Time gem, in a sense, is the same energy crystal as the fourth or even the fifth life leap.

However, the gem of time has no consciousness of life. It is just a treasure formed by highly purified energy of certain nature and combining with a certain law and authority in the universe.

It is equivalent to a super plug-in, which can browse and change all the rules of time in the universe.

But in the universe, there are limits to everything.

Time gems are no exception. They are the most precious gems in the universe. Naturally, they have to submit to the original will of the universe. When the will of the universe changes, time gems may become invalid, or even be changed into space gems, or yin-yang gems or five element gems.

Even God belongs to the will of the cosmic law, let alone a dead thing.

Guyi's explanation made Jordan understand the change of time gem quickly.

But Jordan didn't know what it meant when Gu Yi suddenly found himself and told himself these things about the universe.

Looking at Jordan's cute face, Gu Yi was worried for no reason.

Gu Yi now has some doubts about whether it was a mistake to find Cho Dani's choice.

Now that this has happened, we can't give up halfway.

Gu Yi took a deep breath and said, "you have been to the underworld of Heim, saved HeLa from death, and changed the fate of Asgard. Your majesty Odin asked me to thank you in the place of the origin of the universe."

Jordani nodded shyly, but make complaints about it.

Knock NIMA, oral thanks have a hair use, you Odin treasure house among artifact innumerable, also did not see to send oneself one.

Gu Yi continued: "I mean, from his highness Hella's mouth, you must have known the origin of Asgard, and about the free will of the earth."

Jordan nodded and said cautiously, "I heard a little bit."

Gu Yi said: "now that you have known about the free will of the earth, I will tell you something about the original will of the universe..."

Like the absolute free will that envelops the earth, the universe also has its own will.

It's not that there is something similar to the consciousness of the way of heaven in the universe, but that there is something similar to the law of balance in the whole universe.

For example, if a person has a virus in his body, he will spontaneously produce antibodies without human subjective influence.

Similarly, when a person's physical strength reaches the limit, he will either decline from the peak, or break the limit and move to a new peak of physical function.

So is the universe.

When the universe develops to a certain extent, there will be a limit state.

At this time, the will of the universe will play a role in pushing some living beings and special beings to play a role, or breaking the limits of the universe and letting the universe enter a new state of prosperity.

Or it is to destroy some dross in the universe and make room for relaxation for the universe in the limit state.

Just like when the earth's resources are exhausted, the existence of flash floods and tsunamis will remind the earth's creatures that it's time to slow down or plunder some resources from the outside world.

The existence that promotes the development of the universe at this stage is called the leading role of the universe in an era.

God opened heaven and hell, the Greek gods created the zodiac, the ASAS activated the world tree, and so on. All these are contributions to the development of the universe.

So angels, demons, Greek Protoss, ASAR Protoss and so on are all once the protagonists of the universe.

It's just that some of these cosmic protagonists have come to an end, some belong to a corner of the universe, and some are still struggling. After the endless baptism of time, their situations are different.

In the depths of the universe, there are also protagonists in the universe, such as Titans, stars, gods, star swallowers and so on.

These were once the most powerful and prominent protagonists in the universe in a certain era.

With Gu Yi's narration, a magnificent history of the universe appeared in his mind.

And the more he knew, the more confused he was.

I don't know what Gu Yi means when he tells himself these things.

I'm just a small little person in the early stage of the second leap forward of life. I may be outstanding on earth, but if I put it into the vast universe, there are countless stronger beings than myself.

Even if I know the history of the development of the universe, it's useless.

Let yourself to promote the further development of the universe!

Don't make a fuss. If you have this ability, you've already killed all of the universe. You've cut off the head of the Family Planning Commission and kicked it.

In a trance, Jordan was stunned.

I seem to get a glimpse of the truth about marvel.

Being as strong as mieba, he is at least a super cosmic power in the third stage of life leap. After collecting infinite gems, he can reach the fighting power of heavenly father.

That is similar to the existence of big brother Odin and master Guyi.

Although the other side keeps saying that in order to balance the universe and solve the problem of too many people, which leads to the shortage of resources in the universe, they will wantonly kill in the universe and even collect unlimited gems to eliminate half of the universe without discrimination.

But is the existence of Mie Ba really so selfless and willing to do evil things for the sake of the universe.

Does the other party really have no extra demands?

Will it be that the despot is actually one of the creatures promoted by the will of the universe to eliminate the dross of the universe, and then make room for the development of the universe and breaking through its limits.

Or, after knowing the truth of the development of the universe, mieba seeks to become one of the leading members of the universe.

Lying in the trough, I feel a lot of pressure.

Vaguely, Jordan has even felt the existence of Gu Yi. What will he say to himself next.

Before master Gu Yi opened his mouth, jordani took the lead and said, "big brother, when you find me this time, you don't want to tell me, let me fight for the leading role in the universe, do you?"

Gu Yida was stunned, and then looked at Jordan with a kind of caring for the mentally retarded.

For a long time, when Jordan was not at ease, Gu Yi said, "the most important thing to be a man is to have self-knowledge, and to have a little bit of self-awareness."

"In the universe, there are countless strong ones, such as Phoenix, chaos, planet devourer, domam, Lucifer, etc. do you think you have the ability to compete with these beings“

Jordan's face was muddled. This NIMA, a lot of people, had never heard of him.

Slightly embarrassed for a while, Jordan opened his mouth to master Gu Yi and said, "big brother, what do you mean by looking for me this time?"

Master Gu Yi said: "the chaos in the nine realms has just subsided. In this incident, you have changed Asgard's fate, which has greatly affected the progress of the competition for the leading role in the universe..."

With a shocked look on his face, Jordan said, "do I affect the universe?"

Inexplicable narcissism and complacency, so that Jordan gave birth to a very abrupt sense of superiority.

Gu Yi's face showed a speechless expression. If there were not many things that needed Jordan's cooperation, he might have slapped him to death on the spot.

"To be exact, it is Asgard's changed fate that has affected the universe!" Gu Yi, please explain.

In today's era, although the most glorious time of Asgard has passed, in a sense, before the complete decline of Asgard, the Arthas are still regarded as the protagonists in the universe.

The original historical process should be the fall of Odin, the Revenge of Hella, and the destruction of Asgard in endless flames.

However, the emergence of Giordani led to the escape of Hella from the erosion of death, and she had the blessing of Asgard's power. Within the territory of Asgard, Hella was equivalent to the existence of a heavenly father.

Asgard's main body will not collapse again. With the irrigation of endless sea, the world tree will not collapse.

After Odin recovers, there will be another father in Asgard.

The world tree supports nine countries. It is said to be nine countries. In fact, it is nine star domains. With such a vast area of the universe, under stable conditions, it can naturally relieve the pressure of the limit of the universe.

This is also the reason why the Aidian organization on earth has just developed X-agent in a one in a billion chance.

In a sense, it can be regarded as a reward for human beings on earth.

The will of the universe is boundless. Every push for the development of the universe can not fall on a specific person, but directly on a race.

Only one day, like Domaine and planet devourer, can Jordan be truly noticed by the will of the universe.

As a result, the earth will be completely exposed to the vision of the cosmic powers.

In the near future, there will be more and more cosmic powers, either invading or visiting, coming to the earth in various ways.

Although Asgard has avoided the fate of destruction, he has also fallen from the leading role in the universe.

For a long time, Asgard was unable to take care of the safety of the earth.

This is also the reason why master Gu Yi found Jordan, because in the following days, without Asgard's protection, the earth in the forest of the universe can only rely on its own strength.

Once foreign enemies come from the universe, the supreme sanctuary and the avenger alliance will bear the brunt.