Aochuang Fuzhu, an almost global crisis, has been eliminated without any awareness by many people.

Of course, this is only for the vast majority of ordinary people.

Aochuang's rule is based on the latent plan. Its huge network control ability enables it to control almost all the information on the network. Moreover, the war between Giordani and aochuang also took place in the unknown vakanda.

So before the end of o'chuang, many people did not know that there was such a existence that once secretly ruled the earth.

Knowing that aochuang was completely finished, many survivors of socovia began to post some of their recorded things on the Internet. It was only then that people suddenly learned that all mankind had passed another catastrophe unconsciously.

People began to talk about it in private, and countless revelations appeared on the Internet overnight. The world was in chaos.

At this time, Jordan, Tony and others came back to the avenger base in New York after a long time.

For more than half a year, New York had already recovered from the grief of the original zetary invasion.

Looking at the familiar and strange plants, whether it's Jordan or Tony, everyone has a very strange feeling.

It's not surprising that it's just some subjective illusion caused by the time problem.

The world order is recovering bit by bit. This strange feeling will disappear in a short time.

However, when everyone was recuperating, Jordan didn't have much time to rest. After settling down in the avenger base for less than a week, he drove alone to brick street in New York.

177a brick street, the temple of New York.

Jordan did not forget the words Casillas said in camataj after the war of socovia.

It seems that the earth has recovered its peace after the solution of o'chuang, but in fact, there are still many peepers in the hell dimension, the dark dimension and the universe.

To Jordan's surprise, there were a lot of mages gathered in the former quiet Temple of New York.

Cassilias, as a proud disciple of guru-i, is a well deserved temporary mage leader in the temple of New York. He took time out of his busy schedule to receive Jordan.

"The war with hell is still going on?"

After the meeting, Jordan didn't have much polite words.

Cassilias's brows were full of fatigue. He gave himself a cup of tea and drank it. He just looked at Jordan and said, "yes, the demon king of the dimension boundary has been driven back to hell by teacher Guyi and King Odin, but the power of hell is still eroding the seal of Argo motorcycle on the earth!"

Listening to Casillas, Jordan frowned.

Argo motorcycle seal is the most powerful defensive magic array recorded in the book of weishandi.

Relying on the power left by the three ancient magic gods, HOGGS, oshuto and Argo motorcycle, we take the coordinates of New York, London and Hong Kong Island as our eyes.

With such a powerful magic array, unless someone has the power to surpass the three ancient magic gods, nothing can break the seal of the Argo motorcycle.

In Jordan's understanding, the strength of each of the three ancient magic gods is no less than that of today's Guyi mage.

What's more, since Jordan saved HeLa's little sister and changed Asgard's fate, the will of the universe began to shift. Even master Guyi integrated the time gem into the seal of the Argo motorcycle.

The power of three ancient gods and an infinite gem can be called terror.

Jordan now is not the little white who doesn't know anything about his power. According to the truth, even if it is the resurrection of God, the power of hell alone can't erode the seal of Argo motorcycle.

"What's going on?" Jordan asked

Casillas rubbed his eyebrows and said, "remember the bloody sacrifice in Siberia?"

Jordan nodded and said, "of course, that bastard Strack did it, but it's settled. I destroyed all the dimensional anchors myself!"

Casillas said, "no, Mephisto is a demon king from hell. His contract is not that simple."

Jordan was stunned, then said: "is there any dimension anchor left?"

Cassilias, with a sore face, said: "it's not the problem of dimensional anchor, but the contract signed by Strack and Mephisto. Before the contract is completed, according to the contract, the power of hell can be transmitted to the earth at any time. This is the real headache."

Mephisto's contract is an embodiment of the power of hell.

Unless the content of the contract is completed, or the power is completely superior to hell itself, otherwise, the provisions in the contract will become an established fact like a rule, and cannot be changed.

This is also Mephisto's most cunning place.

When signing the contract with Strack, Mephisto didn't take Strack's commitment as the real focus in order to ensure his own interests.

It's not that there are no strong on earth. Mephisto is also afraid that strake can't really open the channel of hell, so he set an extra trap in the contract, which caused the current dilemma.

Or, complete the contract and open the passage to hell on earth.

Or, it must be based on the content of the contract, so that the power of hell can be transmitted to the earth anytime and anywhere.

Obviously, neither of these two options is acceptable on earth.

The seal of Argo motorcycle keeps the power of hell away from the earth. The violation of the contract is equivalent to the humiliation of hell itself. This is also the reason why Mephisto can encourage other demon kings to attack the earth.

Although Mephisto was seriously injured, the other three demons were driven back to hell.

However, under the spontaneous counterattack of hell power, hell dimension and earth dimension have begun to contact and collide, which leads to the dimensional battlefield between the two worlds.

Master Guyi and King Odin are the first line of defense in the dimension battlefield.

The seal of Argo motorcycle is the second defense line of dimension battlefield.

The mages of the supreme sanctuary are the third line of defense of the dimensional battlefield.

But hell itself is one of the two worlds created by God, with half of God's power.

A strong researcher who has almost stepped into the fourth or even fifth stage of life evolution, even half of his strength, is enough to make people headache.

The three lines of defense of dimensional battlefield can resist for a while, but not for a lifetime.

God himself has been integrated into the laws of the universe. Hell and heaven are the world that has been recognized by the will of the universe, which is equivalent to a part of the universe.

Master Guyi and King Odin are very strong, but at most they are barely equal to the high-end combat power in hell.

On the battlefield of dimension, master Guyi and King Odin are said to have started negotiations with the strong of hell, so more pressure falls on the mages of agomo seal and the supreme sanctuary.

This is also the reason why all the mages in the supreme sanctuary are urgently recruited, either fighting in the front line of the dimension battlefield, or maintaining the seal of agomo in the three temples.

This is an enemy that is more difficult to deal with than that of the Zetas and ochron.

In fact, even if mieba comes with the space fleet, it may not be able to put more pressure on people than hell.

With Casillas's explanation, Jordan's face became more and more dignified. Besides the pain, he had the impulse to rush into the aegis and smash the jerk to pieces.

There was a long silence.

"Casillas, what do you mean when you said in kamataji that you need our help?" he said

Casillas said: "before, news came back from the battlefield of dimension. The negotiation between teacher Guyi, God King Odin and hell is coming to an end. Even teacher Guyi and God King Odin may not be able to stop the power of hell in the end. Once the power of hell extends, the war will break out among the creatures below the third stage."

The strength of the third stage strongmen like Gu Yi and Odin has exceeded that of the second stage. I don't know how many times.

For example, King Odin himself has the ability to easily explode stars. If Asgard's power is used, even if the whole solar system is destroyed, it is only a small effort.

Once the strong in the third stage take part in the war, neither the earth nor hell can accept that situation, and both sides will suffer unimaginable heavy losses.

This is a price that neither side can afford.

Therefore, negotiations on the battlefield will suppress the cost of war below the strong in the third stage.

At that time, once the relationship with hell is in full swing, the group of mages in the supreme sanctuary, even with the seal of Argo motorcycle as the defense support, will never be able to resist the attack of hell.

There is not much, or at all, connection between the sanctuary and the various high-level authorities on earth.

Cassilias means that, on the one hand, he hopes that the Avengers alliance can take part in the war, on the other hand, he hopes that through the Avengers alliance, he can inform those high-ranking people on earth.

If you can maintain good in the dimensional battlefield, if you lose in the dimensional battlefield, then anyone on earth will inevitably fall into the war.