In the dust filled ruins, Jordan didn't expect that he was just slightly underestimated by the enemy. As soon as he lost it, he was caught and forced into such a miserable situation.

In the endless attack of ice ability, Jordan, wearing black armor and holding a holy sword, plunges into the ground and blooms white masks to protect himself.

Those ice giants are indeed blessed with strong physical fitness, fierce ice power, and long-term hard life, which have sharpened their incomparable fighting skills and extreme fighting will.

But Jordan didn't build it either.

In the holy sword, there is a legacy left by the strong in heaven. In more than a year, it's enough for Jordan to learn the magic and skills of the holy sword.

The saints hold the throne!

With the holy sword as the medium, you can touch the ground and pray to heaven. As long as you are pious enough, you can gather strong enough defense.

This is the supreme defense given to believers by the saints of heaven.

In fact, there is no belief in Jordan's heart, but the key is that there is no saint in heaven now.

Communicating heaven with the hexagram, Jordan can keep this defense for days and nights.

But this is obviously not the way, passive defense, is not Jordan's style.

Just as a large number of ice giants kept pounding, the slow-moving ice giant had once again built up its strength and pounded in the direction of Jordan.

It is also at this moment that the ice giants' continuous suppression attack has a momentary pause.


At this moment, the ground under Jordan's feet was directly trodden out of a big pit. Jordan was just like the extreme acceleration of the catapult super run, and instantly cut into the body of the ice giant. With a sword in one hand, he slashed the belly of the ice giant, and with a gun in the other hand, he shot madly at those ice giants outside.


Under the stimulation of intense pain and anger, the frost beast hit the ground heavily, and the four or five story building collapsed. A large number of cold shock waves shook in all directions.

Where the blue shock wave passed, everything was frozen, even the dust was frozen.

At this moment, Jordan's speed has reached the limit. Stepping on the half body of the ice giant, he ran up quickly and jumped into the air. While escaping the heavy ice shock wave, he launched a double gun attack, and the death power gathered into a barrage, covering all the ice giants below.

At this moment, Jordan directly started the bullet time, and everything seemed to come to a standstill.

Bullets are like rain, but every bullet is calculated by Jordan's angle and direction, and falls on every ice giant with great accuracy.


Limit attack, 18 shots in a flash, all the shots, as if gathered into a thunder, bang.

When Jordan landed, more than a dozen ice giants fell to the ground and died, with a hole in their eyebrows.

Jordan is not the same as Saul's way of fighting. Jordan is also very reckless. He habitually likes to fight in the way of beast assault stream, but he is much more sophisticated than sol in the use of his own divine power.

When sol meets a scuffle, if he doesn't support it, he often triggers a lot of thunder and directly breaks out shockwaves, covering the situation and sweeping the enemy several meters around.

This kind of extensive and violent attack, even sol, can not be used several times in a battle.

Jordan, however, was used to the barrage situation in the battle of the beast assault stream. He broke out a lot of divine power attacks. Every bit of divine power was turned into a bullet to attack the enemy. He didn't waste any of it.

In a sense, Saul's attack is a large-scale concussion attack with all kinds of paralyzing and flying effects.

And Jordan's large-scale attack is an additional lethal damage.

A wave of soldiers, get rid of those ice giants, Jordan just put away the double gun, holding the holy sword, jump in the ruins a few times, came to the ice giant's head, strong heaven power perfusion, a sword into the ice giant's brain bag, kill it.

Without the assistance of ice giant, ice giant looks terrible and ferocious, but in fact, it's just a living target.

The only thing to be praised is that this kind of ice beast is huge. If Jordan attacks with a pistol, it's hard to kill him. On the contrary, it's a sword attack, which is more sharp.

After finishing a small piece of battlefield, Jordan looked at a block hundreds of meters long, which had been completely destroyed.

Jordan soon got through to the Avengers channel.

"Brooklyn ny1217 coordinates, a large number of enemy invasion, request support!"

"Queens 150-08, 60th, monsters and enemies form a battle formation, request support!"


At this time, the Avengers communication channel had already been combined with aegis, FBI, and NYPD. When it was opened, almost all of them were voices asking for support.

Jordan looks very fierce, one person to deal with an ice giant and more than ten ice giant team.

But on the whole earth, the only one who can break his wrist with Jordan is hawk.

Ordinary people, even the elite special combat teams of the FBI and aegis, will only be beaten, hindered at most, and unable to kill effectively against such ice giants.

Not to mention the almost invulnerable ice giant, even the ordinary ice giant can't be dealt with by ordinary guns and bullets. At least it needs big guys of aircraft gun level to be able to break the defense.

But in New York City, how many heavy weapons can there be.

Without too much staying, Jordan flew straight into the air towards queens.

In the whole new York City, at least thousands of ice giants have been sent, and almost hundreds of battlefields have been opened up. No matter how tough Jordan is, he can only come one by one.

The ordinary ice giant team doesn't need to worry too much, but once the ice giant joins the ice giant, its destructive power will be much greater.

So Jordan can only selectively focus on solving these ice giants.

In a short time, Jordan soon came to a battlefield in Queens. As he expected, once the ice giants merged with the ice giants, their destructive power and threat rose sharply.

Just like in World War II, the simple small enemy was not terrible.

But once a small group of enemies and tanks converge to form a coordinated artillery, it will be more powerful.

In Queens, an ice monster fights hard. It is not afraid of any bullet or shell impact. Wherever it passes, any obstacle will be smashed.

In the back of the ice giant, more than 20 ice giants gave up the process charge and threw magic attacks to the distance with the ice power. The damage power was almost explosive.

These ice giants, and the battle between Asgard do not know how long it lasted, have long been used to and trained enough combat mode.

Asgard has long given up this long-range combat mode.

Because Asgard knows that this mode of fighting can not suppress the ice giants, but can cause too many casualties because of the mutual explosion between the two sides.

Of course, Asgard dares to fight close to these ice giants, because the general physical quality of the Athar Protoss is much stronger than that of human beings on earth, and it is no worse than that of ice giants.

But people on earth, it's so much worse.

Long range mutual explosion or close combat, the earth side in the ice giant's attack, there is no resistance.

Unless it's a long-range missile wash.

In Rio and Al Quds al Sharif, perhaps people dare to come to such a wave of missile launder, but in New York, who dares to launch weapons of mass destruction.

After seeing this scene, Jordan didn't have any pause and went straight down.

This time, jordani didn't look down on these ice giants. In addition, he took away less than 20 ice giants in a sneak attack. He held a holy sword and fought with the ice giant several times. After that, he found a chance and a sword went through each other's head.

There was no time to talk too much with the policemen and people on the battlefield. Jordan flew through the air again, just like a firefighter, galloping over New York.

There are hundreds of battlefields large and small, and the Avengers have joined in the battle early.

Even so, it took nearly two days to finish all the ice giants and kill most of them.

Half of New York was almost destroyed in the war, not to mention the economic damage it suffered.

In this way, there are many ice giants hidden in New York City. From time to time, chaos breaks out.

If we say that ice giants and ice giants have caused more than half of the damage, in this kind of chaos, those criminals who took the opportunity to revolt are even more abominable.

On the space Mothership, the Avengers gathered again after more than a year.

Nick Frey has been mysterious for more than a year. I don't know what he's doing. This time he appeared in front of the public, it's quite memorable.

"I want to know how these alien visitors suddenly appeared on the earth..."

"Millions of powerful alien enemies, almost at the same time..."

"Ma jaafak, with tens of billions of capital invested every year, is this the answer given to me by you fools? The reason is unknown, the motive is unknown, and the origin is unknown. What do you know..."