Gu Yi's intention to find Jordan is not to give Jordan Neptune a brief account of the history of the universe, but to discuss cooperation with the Avengers alliance.

After the chaos of the nine realms has subsided, great changes have taken place in the future of the earth.

Even during the time when the will of the universe deviated, master Gu Yi could not even use the gem of time to peep at the future. In this way, Gu Yi, who was originally bound by the river of time outside the world, was free.

In the original world of Marvel movies, why does Gu Yi, who clearly has great power, never participate in the world.

Why does Ming Ming have endless life, but he has to go with the wind after he finds the successor.

It's not good to be alive!

Perhaps for Gu Yi, living is really a kind of suffering.

The things that are happening and are going to happen are like a billionaire to Gu Yi. He clearly has endless wealth, but he can't spend a cent because of the restriction of the whole world. Otherwise, the more he spends, the greater the world economic crisis.

If you change into a person who has no bottom line, you can make a mess of the world and leave.

But for a noble person who has carved the world in his heart, it is equivalent to an invisible cage and prison.

A person is bound in prison for hundreds of years. It's strange that he doesn't want to commit suicide.

In the cage, suicide is a relief.

But if there is another choice, Gu Yi may not choose to commit suicide.

The world is changing. The future that Gu Yi once saw has become nothingness. Even if Gu Yi joins the world, it will not cause a long time to fight back.

Why did Gu Yi commit suicide when he got out of prison.

Fundamentally speaking, Gu Yi has never been the kind of person who is complacent and doesn't know how to adapt.

In the holy land of Kamata Taj, WiFi is also used to fight against the powerful invaders from the universe. Gu Yi will also use the power from evil to resist evil.

Now that there is a chance to get out and move forward freely, Gu Yi suddenly finds Joe Dani, which is not unreasonable.

From the mirror world back to the subway car, Jordan is still in a confused state.

Originally, Jordan felt that some of his unimportant actions, such as pulling Hella out of the erosion of death, actually moved the deviation of the will of the whole universe.

Even Gu Yi would choose to go out of the mountain.

It's very special. It's too mysterious.

But it's like, there's nothing wrong with it.

Although Jordan has never seen Gu Yida fight, even if he wants to know with his butt, his strength has definitely broken through the sky.

Does that not mean that from now on, world peace is not a dream?

With a feeling of dizziness, Jordan soon returned to his home.

Jordani was prepared to take advantage of the free time period after the settlement of the group. He had to fix his skin. But the news of the old man revealed that Jordani had to cancel the holiday.

Like Gu Yida, even if he has the idea of going out of the mountain, it is impossible to say that the mountain will come out of the mountain.

Just as the ancient emperors wanted to be shopkeepers and go out to play, as the guardian of the whole earth and the leader of the supreme sanctuary, even if they wanted to release themselves, they must arrange the defense tasks of the supreme sanctuary.

Not only that, today's earth, driven by the will of the universe, will be exposed to more and more cosmic powers.

Once upon a time, the supreme sanctuary only needed to defend against Mephisto, the Hellman who had known the coordinates of the earth, and domam, the king of the dark dimension. However, as the earth becomes more and more prominent in the universe, more and more cosmic powers will stare at the earth.

This is no longer the responsibility that the supreme sanctuary can shoulder by itself.

In the future, more and more people will certainly need to join in the defense of those watchers outside the earth, such as the Avengers alliance, X-Men, and even all mankind may have to join in this kind of emergency preparedness and defense.

Although this is not an overnight thing, the preliminary work of the supreme sanctuary appearing in front of the public also needs to be done well.

The more you think about things, the more things you think about them.

However, at this time, Natasha, who was sent out to perform the secret mission by Nick Frey, also pushed open the door and came home.

The confusion of thoughts was instantly disrupted, Jordan looked at Natasha who pushed the door in, his face suddenly showed a smile.

"Hey, that beauty, are you in the wrong room? My girlfriend is coming back soon. If you want to have something to do with me, well, I can only give you a whole night

“Oh! Oh! Oh! All night, boy, are you sure you can hold on, Mr. five minutes? "

Ever since Natasha, Heidi, Giselle, Jennie and others reconciled, from Jennie's mouth, there was a five minute car crash on Jennie's way home when he first entered new York.

Of course, at this stage of time, this matter is still limited to boudoir and so on.

But there is no doubt that Natasha, Heidi and Giselle often tease him about it.

Listening to Natasha's words, Jordan's excited mood suddenly became speechless.

Farewell is better than newlyweds, in addition to the first joke, the two soon kiss together.

Not long after that, Natasha went to the bathroom, and Jordan, like a housewife, cooked himself and made a big table of delicious food.

Cooking is an extra hobby that Jordan has discovered in the last year or two.

There's no way. All the women in the family are wild horses. They often go out to carry out tasks, inquire about intelligence, sneak in to assassinate and hunt down criminals. These things are what these women are proficient in.

As for cooking, save it.

A little romantic candlelight dinner, drink a little wine to increase the mood, Jordan and Natasha have long been the old husband and wife, although they are very excited, but still restrain the impulse to come at the table.

After a hard meal, they were ready to go to the bedroom and start a war all night.

But just as the door of the bedroom opened, a clanging doorbell came to mind in the room.

Jordan's good mood destroyed clean, very reluctantly, came to the door, opened the door.

Unexpectedly, there was an orange aperture in front of Jordan's house.

At the entrance of the portal, the slightly wealthy mage Wang is looking at Jordan apologetically, while behind Wang, Tony and Steve are looking serious, but they keep going to Jordan's house.

"It doesn't seem to have started yet, Tony. Remember to owe me $20!"

"Sheter, I'm responsible for all your wages!"

Tony and Steve are obviously betting, and the content of the bet is probably related to Jordan.


Knock on NIMA, bet on my private life, right? 20 dollars. I'll give you two peanuts.

Being disturbed, Jordan turns over and takes out two big guns. Through the portal, he aims at Tony and Steve.

"Tony, Steve, if you don't have a good reason, I'll take you to paradise today!"

It's impossible to Kill Tony and Steve, and Jordan's hi PI night plan will come to nothing.

Not long after, Jordan and Natasha come directly to the avenger base from the portal.

To Jordan's surprise, almost all the Avengers appeared in the Avengers base on the day when they were supposed to be on vacation.

In fact, if Jordan hadn't turned off all the communication equipment at home, Tony and others wouldn't have opened the portal to Jordan's house.

"What happened?"

It is obvious that a lot of things have happened to gather all the Avengers, even the king, cassilias, modu and others in the supreme sanctuary in the avenger base.

Tony and Steve are obviously a little disappointed to see that Jordan didn't catch on to what happened before.

Mad, you two are shameless.

Jordani's heart Tucao, Steve just opened up and said, "something is happening, Joe, make complaints about Mephisto. How much do you know?"

At Steve's words, Jordan frowned quickly.

As for a big man like Mephisto, nothing is a small matter.

Instead of answering at the first time, Jordan looked at Casillas, modu and other mages and said, "the supreme Sanctuary has been defending against the invasion of these external demons. Should it be more clear than I know?"

Casillas and modu looked at each other and said, "actually, it's not. The defense of Mephisto has always been dominated by the teacher. Our task is usually to monitor the wave of the magic net formed by the magic world and the three temples..."

Two people say very tactfully, actually, is two people are not qualified to contact this kind of big brother level secret.

This is normal. There are several reasons why the supreme sanctuary on earth is powerful. One is that Guyi has the best strength, the other is that he has the magic defense system of the three temples that Argo motor once established, and the third is that the supreme Sanctuary has enough powerful knowledge inheritance.

But this kind of magic learning also depends on talent.

Such as agomoto, domam, master Guyi, Dr. strange, etc., they can become the top strong men in the whole universe, but there are also many people who are always at the bottom.

Before answering the question about Mephisto, jordani finally looked at Casillas and modu and said, "master Guyi asked you to come, didn't he?"