The reason why I miss Nick Frey has a lot to do with his mother's FAK style questioning. I feel happy when I look at him.

After a roar like a lion, Nick Fury hung up with NASA.

It's really annoying that NASA, as the most advanced observer in the space field, didn't even find a trace of the alien invasion.

Of course, people like Jordan, who knew the details, did not say a word.

This time, NASA is not to blame.

Asgard's Rainbow Bridge transmission, even in the whole universe, is the leading super transmission technology. Whether it's the star wars or the launch of legions across space, even if it exists like the three empires in the universe, it can't be prevented.

Asgard is well-known throughout the universe, and can be a overlord. At least one third of the credit for the rainbow bridge transmission.

Just after Nick Frey's outbursts, Hill showed up with a report.

It's not surprising that Tony suspected that there was an affair between Jordan and hill at the beginning. Hill was tall and heroic. Even in combat clothes, she had a thrilling beauty.

To tell you the truth, this girl's is very suitable for Jordan's appetite.

However, this girl is definitely the most difficult one. Her words and deeds are full of rules and regulations. It's too cold.

Nick Frey looked at the report in Hill's hand. He was on the fire and said, "what the hell is this?"

Hill was used to Nick Fry's violent temper for a long time and said, "director fry, this is a report made by the intelligence analysts of aegis based on the residual information in New York. According to the residual traces, we have reason to believe that the origin of these aliens is closely related to Asgard, and the way they came, It should be the large-scale delivery mode of rainbow bridge, so our intelligence personnel didn't notice it at the first time! "

Hill's voice square falls, Nick · Frey already the vision is fierce to look at Jordan and sol two people to come.

Jordan is better. Sol hasn't been able to wake up from his usual arrogance. After Nick Frey takes a look at him, sol soon wakes up from his food addiction.

After putting down the food, sol furiously straightened his hair and said: "Hey, that black one eyed dragon, in front of you, is the noble son of Odin, the orthodox crown prince of Asgard, and sol, the God of thunder. You need to pay attention to your eyes. This is a provocation to Asgard..."


After being attacked by sol, Nick Frey can't help but have the impulse to take out sol.

Fortunately, hill was more rational and his face was not good-looking. He spoke to Saul and said, "Your Highness Saul, just two days ago, Asgard sent millions of troops to our earth by means of rainbow bridge transmission. Less than half of New York was destroyed. There are more than 3000 cities all over the world, including Los Angeles, London and Paris, They were attacked and nearly ten million people were killed. "

Sol's momentum is obviously much weaker. Tens of millions of people, this number, some scared sol.

You know, the whole population of Asgard is just about this number.

Blinking, sol said stubbornly: "impossible. My father is a king loved by the nine kingdoms. The whole Asgard has been more than a thousand years. There has been no large-scale war with more than ten thousand people."

Sol, when he first arrived at the avenger base, met Jordan and drank two or three barrels of whiskey directly. One of them was drunk until a few hours ago, when he was brought to the sky mother ship.

So far, Saul didn't know that rocky and the destroyer had been on earth.

Dr. Benner, a slow-moving and despicable man, soon played the video of the destroyer and rocky and said to Saul: "two days ago, the man who called himself Asgard God King appeared in the avenger base. Within eight hours after his disappearance, millions of aliens suddenly appeared on the earth..."

Sol looked at the video, first stunned, then roared: "Rocky! Ice giant! It's impossible. My father won't let rocky do it! "

In a sense, Asgard and the odins protected sol so well.

For hundreds of years, Saul was just like a child who didn't grow up. After being hit, he was a bit decadent, and even more overwhelmed by the current scene of war casualties.

But sol, after all, is the real prince of Asgard. Nick Frey and others don't dare to go too far.

After sol fell into a trance, Nick Frey looked at Jordan and said, "Jovovich, maybe you can explain what's going on?"

In fact, Jordan is a little confused at this time. The plot is in a mess.

After clearing his mind a little bit, Jordan was very upset and said: "Rocky and the destroyer two days ago were the internal affairs of Asgard. They came to sol to solve some problems. But obviously, everyone knows that I have persuaded rocky back to Asgard. As for these monsters, I know a little bit."

"More than 1000 years ago, King Odin, the king of Asgard, killed the early giant Amir. These ice giants on the earth are all the descendants of Amir. They come from a place called Jotunheim. They are enemies with Asgard!"

That's what's most puzzling about Jordan.

Jotunheim's ice giants and Asgard are enemies. Millions of ice giants are basically the total of Jotunheim's ice giants.

Even if it's fighting for the family, the ice giants should be looking for Asgard.

Who knows how these ice giants suddenly appear on the earth? It's so confusing.

Nick Frey was obviously not very satisfied with Jordan's words. He said, "Jovovich, this is a matter of great importance to the safety of all the people on the earth..."

Not allowing the other party to finish his speech, Jordan's face became cold and said, "Nick Frey, what's the matter? Besides, I've always been on the earth. Indeed, there's some relationship between me and Asgard, but you don't know the relationship between me and Asgard?"

When Jordan became Prince Asgard, Nick Frey also went to the ceremony.

And Nick Frey had talked with old man Odin a few times. He knew that Jordan was in an awkward position in Asgard and had no real power.

Nick Frey looks ugly when he is yelled by Jordan, but he knows that he is a little flustered and suspicious.

The scene was stiff for a moment. Just then, Colson came in from the outside and said, "director Frey, Captain Steve and Mr. stark, they're back!"

Nick Frey nodded and then took an apologetic look at Jordan.

"I haven't asked yet. When New York was in trouble, why didn't I see Steve and Tony? What did they do?" he said

Nick Frey's face was solemn, and said: "they went to the north pole, near the polar region, and a very powerful alien appeared. In just two days, more than hundreds of thousands of aliens had gathered. And yesterday, a small rainbow bridge was detected to transmit energy, and appeared near the North Pole. I sent Steve and Tony to scout together."

Just then, a disorderly sound came from outside.

Tony and Steve, supporting Bucky, followed by three or four people who seemed to be from the ancient theater, entered the conference room.

"Bucky's hurt..."

"Your Highness Saul!"

In the conference room, there was a moment of confusion.

Bucky was seriously injured. There was a wound of nearly 20 cm running through his chest and abdomen, inside and outside, covered with a layer of frost.

And Tony, Steve, Bucky behind a few people, it is from Asgard three swordsman and SHIV four people.

Jordan and others rush to Bucky's side, while the three swordsmen and SHIV walk towards sol in surprise.

A milky light bloomed from Jordan's hand and soon covered Bucky's wounds. Among the heavenly magic inherited by the sabre, there are many special skills for healing and recovery.

Bucky's injury is not light, and it is covered by frost magic, which can't be solved by modern technology. This is also the reason why Tony, Steve and others brought Bucky to the space carrier.

A lot of heaven's magic power rolled down and drove the frost magic away bit by bit. Soon, the wound between Bucky's chest and abdomen gradually recovered.

After more than half an hour's treatment, Jordan was sweating, and Bucky finally came to life, only pale and weak.

At this time, Jordan and others have already known the whole story.

In the Arctic gathered a large number of ice giants, it is from yodunheim, the king of ice giants louffy.

In Asgard, Loki's operation shocked the whole universe. Yodunheim was destroyed, and the most responsive one, except Asgard, was the rest of the nine realms.

Odin's unification of the nine realms depends not on the speech of love and peace, but on the war of blood and fire.

Under the suppression of Odin, although the nine realms were subdued and peaceful, in fact, in the nine realms, there were some contradictions between Asgard and other people, more or less, except for the Warner Protoss, Asgard's iron ally.

Jotunheim was destroyed, and immediately countless people in the nine circles began to rebel. Asgard was in chaos.

Rocky's regime was soon questioned, but Odin was still sleeping. Hamdal could only use the power of rainbow bridge to send Thor's little companion, the three warriors of fairyland and SHIV, to the earth. He wanted to take Saul back to Asgard, take charge of the overall situation and overthrow rocky.

However, in the process of transmission, a little bit outside, just fell on the ice giant king laufei's territory nearby.

Tony, Steve, Bucky and others rushed to save the three warriors of fairyland and SHIV. However, because the king of ice giant loufei was too powerful, Bucky was hit by a magic blade of loufei in order to save Tony, and almost died on the battlefield.

With the help of all the people and the arrival of a large number of human troops, they got out.