It's not easy for Nick Frey to live safely until now.

After learning the whole story from the mouth of Logan and Optimus Prime, even if Nick Frey is kind-hearted, Jordan, Tony and others still have the impulse to kill each other.

After the anger, Jordan, Tony and others are in another dilemma.

At present, besides the mechanical Legion and Decepticon Legion under his hand, he even plays a conspiracy against Jordan and others when he has a great advantage.

After determining the goals of Giordani and others, naochuang will surely hide the heart gem and the cosmic cube more tightly.

The next plan and action of jordani and others has become more and more difficult.

Jordan and others have too many means to deal with the aochuang. Now the whole Internet world and most of the earth are under the control of aochuang. The intelligence and investigation means of aegis, Tianyan, X-Men and Avengers alliance have almost been completely abandoned.

What's more, after Jordan and others broke out of the temple, they didn't leave too far.

The base of Logan and Optimus Prime in the middle of the mountain is just on the edge of socovia. If Nachuang has the heart and a large number of mechanical legions under his hands, if he carries out large-scale investigation, this base will not be hidden for long.

And just when Jordan and others were at a loss, there were bursts of roars in the depths of socovia's city.

This is the voice of war, for this, Jordan and others are too familiar.

There was almost no pause. Jordan and others walked out of the base one after another. After listening carefully for a while, their faces became dignified.

In socovia, the voice of fighting is becoming more and more intense. Even if it is separated by dozens of miles, the sound of gunfire is continuous.

Steve said: "Logan, in addition to Optimus Prime, are there any other people involved in the attack on Austria?"

Logan simply shook his head and said: "the degree of control of aochuang over socovia is far beyond your imagination. The civilians here are very exclusive. It is difficult for aegis, Tianyan organization and many deformable and easy-looking partners of X-Men to get into the core of the city!"

Tony didn't take off his armor at this time. He just put on his face armor again and said, "it's no use saying so much. Let's go over and have a look. It's clear!"

Steve is more inclined to plan and then move. It's better to have a perfect battle plan.

But in the current situation, it is obvious that there is no time and opportunity. After a little discussion, Tony and Joe Denny went to the battlefield to observe as soon as possible, while Steve and others boarded the Phoenix aircraft to coordinate at any time.

No one knows whether the new fighting in socovia is someone dealing with o'chuang or another conspiracy set up by o'chuang.

There are only two people, Jordan and Tony, who are most suitable to observe the battlefield.

A flash of flame rose, Tony's speed was faster, Jordan's wings spread out, and their speed was just a little bit short. After only three or four minutes, they had already come to the city in the depth of socovia.

Those so-called air defense and defensive measures may be useful when dealing with large forces.

But just two people, Jordan and Tony, in the face of that not so fierce interception, soon came to the city where the battle broke out.

In the vicinity of a museum, more than 20 Dragonfly like fighters are arranged in a semicircle in the mid air, forming a powerful firepower blockade. They are sweeping frantically against the aircrafts and fighters of the aochuang mechanical Corps in the sky.

On the ground, a figure in black leopard head armor and a large group of people holding spears are barely resisting the attack from a large number of Decepticons and mechanical legions.

Vakanda army!

Before the battle of New York, Tony and others had a conflict with vacanda when they were exploring the passage of hell, and they were invited to the interior by vacanda.

For this group of invisible "African aborigines", Jordan is OK, but Tony is impressed.

But no one thought that this group of vakanda's men actually appeared on the battlefield of socovia.

In any case, the enemy of the enemy is the friend.

After seeing this scene, the plume behind Tony sped up and sped toward the aochuang Legion's aircrafts in the middle of the sky. It was most appropriate to use Tony's equipment to deal with these mechanical aircrafts.

At this time, Jordan, with a shock of his wings, passed through the air and came behind the Panther. A violent impact smashed a sneaking Decepticon. Then he shot with two guns, and burst the air with the gun awn, which accurately exploded the key points of the robots and Decepticons.

Previously, Jordan had to use the holy sword to get close to these mechanical creatures.

But after a round of fighting, Jordan was very familiar with these mechanical creations, and knew most of the weaknesses of the huge mechanical creations.

Unlike human beings, the key of these mechanical creations is not the fixed head and heart, but the energy core hidden in the mechanical body.

Only when we are familiar with it, can we grasp the way of energy flow in the mechanical creation.

With the addition of Jordan and Tony, the whole battlefield, in a short period of time, has been emptied and swept out a large blank and gap.

After getting close to the Panther, Jordan didn't know who the other party was. He could only shout: "Hey, man, these mechanical monsters will only be more and more. If there is no special plan, we should withdraw first!"

The panther in the battle was besieged by a large number of mechanical soldiers, and was shot by continuous energy spears. After gathering enough energy, she suddenly jumped, and then fell to the ground. A wave of purple blue energy vibrated and broke up a large number of mechanical soldiers.

At this time, the black leopard just turned to look at Jordan and said, "thank you for your kindness. However, these mechanical monsters raided my vakanda and killed my people. I have to take back the heads of these mechanical monsters to avenge my people!"