The war with hell is not about to break out.

Master Guyi and God King Odin are still negotiating with the strong in hell on the battlefield of dimension. The time flow on the battlefield of dimension is not stable. No one can say when the two dimensions collide. When will this negotiation end.

It's just like when Jordan went to hell from the underworld of Heim, he also experienced this kind of turbulent zone of time.

It is possible that the negotiations on the battlefield lasted only one day, but in the real world, after 100 years, it is also possible that the war will start in the next second.

Because that kind of time turbulence is constantly changing.

According to the current time flow rate, Casillas speculated that after three years on earth, there will be a long-term war between hell and earth.

Of course, this is just Casillas' inference. On earth, we should make preparations for war as soon as possible.

Jordan spent two days in the temple of New York, and even saw the scene of dimensional battlefield through the fixed portal of the temple of New York.

When Jordan came out of the temple in New York, he was all dizzy.

Even Jordan doesn't know how he came back to the avenger base, but when Jordan wakes up from that trance state, Natasha, Heidi, gizel, Wanda, pitero and others are all around him with concern.

"Joe, are you awake?"

Wanda greedy for Jordan's body is not a day or two, the first to find the way Jordan woke up.

Jordan rubbed his eyebrows, forced to smile, said: "I'm ok, what happened? Why are you all here? Aren't you all on holiday recently? "

Looking at the innocent and confused face of Jordan, everyone was happy.

Pietro, who was most pleased to take off, said, "Hey, Joe, aren't you banged on your head?"

With a confused look on his face, Jordan said, "head? Damaged? Pietro, your skin is itching again. When did I hit my head? "

Looking at the appearance of Jordan, everyone knew that it was not made up by Jordan. Suddenly, everyone's face became serious.

Natasha said, "Joe, do you remember how you came back?"

Jordan took it for granted and said, "of course I do..."

Just about to say something, Jordan suddenly realized that he really didn't remember how he came back.

Jordan only remembers that he talked with Casillas in the temple of New York for a long time, then he saw the dimension battlefield through the fixed portal, and then there was a problem with the seal of Argo motorcycle. He followed a group of mages to support a wave of spiritual contribution, and then he returned to the avenger base.

This is the sequela of mental overdraft, Jordan is not flustered.

With a shrug, Jordan said again, "well, I forgot! But it doesn't matter. The important thing is that we may have new troubles again! "

Pietro said with a smile: "of course, there's trouble. You ran into a car in the city and caused three traffic accidents. If Jarvis hadn't found you, you would have been sent to the police station now!"

It's pitero. It's heartless.

Pietro can't see the difference of Giordani, but Natasha, Heidi, gizel, Wanda and other women are delicate and sensitive to the fatigue of Giordani.

Heidi grabbed Jordan's big hand and said, "what's going on?"

Jordan sighed and told Natasha and others the news he got from the temple of New York.

It's not that Jordan doesn't want to shoulder the responsibility, but this kind of thing will affect all mankind. Once the negotiation of dimension battlefield is over, and the earth is not ready for war, the consequences will be extremely terrible.

After that, the tired Jordan fell asleep.

By the time Jordan woke up, it was noon the next day.

News spread quickly. After Natasha, Heidi and others learned about hell and dimensional battlefield, all Avengers base basically knew about it.

The Avengers knew about this, and aegis naturally received the news.

When Jordan woke up, he was thinking of going to the bar to have something to eat, then having a drink and taking a rest for an afternoon. But on the way, he was called to the Council Hall of Avengers base.

In fact, it can also be regarded as a small research room of Dr. Tony and Dr. Benner.

When Jordan arrived, the main personnel of Avengers alliance and aegis had already gathered together early and were discussing something fiercely.

As soon as Jordan came in, the room was suddenly quiet.

Jordan oddly went to the middle of Natasha and gizel, under the stabbing seat, hugging each other, looking at the quiet crowd, a little confused.

After a long time, Jordan nifang whispered to Natasha, "honey, what were you talking about?"

Natasha's face was a little serious. As soon as she was ready to say something, Nick Frey took the lead and said, "Joe, you're just in time. You'd better tell them about the coalition government..."

With Nick Frey's explanation, Jordan also understands why the discussion was so intense in the previous conference room.

The reason is simple.

After the news of dimension battlefield and hell spread from Natasha and other people, Nick Frey received the news and soon arrived at the avenger base.

In view of the lack of more detailed intelligence and information, the public could not know the information of the dimensional battlefield, so they talked about how to prepare for the war.

Nick Frey means that even if we do not hesitate to use some dirty means, we should step up the establishment of a coalition government to integrate the power of the whole human race and deal with the wars and disasters that the earth may face in the future.

Tony and Steve, however, can't get through the hurdle in their hearts. They think that even if they are about to face the war with hell, they should keep their own foundation clean and keep the bottom line of the Avengers alliance.

The rest of the Avengers agreed with Nick Frey, Tony and Steve.

After knowing the focus of the discussion, Jordan laughed strangely.

Jordan himself is not clean, working in collusion with Nick Frey. When he was in wakanda, he had dug a big hole for the top management of various countries.

At the moment, Jordan's funny smile, such as Steve, Tony and others, is frowning.

Jordan and Nick Frey dug a hole in vakanda to bury people, especially the fabricated "unnecessary" information and evidence, which had a certain sense of blackness by unscrupulous means.

Steve, a man full of justice, needless to say, even Tony, a playboy, is disgusted with this method.

Jordan was not surprised by their reaction, which was expected. If it wasn't for the emergency with dimension battlefield, Jordan and Nick Frey didn't have the idea to make this matter public.

But now it's different. The negotiations on the battlefield may end at any time, and the threat from hell is near.

The power of hell is not comparable to that of the so-called Zetas and ochron. It is the enemy of the whole world. There are seven strong men in the third stage alone, and there are endless demons under them.

Facing Tony and Steve, Jordan lights a cigar for himself. He just says, "Tony and Steve, have you two seen hell?"

A sudden problem, let originally very dissatisfied Tony and Steve two people immediately frown.

Steve said: "Joe, it's not about the enemy, it's about our bottom line. Today we can break through the bottom line for one thing. In the future..."

Jordan suddenly interrupted Steve's words and said, "if the war with hell fails, we will have no future. Not only we do not have a future, but also our children and grandchildren, and even the whole mankind, will have no future. Do you know what I mean?"

Steve stopped for a moment, wanted to say something else, but didn't know how to say it.

Jordan took a puff of his cigar and then said, "Saul and rocky should know about hell. The enemies there are different from those we used to face. The purpose of the Zetas is the magic cube of the universe, and the purpose of aochuang is to rule the earth. Even our enemies in the universe want to kill half of the creatures. Hell is different, What hell wants is the destruction of everything

All the people were quiet.

Jordan seemed to fall into the memory and said: "it was a world without sun and trees. The purple sky and the land full of magma were full of sulfur and evil. Once the war between us and hell failed, the whole earth would be pulled into hell..."