Just as Jordan expected, Casillas, modu and others officially received the information from Gu Yi, which appeared in the avenger base.

The appearance of the supreme sanctuary in front of the world, including Gu Yida's coming out of the mountain, is not a matter overnight.

Participating in the action of the Avengers alliance is undoubtedly one of the best ways to make people slowly accept the magic world and the outer dimension watchers.

It's a big guy doing the bedding.

Realizing this, Jordan didn't hesitate any more. He told us all he knew about hell and Mephisto.

Mephisto's threat to the earth is actually great.

Once God, with the earth as the core, opened up heaven and hell, angels and demons, are once one of the protagonists in the universe.

Even though the age of God declined, it still left a very rich legacy.

Angels have long disappeared, but there are still countless demons in hell. Among them, the seven most powerful demonic kings joined hands to seize the power of the whole hell.

Just like the power of Asgard, the power of hell's power is also the power of the world, vast and great.

Mephisto in hell, just like the big man in Asgard Odin, is almost invincible. However, once he comes out of hell, Mephisto's power will be greatly reduced, but he is also the big man in the third stage of life leap.

Moreover, under Mephisto's command, there are many hells and endless demons.

For a long time, Mephisto has never given up, pulling the earth into hell, swallowing the earth's free will and strengthening its own desire.

Of course, Mephisto's wish has never been realized in his countless years of life.

With Jordan telling all about Mephisto, everyone's face becomes more dignified in the avenger base.

Especially people like Tony and Steve who have their own pride and faith.

Tony and others have never thought that they can live peacefully on the earth for decades, but there is such a horror behind them, staring at their lives and souls all the time.

"Oh, sheter, I never thought that we have been living in fairy tales. The world of demons and angels is really bad enough!"

Tony looks suspicious of life.

At this time, Steve was the first to accept the information. With a wry smile, he pointed to sol with a confused face and said, "the characters in Nordic mythology have appeared. It's not surprising that there are angels and demons. Now even if someone tells me that he is God, I don't think it's impossible."

As Steve's voice fell, there was another silence.

Yes, even Thor has become friends with himself and others. It seems that there is nothing wrong with another devil.

When the whole staff was shocked, Jordan said, "now tell me why I suddenly asked about Mephisto?"

Jordan doesn't think that Tony and others drag themselves from the night of Hippie just to let them know something about Mephisto.

Sure enough, after hearing the words of Jordan, the Avengers became serious again.

Meanwhile, Jarvis's voice rang out in the middle of the room.

"Sir, according to the information brought by Mr. Casillas and Mr. modu, the modeling of the seal of the Argo motorcycle has been completed. Do you want to display it now?"

Tony snapped his fingers. In the room, a blue earth was soon projected.

At the same time, with a large amount of data flowing, with New York, London and Hong Kong Island as coordinates, three huge energy shields, like eyes, appear on the earth.

On top of this huge shield, there is a place where ripples are blooming.

"It's here. In the sanctuary of New York, we feel the smell of Mephisto here and penetrate the seal of Argo motorcycle..."

"What the teacher means is that the hiding effect of Argo motorcycle seal on the earth has been fading. In the future, more and more seal loopholes will be discovered by the cosmic powers. I hope to be able to unite with the Avengers to shoulder the responsibility of protecting the earth."

Casillas and modu, you say a word, I say a word, soon the two people's final intention, said clearly.

With their voices, the ripples on the seal of the Argo motorcycle were quickly enlarged, and the satellite image was inserted into the projection, and an image of a mountain appeared in people's sight.

"I know here!"

As soon as the image of the mountains appeared, Natasha, who had not spoken much beside Jordan, suddenly exclaimed.

Natasha's face was a little tangled as everyone looked at her.

But only for a moment, Natasha opened his mouth and said, "this is Wakanda, a secret organization I have investigated before, and I often work around Wakanda."

Natasha was obviously scrupulous and didn't disclose much information.

It's normal. Most of the agents are like this. There are always many secrets.

Tony is the first to return his attention to the mountains. He claps his hands gently. On the coffee table next to him, an operating system appears soon.

With Tony's fingers operating on the operating system several times, the image, which had been fixed, quickly rolled up.

This kind of feeling is just like that there are UAVs specially appearing there for real-time shooting and playing.

High tech, such as Jordan and Steve, have no idea how Tony suddenly turned satellite high-altitude photography into UAV photography.

However, this does not prevent jordani and others from carefully observing the scene in the mountains through the pictures.

With the movement of the camera, all the people in the avenger base are becoming more serious, even making the air pressure in the whole room lower.

Through the layers of dense forest, the picture shows a huge lake in the forest.

It's like a naturally formed pit, which is the size of four or five football fields. Originally, it was a blue lake, but it was full of dead fish.

And through the fish layer floating on the water, it seems that someone lit a fire under the water and boiled the whole lake. The bubbles kept rising, and then broke open, emitting curls of white smoke.

In a short time, on one side of the edge of the lake, in a thick white mist, a demon with scaly sharp horns leaped out of the water. His sharp claws were like steel rods embedded in the cliff and began to climb up quickly.

The appearance of this demon is like turning on some kind of switch, and the whole lake is churning.

One after another, demons emerged from the rolling lake, whistling, swarming towards the surrounding cliffs, leaping up with a fast speed.

In a short time, the cliffs around the lake were already full of demons and monsters.

Unexpectedly, after climbing to the cliff, none of these demons actually landed and entered the dense forest of the mountains.

Those demons are like cave animals. Soon, they dig out one cave after another on the cliff and drill into it. After more than half an hour, no demons can be seen on the cliffs around the lake.

The picture calms down as if nothing had ever happened in the lake.

"What on earth is this, shette?"

There was a long silence in the room. For a long time, Hobbes just let out a strange cry.

At this time, even Casillas and modu had a dignified face. It was obvious that they did not expect such a scene to happen.

Modu raised his eyebrows and said: "in fact, this is why we came to the Avengers alliance. In the temple of New York, we found a change on the seal of the Argo motorcycle. However, in the range of magic fluctuations, there is a kind of erosive energy. We can't check it with magic power..."

Casillas was livid and said, "this is the dimension channel caused by bloody sacrifice!"

Just as modu was saying something, Casillas vomited out a word. Modu's face was ugly and he was silent.

“WTF! This is not your damn magic nightclub. When I take off my pants, can you respect me, please? Can someone make it clear? "

Dyke himself is a hot tempered man. He was fired by MI6. He has been a gangster in London's underground world for a long time. When he talks, he has a dirty taste.

Mordor's face was even more ugly, and he gave dyke a bad look.

Instead, Casillas opened his mouth and said, "bloody sacrifice is a kind of taboo technique I saw in a dark magic book. Setting up the altar, taking himself as the coordinate, and continuously offering a large number of creatures, blood and soul as sacrifices, can communicate with some evil gods in the outer dimension, and open up two channels on the dimension."

Modu then said: "we felt the atmosphere of Mephisto there through the seal of Argo motorcycle, but we didn't expect that someone helped Mephisto to open the channel between the world and hell!"

There was a silence.

Just then, Tony clapped his hands and said, "so, what are we waiting for?"

As soon as Tony was ready to wear his equipment, he set out immediately, but cassilias organized and said: "this is not the time to go to the vakanda mountains. The passage between the vakanda mountains and hell has not been really opened. Only when the sacrifice is enough, the lake water will be dyed red and magma will gush from it, can the passage of hell be really opened, What we need to do now is to find the anchor of hell in the human world! "

Things at the boundaries of magic and dimension, such as cassilias and modu, are experts.

Jordan frowned and said, "what do you mean? Isn't that where the passage is? "

Modu shook his head and said: "no, the world and hell are two-way channels. It's just the exit of hell. What we want to find is the dimension anchor from the power of hell. It may be a person's magic, energy, props, etc. only the mastermind who launched this evil sacrifice can know what the dimension anchor is and where it is“