It's obvious to all that o'chuang is difficult to deal with. Even Nick Frey, an old goblin, is not an opponent of o'chuang. He almost cleans up and runs to the sea to hide.

Jordani, Tony, Steve and others have also wasted their strength and survived twice, which is the only way to get o'chuang done.

For such a sophisticated artificial intelligence, no one dare to have a heart of contempt.

After the end of the war in wakanda, vakanda's shield was not opened at the first time. Instead, it was blocked for seven days. Almost every machine in vakanda was disassembled to ensure that it would not be parasitized by naochuang.

However, it is surprising that after the lifting of the Ordovician crisis, those high-level people from various countries who came from the outside world were gathered in a chamber of vakanda Palace by Nick Frey for the first time.

Different from what people think of as dividing up the spoils left by o'chuang, Nick Frey's first words, after the gathering of the staff, made all the people present panic.

"Among all of us, there are the running dogs and spies of o'chuang!"

This is an obvious thing. Otherwise, aochuang would not have been wandering outside the shield for several days, but he did not dare to enter the territory of vakanda.

Because someone disclosed some of the internal defense of vakanda to aochuang.

In fact, this is not an accident. Human beings are really a very wonderful creature, with seven emotions and six desires and innumerable qualities.

Among human beings, there are Gao Daquan people like Steve. Similarly, there are also some despicable people who bend their knees to flatter and lick the dignitaries.

Before Jordan, Nick Frey and others really unveil their trump cards in dealing with Austria, there are still many people among the top leaders of those countries who think that human beings are not the opponents of Austria, and the whole future will fall into the rule of Austria.

Others, seeing the combination of human consciousness, body and machinery, fall into the illusion of immortality.

These people, either for the sake of power and wealth, or for the sake of prolonging their life span, are willing to become the running dogs of o'chuang.

But this kind of thing, the spies on the scene actually do very hidden things, especially in the case that the whole global network world is controlled by aochuang, no one can get the evidence.

If it's really in order to find out these running dogs and want substantial evidence, Nick Frey is really in a dilemma.

But the so-called "settling accounts after the fall" and "cleaning up the traitors" are just a routine designed in advance by Nick Frey and Jordan.

Nick Frey and Jordan's real intention is to promote the emergence of the whole coalition government.

In these days of fighting with aochuang, although it seems that Nick Frey has not made any contribution, in fact, Nick Frey has carried out a detailed investigation and investigation on the senior officials of various countries who have come to vakanda behind his back.

Nick Frey and Jordan don't care whether these people are human adulterers or not. In any case, aochuang has been completely eliminated.

What they need is a person who knows current affairs.

Those forces and high-level officials who insist on opposing the coalition government, even if they are honest and upright and dedicated to the public, also hinder the global unification, and directly give each other a hat of collusion with aochuang, not only to kill you, but also to stink you.

On the contrary, even if you were a traitor before, as long as you cooperate now and promote the establishment of the coalition government, the previous charges can be written off.

Words certainly can not be said so clearly, but the meaning is such a meaning.

After Nick Frey blackened his face and made it clear what he wanted to say and what he should say, the whole chamber was soon completely quiet.

There is a saying well said, it is better to be a Ji head than a phoenix tail.

As far as the high-level officials of these countries are concerned, once a coalition government is established, the scope of jurisdiction will become larger, more and wider in a sense, but correspondingly, everyone's substantive power will be greatly weakened.

What's more, since ancient times, power and wealth have not been separated.

Behind the high-level leaders of these countries, there are big forces and financial groups. These gold owners are often local emperors in a certain region. Once the world is integrated, it is uncertain that the interests of many people will be hurt.

Is it the earth emperor who doesn't smell good? Of course not!

That's why, once again, when Nick Frey brought up the coalition proposal, everyone was silent.

Yes, it's no longer Nick Frey's move around the top of the world to propose a coalition government.

If it wasn't for the ordinary way to promote the coalition government, Nick Frey wouldn't do anything to choose the shameless routine of Jordan at the top of the world.

In the whole chamber of Parliament, there are more than 200 people, representing almost 90% of the ruling classes in the world.

In these people's view, the best way to deal with Nick Frey's nearly threatening words is to be silent.

It's impossible to agree. Can you, Nick Frey, kill everyone.

Just as the atmosphere in this chamber was deadlocked and mired, Nick Frey did not say a word, and a figure outside stepped in.

It was Jordan, with a holy sword, full of murderous spirit.

"Nick Frey, I'm here today to ask for justice when you drove me out of vacanda. Don't you want to incorporate the Avengers League? I'm here. If it's related to this matter, I will not die today!"

Jordan yelled at Nick Frey, but in fact, his eyes were constantly scanning the crowd.

This is, of course, the routine discussed by Jordan and Nick Frey. The black face and white face are old-fashioned, but they are not practical enough.

Nick Frey was a bit perfunctory in his acting at this time. He just spoke like a tool man and said, "Jovovich, you've got the wrong person. The original proposal to incorporate the Avengers alliance was not put forward by aegis, but by the opinions of the representatives of various countries. Some of these people took refuge in Austria, That's to cut off the Avengers' threat to aochuang! "

That's the real pain in Nick fry and Jordan's routine.

From the beginning, Nick Frey and Jordan were digging holes for the top management of these countries to incorporate the Avengers alliance, but everyone agreed at the beginning.

I'm an international legal organization, and I'm a reasonable person, Nick Frey.

All of you here can object to the establishment of a coalition government. I, Nick Frey, can't do anything about you.

However, I don't care what the Avengers and Jordan will do. No, I can't even care if I want to!

I, Nick Frey, it's so hard!

Looking at Nick Frey's perfunctory acting, Jordan gave a look of disdain.

The high-level officials of various countries on the scene, looking at Nick Frey's eyes, are extremely painful.

Holding the holy sword, Jordan tapped on the table. Then he played the trick and said, "Mom, FAK, there's still a running dog of o'chuang here. Who is it? Which is it? "

Split the table if you don't agree.

Nick Frey had a black face and didn't say a word. He just looked at all the people present, with a list of documents in his hand and fiddled with it.

In fact, the vast majority of the people do not agree with the coalition government. After all, it is necessary to divide the power and interests in their hands.

But not everyone can't see the crisis on earth.

People who can stand here, almost no fool, can see the increasing threats on the earth today, not only from the inside, but also from the external crises such as the otron and the zitari.

The establishment of a coalition government is a real way out.

Among the top leaders of these countries, there may not be any real people of insight and determination. Of course, there are also nurseries that Nick Frey has contacted for a long time.

A great nobleman from France, Europe, said: "Nick, from the perspective of personal will, I very much agree with the establishment of a coalition government. However, this matter is about all mankind and everyone. Is it too urgent to make a decision now?"

"Yes, we must carefully consider such a major event. How about giving a period of time for us to go back and discuss it, and then hold national polls in various countries to consult people's reactions?" A senior official from Eastern European countries said.

With the opening of the two people, the whole hall soon became lively again.

In fact, Nick Frey and Jordan also know that this kind of event can not be decided by a negotiation or a threat. Even if the world's top leaders agree, it also needs a period of public opinion guidance and public opinion drainage.

Some of the people in the hall are the nurseries arranged by Nick Frey, some are really seeing the crisis of the earth, and most of them are trying to delay time.

Jordan sneered and said: "Nick Frey, I'm afraid you can't find out who is the running dog of o'chuang for a while. Why don't you give me the information in your hand? We Avengers alliance will take it back to study and make targeted investigation. In a month at most, we Avengers alliance will be able to find enough clues and evidence, Let's publish what these people have done to every corner of the world

"At that time, if you are not convenient for aegis to do things, we Avengers alliance will do them, OK?"

Knock on NIMA. This is a threat.

The people in the hall, after hearing what Jordan said, scolded him on the spot.

The so-called list of documents in Nick Frey's hand is just a nonessential handle. During the half year of the reign of the whole earth, who hasn't done anything under the hands of the founder.

Now that we have reached this point, we have no idea who is on the scene.

Once the documents fall into Jordan's hands, it is equivalent to giving Jordan and the Avengers an authorization to fire, making the Avengers alliance a sharp sword hanging over the heads of people.

Nick Frey looked at the crowd and said, "I can give you the documents, but one month is too short. Your investigation must be careful enough!"

Jordan had no choice but to compromise and said, "well, half a year!"

Two people sing one and one, directly set the tone down, look at the presence of all people face black incomparable.