The sudden outbreak of Wanda shocked everyone, but it also tore a huge gap in the battlefield, which was enough to let everyone easily break through and evacuate from here.

At the same time, in the other direction of nasokovia, a large number of mechanical legions also gathered towards the temple battlefield.

However, by the time these mechanical legions arrived, Jordan and others had already disappeared on the battlefield.

On the outskirts of socovia, in an abandoned logging field, Jordan and others followed Optimus Prime to hide all the way. After avoiding several waves of robot patrols, they just entered the logging field.

But entering the logging field, the scene in front of Jordan and others suddenly changed.

It turns out that the scene of the logging field is just a virtual image designed by Optimus Prime and others to confuse outsiders. Behind the virtual image is a huge mountainside base.

In this base, there are a large number of steel giants like Optimus Prime, as well as many human beings and powers.

Unfortunately, these steel giants and powers all seem to have received serious injuries. A large number of human doctors and repairmen are helping these steel giants and powers recover from their injuries.

"It seems that we have come to a wonderful place!"

"Yes, well, big man, I don't know if you can explain..."

The scene in the base at the bottom of the mountain is amazing. People in the Avengers alliance, you can discuss it with me.

Just at this time, a man who looks tall and resolute, holding half a cigar, came to Jordan and others, and said, "everyone, I'm the captain of the X-Men special operations team in Europe. My name is Logan!"

Jordan looked at the man opposite, but he didn't say a word.

What's more, Jordan has completely despaired of his past memory. The world he lives in has completely collapsed.

It's not surprising that anyone appears. Even if one day, the monkey from the zoo comes to Jordan and tells him that he is a great saint, Jordan will never be shocked.

When Jordani Tucao, Steve had already met, and make complaints about it, "I am Steve Rogers!"

The man named Logan took a puff of his cigar and said, "captain of the United States, everyone on earth knows it!"

Steve frowned slightly, and Jordan rolled his eyes, but it seemed normal. Uncle wolf, it's reasonable to be a little rebellious.

Steve continued: "Mr. Logan, this is our operation..."

Logan took off his cigar and said: "that temple is a trap, in which there are a lot of energy integrated bombs developed from the magic cube of the universe. If you enter the temple, you will end up dead!"

A burst of palpitation, followed by bursts of fear and cold sweat.

The energy integrated bomb developed from the magic cube of the universe was studied by aegis and Osborne as early as the Osborne space research center. The conclusion is that the power of the bomb is comparable to that of nuclear weapons.

And because the energy of the magic cube is infinite, the power of the energy integrated bomb can be stacked up almost unlimited.

In the end, however, the development of such weapons was rejected by Osborne and Nick Frey.

On the one hand, it was limited by funds, on the other hand, it was also limited by the technological environment at that time. There was no way for people to deploy the magic cube energy into a bomb and maintain its stability at the same time.

That is to say, after the New York war, a large number of zetary technologies were left on the earth, and the application technology of human beings for energy doubled. This is the only way that this kind of bomb was created in the hands of aochuang.

Soon, Steve sincerely thanks Logan and Optimus Prime.

But at this time, Tony was a bit irritated and said: "why do you know that our raids, and this big guy, seem to come from the same design as those Decepticons?"

This is Tony's nature, and no one can stop him. What's more, Tony's question is also the question of many people in the Avengers alliance.

Logan and Optimus Prime are not angry.

Looking at Tony, Logan said with a smile: "I like your character. There has always been a connection between the X-Men and director Frey. This action itself is that we cooperate with you after receiving the notice from director Frey, but we chose to step on the spot ahead of time. As for the result, you should have seen it already!"

When Logan said this, there was a trace of grief on his face.

All of a sudden, even Tony shut up and said nothing, with a look of respect and solemnity on his face.

In this huge base, there are wounded people everywhere, and it can be seen that the injuries of these people and machines are all new injuries. As Logan said, these people should have been injured by Nachuang's army when they went to the site in advance.

At the same time, Optimus Prime opened his mouth and said, "I'm Optimus Prime. As Mr. stark said, our mechanical lives are all designed and created by aochuang, and come from the same place as those robots of the Decepticon..."

Listening to each other's words, Jordan couldn't help but say: "gem of the heart?"

Optimus Prime was stunned for a moment, and said: "yes, our Creator is not so much o'chuang as a spiritual gem. About four months ago, o'chuang studied the scepter of the mind, discovered the mystery of the spiritual gem, and chose to dismantle it from the scepter of the mind. In the process of a disassembly experiment, there was an accident, It directly led to a change of all the machines in the whole base at that time, giving birth to our mechanical life! "

Everyone was fascinated.

Jordan was slightly puzzled and said: "I seem to have heard that the Decepticons said that aochuang is their father God. Why do you..."

This is not very nice, but it is also a doubtful point.

Mechanical life was also born in an experimental accident. Jordan couldn't figure out why there were two completely different camps of Decepticons and Autobots.

Optimus Prime said: "I don't know what the reason is, but I can be sure that the gem of the soul is the most precious thing in the universe. In the process of birth of our mechanical life, every life has got a unique life code. We call it matrix. In these matrices, it seems that there are two completely different ideologies..."

Optimus Prime's words surprised everyone.

Marvel at the strange life of the universe, marvel at the mystery of the heart gem.

In fact, we all understand each other's words. It's just like the legend that God created man. He created both men and women.

Mechanical life, in a sense, does not distinguish between men and women. Therefore, in the accidents of separating spiritual gems, those unexpected mechanical lives separate two completely different camps.

In the view of Jordan and others, it is the camp of good and evil.

Optimus Prime, the mechanical life, is naturally the just side, while Decepticons, the mechanical life, is naturally the evil side. Although strange, Jordan and others still accept this view.

Because for several months, Optimus Prime has led a large number of mechanical life, almost all over the world, and has been fighting with Altair, the Decepticons and the mechanical Legion.

More than half of the human beings, powers and even Logan in the whole base were rescued by Optimus Prime and others.

This time, the temple trap designed by aochuang was first discovered by Optimus Prime and others.

Compared with the pseudo life such as cyborgs and mechanical legions, o'chuang now is almost a real intelligent life, with its own thinking, hobbies, ambitions and so on.

In the kingdom of Atlantis, jordani and others negotiated the plan of seizing the scepter of the mind and the plan of making bait, and otron also received the news of jordani and Tony returning to the earth from outside the universe.

Although aochuang didn't know the plan of jordani and others, he had already guessed that after the return of jordani and others' main combat power, he would surely raid his headquarters, so he evacuated the mind gem and the cosmic cube very early, replaced them with energy integrated bombs, and set up this temple plot to prepare for a wave of demons against jordani and others.

This is also a lesson for Jordan and others.

Before that, although Jordan and others were afraid of the limit of aochuang's ability to control the Internet world, they didn't have much defense for themselves.

In the subconscious of Giordani and others, they still regard aochuang as an intelligent program instead of a person or an enemy.

Otherwise, Jordan and others will not choose to rush directly after making plans.

This itself is a kind of contempt for aochuang.

Understanding the causes and consequences, Jordan, Tony, Steve and others have no reason to be alert and uneasy. It seems that after seeing the vastness of the universe, Jordan and others subconsciously look down on the earth.

It's not a good habit.

Then Jordan looked at Logan and said, "Logan, you mean Nick fry knew it was a trap before?"

Logan nodded and said, "yes, after we came back from the temple, we immediately informed director Frey!"

After that, Logan gave a funny smile.

At this moment, the faces of Jordan, Tony, Steve and others all became ugly.

Knock NIMA, this bloody black bald man, even Temo's heart is black.

Nick fry should have seen the arrogant attitude of jordani and Tony when he was in the kingdom of Atlantis. After receiving the news of the temple ambush, he didn't say it. He just arranged for Optimus Prime to wait outside and wanted to use facts to teach jordani and others a lesson.

I know that the other party is also kind, but it's very frustrating.