huge claw came down to Jordan in the air.

Jordan was unable to make complaints about the way he had thrown up his body, but he still could not escape completely. He was wiped by the Frost's beast's claws and crashed through a piece of public house and crashed into ruins.

Boom boom!

At this time, many ice giants had gathered around the ice giant, and they attacked one after another, throwing spears, ice bombs, or ice cones. It was a firestorm in the direction of Jordan.

In the battle between Jotunheim and Asgard, even sol is often forced to be in a hurry.

In the previous war, if Odin didn't rush into yodunheim on his eight legged horse, I'm afraid sol and his three swordsmen, including Schiff, would sing a cool song in yodunheim.

Now, Jordan is just a little careless, suddenly also want to enter a very dangerous situation.